18 June 2018

1999 is Past. 2013 is Gone. But 3012 is Still a Long Way Off! Right?

1999 is past. 2013 is gone.  2016 and the following 8 years will come and go in a flash!  But 3012 is still a long way off! Right?

U.S. Presidential flag, 1960-present (not usually called a "standard" 
in official U.S. government terminology). It is defined in 
Executive Order 10860. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Visualize this. You, a typical AAC (average American citizen), a Student at an American institution of higher learning in the YEAR (??) - timeline somewhere between 2000 and 2012 - have been chosen to spend 15 minutes with the President of the United States (thee most powerful Leader of the free world [or at least he or she would like think so]). It is the 21st century. 1999 came and went.  

No more partying like it's 1999.  The party is over. You - Mr. or Ms. Student - have been given a mission. 

Your mission ~ should you decide to accept ~ is to identify the two most important issues facing your generation. What two things would you choose to discuss and why? No. This is not a trick question. No. I don't think this question has ever been put quite this way for a Miss America or Miss Universe contestant. Furthermore, your choices have been narrowed down considerably.

- A) War and Peace 
- B) The Budget and Taxes 
- C) Racism and Crime (includes illegal immigrants)
- D) Health and Education 
- D) Fake News (and squiggly lines) 
- F) Making the World Safe for Democracy and Nothing Else Matters.

Do not Believe Justin Bieber. You do not have until 3012, you will need more than a Beauty And A Beat; and besides that, Mr. Bieber is from Canada.. :)

So let's go! You got 15 minutes. The clock is ticking! * * *

Amazon product image

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(Content first published 2014.  Updated and republished 2018.)