10 April 2015

Country Music: Spotlight on Angel Taylor

Love country music. The songs have real words. Real words you can relate to! My first ever published article that appeared on the Internet with my name was a memorable moment. It was about a lovely young lady who at that time was deemed to be a rising star. How far she has risen as of today? Don't know. Have not had time to keep up with her career. But here I go again singing the same song I sang about her the first time I wrote about her.

* ( NOTE:  Link to archived content.)

She's a singer/songwriter and her name is Angel Mae Taylor. Sharing a link to the the video that won me over. Every time I make mention of her as a country music singer, people want to correct me.

I don't need to be CORRECTED!

Little Ms. Taylor needs to be DIRECTED.

The girl has talent! A mentor needs to take her by the hand and lead her down the path of country music. She need somebody like that guy Clive Davis was to the late Whitney Houston.

(Content was first published at Bubblews.com, Jan 24, 2015.)

06 April 2015

BeeSweet Lemonade: 10 Year Old Makes Sunshine in a Glass

Happy Monday!  Apologies to the devoted fans of "Shark Tank" but never watch the show. However, the concept of helping a budding entrepreneur get started in business is an awesome idea and more power to the people they assist. Currently reside in Austin, Texas which is a very business-friendly city, and will always make my list for best places to live and work.  If you would like a website to follow that keeps up with the happenings in this capital city, check out theAustinot. (FYI. They are looking for Contributing Bloggers.  This post is by one of their Guest Bloggers.) They have a free newsletter you can receive via eMail, but it's super easy to follow them on Facebook. This morning, found this link via their Facebook posts stream and just have to share.  God bless you little girl!  Hope your business goes global!!

Meet The Austin Queen of Lemonade. She's 10 years old.

BeeSweet Lemonade

02 April 2015

Accidental Google Leads to Gold Mine

Signed up to participate in a social network because ... just looking for another place to share stuff besides the well-known and over-used social media networks where all the same people seem to be. In other words, hoping to find a different audience to promote and share my writings, blogs and websites.

Anyway ... at this network, wrote a comment about one of the member's uploaded image - movie art or poster for a gangsta movie (not sure) - and copied it into the Comments box. Some other thought came to my mind while perusing the posts stream. Did not realize my remarks were still in the clipboard and wanted to search for something else via Google. The words in my clipboard were accidentally copied into the search engine box ... hit the search button and POP! Before I knew it, a string of search results.

Below are my accidental Google statements and a few of the results.

Seriously bad bad men in real life. These guys did a great job acting like bad guys.”


WOW! The other links are just garbage to me. But that Classic Images website is a Gold Mine!! (UPDATE:  Oct 2021 - It figures!  The site no longer exist.)

Love old movies and reading about the actors and actresses from back "when the lion roared". :)