28 July 2017

Native American Female Artist: Betty Albert

It is wonderful to learn about your background and ancestry, but we must always remind ourselves that none of us would have a heritage were it not for our mothers.

Two selected pieces below are the stunning artwork of Betty "Wabinmeguil" Albert-Lincez, who was adopted by French Canadians but came to learn that she was Cree.  She still resides in Canada and is listed among the Canadian Women of Achievement.  Her artwork captures the Native American journey.  In my mind, these posters honor the women of the Indian nations.  

FYI.  She's on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/Wabimeguil/

Evening Star Woman
Evening Star Woman

Three Sisters
Three Sisters

United States Map in Crayon Colors

Maps are like sad songs. They say so much.

I kind of like the map below because of its crayon-brights blocks of color!

The product description says:

Crayon-bright blocks of color make the “United States Map” especially easy to read – and make a bold style statement at the same time. State names and borders are clearly marked, as well as international borders, state capitals, secondary cities, and an inset map of Alaska and Hawaii. The map is a fun, appealing learning tool for kids, and an eye-catching artwork for adults.

It sure caught my eye! Instead of viewing my beloved country in intensities of hot and cold, or red or blue, I rather like seeing it as a rainbow! South Africa is called a Rainbow Nation. I like the concept.

United States Map 36 in. x 24 in. Allposters.com