Showing posts with label JDV Musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JDV Musings. Show all posts

27 July 2023

Life Lessons: 3 Shakespeare Quotes To Live By

Many people enjoy Shakespeare more than his sonnets or his plays. These 3 quotes are very profound.

Have you often wondered if Shakespeare's pen was sharpened by his own personal life experiences or if he was just a guy who was gifted with an extraordinary writing style; was extremely witty, and just had a way with words? Most of the quotes come from plays or poems but they're not just words on a piece of paper. They do have real-life applications for all of us.

❤ 1. “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

I think we all agree that this is easier said than done.

Love all? That's insane! When it comes to love, humans are very selective. That would not be so bad if when we made the choice not to love, we simply remained neutral. But many choose to hate instead. However, truth be told, if each person was told that they only had two arbitrary choices in this life - Love All or Hate All – would we not all choose love? Of course! (Unless you're a spawn of Satan. :lol: )

Trust a few? We are born pure, innocent and carefree souls. Then … life happened! If we are fortunate in life, we learned at an early age “the few” who can be trusted. But for some, lack of trust is their defense mechanism. They suspect everybody and everyone is automatically deemed untrustworthy until those people can prove otherwise. Most of the time people like this have been hurt badly by others they did trust and consequently, nobody will ever get the chance to cause them pain again. The self-defense reaction is normal. But know this. Life will be a very heavy burden if you have absolutely no other human being that you can trust.

Do wrong to none? None? You mean NOBODY? But what if ____________? Everybody has something that goes in that blank. EVERYBODY!! And for many people, their justification is always that wrong was done to them first. But in the end, one can not disagree with the wise words of Master Shakespeare. His advice simply stated is just math. “Two wrongs don't make it right.”

❤ 2. “This above all: to thine own self be true.”

Who knows you better than you know yourself? Even the people you love and hold dear, who you trust the most and would give your heart to, don't know you better than you know yourself. If you lie to yourself and deceive yourself, without me being a mental health professional, I can predict that you're headed for a mental breakdown. Lying is a bad thing to do. Lying to yourself is the worst thing you could ever do! It will lead to delusion. Delusion is defined as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of a mental disorder.

❤ 3. “The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

This was the first Shakespearean quote that I was required to memorize and I have never forgotten it. If you never hear another quote or read anything else written by William Shakespeare, read these words, keep them in your heart, and embrace every opportunity you get to show mercy. You, the giver, and the one who receives from you, i.e. the taker, will both be blessed.

No really! Try it! ❤
* * *

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21 December 2020

The Marvels of Practical Technology: Internet Access, Robots, and Smart Homes

Technological advances are for the good of all mankind. We must believe. I believe!

Being that I am not a geek and joined the tech world long after Al Gore invented the Internet, I have been doing nothing but “catch up” to “keep up”.

Basically what happened was I got tired of sending out resumes, sometimes getting interviewed but never getting the job, and the well of temp jobs that I was drinking from to tide me over, dried up! So I joined the online work community in earnest in the year 2007. Had I predicted my future as a work-at-home professional, I would have learned about HTML codes a lot sooner.

It's an arduous journey climbing up that “new tech trends ladder” day after day after day. But you know what? It's technological progress!!

And you know what they say about technological progress.

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” ~ Aldous Huxley

(My humor is corny but you could get used to it.)

I believe technology is a tool for the greater good. Often times I come across a lot of practical advice about technology and what I learn I share. Below are some information links I found to be very illuminating.

Some days my Internet is slow. Are there ways for me to speed it up without having to pay a geek?

I promise. If I get a robot vacuum for Christmas, my efficiency will increase.

To be honest, I have never been completely sold on the idea of smart homes. But if it really will improve one's quality of living, why resist? After all, there was once a time when people thought electricity in homes was dangerous. Yeah. Because gas light and candles were not dangerous at all!

If this shared content proved useful, then I hope it helped you as much as it helped me.

Original source

14 September 2020

Claudia's List of 200 + Things to Do When You Can't Leave Your House

Since the coronavirus pandemic has most people ~ all around the world ~ AT HOME, television and the Internet has been flooded with all kinds of helpful tips, advice, and suggestions about HOW NOT TO GO CRAZY!!!

No doubt you have probably already seen tons of lists about all the wonderful things that you can do to maintain your sanity. Well! Guess what I've got for you? Another list! You could stay busy just reading this list and trying to decide what to do first! LOL. Gotta keep in times of crisis.
I have been a HubPages Contributor since 2013. HubPages is a fabulous online community for writers and readers. Not only do I enjoy contributing content to this site but also reading and sharing the articles contributed by fellow HUBBERs. Like this fun read by HP Contributor Claudia Mitchell.

200 + Things to Do When You Can't Leave Your House

This is a fantastic list IF you:
  • are a crafter (or it's time for you to learn a craft),
  • have a family that's climbing the walls right about now (or anxious pets),
  • have no more excuses for not following through with your New Year Resolution to get in shape,
  • needed to do some house spring cleaning anyway!
  • want to plan for the upcoming holidays (in the hope you will be able to celebrate)
  • have always wanted to take time to indulge in some self-care and pamper yourself!
Me? I'm giving some thought to enjoying virtual tours. But I have not decided yet if I'll start with a tour of a city or a museum. I have always wanted to go to India. Decisions! Decisions!