Showing posts with label altcoins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label altcoins. Show all posts

23 September 2021

MoneyMint is a Reliable Business Source and Resource

Bitcoin was launched in 2009 but I did not discover cryptocurrency until 2017.  Since then I have search high and low for any information about Bitcoin, other altcoins, blockchain technology and anything that is related to cryptocurrency.  When I find a reliable resource, I share because many of my family and friends are also learning about cryptocurrency and investing.  One question that is often asked is:  Can I earn bitcoins without investing my own money?  The answer is YES. was started in the year 2008 and has become one of India's leading blogs on financial inclusion, microfinance, and digital money.  Here is an excellent article that answers the question in detail.

How to Earn Free Bitcoins Daily without Investment in 2021 - MoneyMint


Earn Free Bitcoins from Interest Payment

If you already have bitcoins you can lend them.

  1. Lending the Bitcoins directly to someone the individual knows

  2. Peer to peer Bitcoin lending

  3. Bitcoin Banking

Earn Bitcoins from Mining

A list of some of the biggest Bitcoin mining pools:

  1. Slush

  2. Bitclub Network

  3. Antpool

  4. Bitfury

  5. BTCC

Earn Bitcoins from Tips (like cash tips, only ask for bitcoin tips)

  1. The easiest way to gain tips is by having a shop.

  2. No shop? Earn tips through a blog or any other similar kind of website.

  3. Join sites such as BitforTip.

  4. Offer services and ask to receive Bitcoin tips.

Earn free Bitcoin from Trading

Best sites for Bitcoin trading:

1. Coinbase

2. Bittrex

3. Poloniex

4. Cryptopia

5. Gemini Exchange

Use Bitcoins as Regular Income

Find jobs online and be self-employed and get paid in Bitcoins.

  1. Bitcointalk Forum Services Section

  2. Jobs 4 Bitcoins

  3. BitGigs

  4. Coinality

  5. XBTFreelancer

Earn free Bitcoins through Affiliate Programs

Join a Bitcoin affiliate programs.

  1. Binance

  2. Etoro

  3. IPVanish

  4. Ledger

There are many different ways to earn free Bitcoins daily without any investment, i.e. without spending any money.

More from MoneyMint.