Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans. Show all posts

15 February 2024

Abraham Lincoln Was the Best American President. Agree or Disagree.

February 19 is Presidents Day 2024.  The 2024 United States elections are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Every presidential election year is always an especially good time to reflect on America's past presidents who helped make America great.  

Will future leaders continue the business of nation-building?  Will they continue to build on their foundation, build America up, and maintain its positive influence in world affairs? 

Donald J. Trump was elected as the fearless leader to steer the helm of the United States of America and he has been in office since January 2017. Trump Administration Accomplishments:  Official White House ReportThe 2020 presidential election is right around the corner.  Trump has announced his intentions to run for a second term.  Several Democratic candidates have announced their intentions to seek The Office.  

Trump ran against Biden, lost the election BUT was unwilling to allow a peaceful transition in leadership WHICH IS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT MAKES GREAT!!  Our leaders don't get into office and SET UP A DICTATORSHIP or some other form of government where the leader believes God died and left him in charge!  When elected presidents have served their terms, they leave the White House peacefully and go home!!

At any rate, after the January 6th, 2021 insurrection that Trump instigated, the election results were certifiedCertification is a part of this nation's election process WHICH IS ANOTHER THING THAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT!!

If you were asked who is the best American President, how would you answer?  This is my answer,

Abraham Lincoln Was the Best American President.

– Agree or Disagree?

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Question: Have you ever stood in front of the statue of Abraham Lincoln housed in the Lincoln Memorial located in Washington, D.C.?

Answer: Yes. It was awe-inspiring. Learn the history behind the building of this national monument. Historic Places: Abraham Lincoln Memorial
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Question: Have you ever seen the movie “Lincoln” starring Daniel Day Lewis as honest Abe?

Answer: No. However, I heard that Mr. Lewis' performance was stellar. No surprise. Have never known him to ever deliver a shoddy performance. He was outstanding in “The Last of the Mohicans”. Would not expect him to be any less outstanding if given an opportunity to showcase his amazing acting ability in a movie about one of the most beloved presidents of the United States. It's on my watch list.
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Let's try one more Q & A.

Background Info:

What did William Henry Harrison (1841); John Tyler (1841 – 1845); Zachary Taylor (1849 – 1850); and Millard Fillmore (1850 – 1853) have in common? They were Whigs who served as American presidents. The Whigs is a U.S. political party that existed from 1834 to 1856 and then opted for dissolution or rather chose to merge with the Republican party. Under the strength of these united partisans, Abraham Lincoln was elected the first Republican POTUS. is a Q & A website for intelligent discussion. It was formed by a group of people who used to work for Facebook. It's a place that is – in my mind – much like the coffee shops or pubs where university students and academics hang out or similar to Mars Hill where the great minds of ancient Rome liked to gather and discuss and debate and hypothesize and theorize and philosophize and … sometimes say stuff that doesn't make any sense, according to Cicero.

One of the questions put forward was:

Why do some people consider Abraham Lincoln
the best president?

Took a stab at responding to this question.

Answer submitted by Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner on Quora.

Image credit: Raphael, St Paul Preaching in Athens (Mars Hill) – Date: 1515; Wikimedia Commons

Content also published at, June 24, 2017

The Last of the Mohicans

Best Selling Books About Abraham Lincoln

04 February 2018

American Presidents | Representing The Whigs

The Whig was a U.S. Political party that was in existence from 1834 to 1856. Four of the active and influential members of the party served as the President of the United States.

No More Whigs

The Whig was a U.S. Political party that was in existence from 1834 to 1856. It was formed in opposition to the Democratic party. They favored higher tariffs and a liberal interpretation of the Constitution. The members eventually united with the Republicans and their party, as we know of it in history, was no more.

It was formed in opposition to the Democratic party. They favored higher tariffs and a liberal interpretation of the Constitution. The members eventually united with the Republicans and their party, as we know of it in history, was no more.

- William Henry Harrison (1841) -
We will never of he would have served our country well because he died one month after taking office of pneumonia.

- John Tyler (1841 – 1845) -
Tyler opened up trade with China and signed bills admitting Florida and Texas to the Union.

- Zachary Taylor (1849 – 1850) -
Respected as a war hero. “Old Rough and Ready” was his nickname. Before he could implement his policies concerning the exclusion of slavery from newly acquired lands, he died.

- Millard Fillmore (1850 – 1853) -
Fillmore delayed the debate over slavery by agreeing to The Compromise of 1850 which gave each newly acquired territory the “liberty” to decide, on their own, whether they would be a slave-state or a free-state. We of course know that the final decision was settled by the American Civil War.

Image credit: By N. Currier (firm), New York [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Presidents’ Day is celebrated every third Monday in February in the USA. Almost everyone knows all about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Just sharing a few tidbits about some of our less talked-about American presidents.

Content above first appeared at, Feb 13 2014.

U.S. History Timeline: From Washington to Tyler

Jackson and Monroe were not the only ones who made time for romance. All of the others had romantic involvements that resulted in marriages. The first names of the First Ladies from Washington to Tyler are as follows (with husband's initals and the wedding date): Martha (G.W. - January 6, 1759); Abigail (J.A.

U.S. History Timeline: After Lincoln, Before Coolidge

by cmoneyspinner The Republican party was formed in 1854 by antislavery groups. Members of the Whigs, Free-Soilers and Know-Nothing parties merged their ideals of freedom with others in this new party that opposed slavery.

Presidents Who Served First as Vice-Presidents

What do American Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, Theodore Roosevelt, and Calvin Coolidge all have in common with each other? Two things. These nine men served as Vice-Presidents before becoming Presidents; and they are no longer with US.

09 September 2017

Science and Politics of Global Warming VS Climate Change

Science and Politics of Global Warming VS Climate Change

Once upon a time, I used to watch the Discovery Channel but no more. No point crying over spilled milk. Today I made a wonderful discovery. Discovery News which is under the corporate umbrella for the Discovery Communications, LLC, has a Tumblr blog, as do I. The difference between the DiscoveryNews blog and mine is that their blog actually adds value to world wide web and learning community; whereas my blog only oozes my personality. One thing leads to another and in visiting the blog it led me to a video which asked an interesting question: “Ever wonder what the difference between “global warming” and “climate change” is?”

My answer is “No.” Why would I wonder? They’re both the same thing. NOT!!

My bad! Trace Dominguez, the guy in the video totally straightened me out. He also clarified how the Republicans use the terms “global warming” and “climate change” which is a thought that had never crossed my mind.

I’m wondering if the guy actually wants me to take him seriously or if he was doing a comedy routine with a straight face. I can’t tell. (O.o) (???)

Here’s the link to the video. 
- The Difference Between Global Warming & Climate Change

Like the featured image? It’s from Pixabay.

Original Post Jun 3, 2014 at TreasurePen

Thoughts and Opinions : Global Warming Versus Global Returning? Science?

THOUGHT: Suppose global warming is actually global returning? Sharing these wacky thoughts of mine. Hoping you don't run away from me even though I speak my mind which is often ... kind of weird, strange and Krazee with a capital "K"! OK So!

Thoughts and Opinions : Global Warming Versus Global Returning? Science?

THOUGHT: Suppose global warming is actually global returning? Sharing these wacky thoughts of mine. Hoping you don't run away from me even though I speak my mind which is often ... kind of weird, strange and Krazee with a capital "K"! OK So!