21 April 2017

Earth Day and Tree Tuesday - What a Great Combination!

Content previously published Apr 22, 2014.  Updated / republishing for Earth Day 2017.

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I should be more diligent since the earth is everyone’s home. Which means Earth Day should probably be marked on my calendar and every Tuesday I should have a contribution for Tree Tuesday. Let’s not even mention Climate Change or Global Warming. But I have to do a post because today, April 22nd, 2014, because Earth Day and Tree Tuesday are combined. So below are a few links to show my care and concern about planet earth, our home. Can’t really say lot because science was never my best subject.

The Earth flag is not an official flag, since ...
The Earth flag is not an official flag, since there is no official governing body over Earth. The flag holds a photo transfer of a NASA image of the Earth on a dark blue background. It has been associated with Earth Day. Although the flag was originally copyrighted, a judge ruledhttp://www.tabberone.com/Trademarks/CopyrightLaw/Copyrightability/articles/EarthFlagVsAlamoFlag_A.shtml that the copyright was invalid. Earth Flag Ltd. v. Alamo Flag Co., 154 F. Supp. 2d 663 (S.D.N.Y. 2001) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Indian Banyan Tree And The Pippal Tree

- These trees have cultural significance as they are considered sacred by the Hindus and Buddhists.  The banyan tree is the National Tree of India.  All trees should have cultural significance to everybody.  Next link!

Trees Deserve Respect

- The presence of trees is what separates earth from all the other planets.

Celebrate Earth Day and Help Protect the Planet

- Donate, reuse and recycle; save energy; and maintain an awareness of environmental needs.  So what if you can’t afford a hybrid car.  You can use a recycle bin and turn off lights!


- Raptors are birds of prey.  They serve a very important purpose.  They help maintain a balance in our environment.

18 April 2017

Panama Welcomes Foreign Investors

Why Invest in Panama Real Estate?  It's an easy question to answer.

International Real Estate Investing Choices: South Africa, Bahamas, Panama and Costa Rica

Thinking of international real estate investing? South Africa, Bahamas, Panama and Costa Rica invite and encourage foreign investors. Here is a quick overview of their programs.

Fun Fact About Panama:  "The Pollera is the most beautiful and admired national costume of the Americas. There are many tales related about its origin, but the popular opinion is that it was adapted from a gypsy dress worn in Spain at the time of the conquest of Peru and brought to Panama by the servants of the colonial families. It normally consists of a blouse or shirt and a two-tiered full skirt. ..." (Source: Polleras of Panama | PanamaLiving.com)