Showing posts with label American Library Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Library Association. Show all posts

20 November 2018

Book Suggestion: The Acacia Trilogy

American novelist, David Anthony Durham is the author of a trilogy, which is an epic fantasy; and the name he chose for the empire in this mythical land built on conquest, slaves, and the drug trade is called Acacia. Even though the name of this writer did not have a familiar ring for me, it so happens his novels have been translated into eight foreign languages, he is the recipient of ALA awards (American Library Association), and has had his books recognized as New York Times Notable Books.

  • In Acacia: The Acacia Trilogy, Book One – Leodan Akaran, ruler of the Known World, dies, but not before ensuring the safety of his beloved children, in order that they might pursue their own destinies. Against their will, the siblings become separated and must learn to survive on their own, forging their own paths.
  • And of course, The Other Lands: The Acacia Trilogy, Book Two, is a tale of their travels to other lands, which are tantamount to eye-opening and amazing discoveries of new worlds, even though it was never their plan to set out on a mission of exploration. Yes, yes, yes! There is an evil wicked Queen.
  • Finally, the fate of the siblings is known.  The Sacred Band: The Acacia Trilogy, Book Three is _________. THE END.

Hey!  I’m not gonna give away the ending!  LOL.

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