From simple and sleek to fun and funky, there’s a fully customizable theme designed to fit your. Plus, they’re all built to look great on phones, computers and tablets and to load quickly. Check them out: “
Found on Google Plus at the official Blogger social media page.
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Websites, blogging (and vlogging) are an integral part of the Internet landscape. People who were “old school” who did not even want to build websites for their businesses realized that websites are just like an advertisement in the Yellow Pages. So they took the time to create a web page because it was just good business sense.
- Business history trivia: Did you know that the “Walking Fingers” was never trademarked.
REF: “The Yellow Pages “Walking Fingers”: The Most Famous Symbol Never Trademarked.” YP United Blogs. Ed. Yellow Pages United Staff. Yellow Pages United, 9 May 2012. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.
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Back on point. No sooner than the business person accepts that they need a website, they usually also understand that the next step to complement and supplement their site and to enhance their online reputation and presence on the web, getting the word out to others, is to add on a blog. Why? Well because the “experts” say that the blog shows potential clients or customers that you’re good at what you do since you know how to write about it and can provide tips and advice.
For many businesses and personal bloggers, Blogger or Blogspot, the official Google platform is the preferred publishing platform. If you are a newbie blogger and you are the DIY type (Do It Yourself), Blogspot is a good platform because it provides free templates or themes, gadgets or widgets, allows affiliate advertising, allows Google Ad Sense or Ad Sense alternatives, and the Blogger Team regularly supplies “how to” tips and tricks via its blog or social media accounts.
I have been using the Blogger or Blogspot platform for my home business projects for over 5 years. No doubt the free template I use has been around much longer than that.
On March 20, 2017, the Blogger Team announced that Blogspot has brand new themes.
Whew! What a relief!
It’s a relief that Google is not abandoning its free blogging platform. For a while there was a story being circulated – unofficially – that owning and maintaining this platform did not make good business sense, it was not profitable, and Google might discontinue it.
What? Glad these rumors have not become reality. I’m not an expert but how I see it: ‘If Google can’t offer a free publishing platform for businesses and wanna be bloggers, what kind of example is that for a tech giant to set for others in the technology world. Really!”
So I spent several hours testing and trying out this new set of blog themes. These new templates are wonderful but …
But in the end, my decision was to stick with the Ethereal theme. It suits my purposes. Would I recommend them to other aspiring bloggers? Yes.
- Do you have a blog?
- Which blogging platform do you use?
- Which theme or template did you choose?
* * Content first published as on March 22, 2017