14 April 2018

Dealing With Haters and Trolls? | SocialMediaExaminer.com

Have you ever been publicly criticized or mocked for something that you did?  Are you wondering how you can deal with this type of negativity when it happens on social media?  To learn about haters and how to deal with them, I interview Marcus Sheridan for this episode of the Social Media. ...

Sharing a link to an article received via eMail. It's worth resharing and worth repeating. Sound advice, but the fact is, in my world, haters and trolls are 99.9% of the time met by me with SILENCE. I'm sorry but there's really no extra time to entertain them! There's barely enough time to delete their useless pointless remarks. It's annoying to have to spend time doing that when there is productive and profitable work to be done.  

Excuse me?  What was that?  Oh I see.  You don't want to practice professional respect and courtesy, or plain old good manners, but you want to be treated like a serious professional or genuine intellectual. Uh huh.  Whatever!  Talk to the hand.

  • The letter "H" in my book is for Happy not Hater.
  • The letter "T" is not for Trolls; it represents my time which is much to precious and valuable to waste on U!!  Bye bye!