Showing posts with label musical adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label musical adventure. Show all posts

20 January 2020

Entertainment Blogs: World Music - the Music Journey

Do you enjoy world music? So do I. I used to work in our nation's capital, Washington, D.C. There were two music stores within walking distance from my job, and they were a favorite place to spend my one hour for lunch break. Haven't been in D.C. since 1995 and the name of the stores escape me. But I do remember that they both had a wonderful world music section. In Texas, when we used to subscribe to cable TV, there was a show called “Musical Passport” that we watched often. Took you all around the world showcasing great music!

Currently, I work from home so I don't get out much to browse the stores anymore. Also, we no longer have cable TV. Sure I could shop online but don't always know who to look for. My significant other combs YouTube and finds all kinds of new artists. But I don't have the patience to do that. I have, however, stumbled across a blog that specializes in introducing its readers to musical artists from around the world: Germany, Greece, Mali, South Africa, Canada, Hungary, France, Caribbean and on and on and on. You can search this site by names of artists, by countries and/or by genres. As of March 2017, it had over 4000 followers. Their posts date back to 2011. The last post is dated December 2015.  They have so much variety, it makes me dizzy. But I love it!! Why don't you visit? If you love world music, you'll love this blog!

To put it in their words:
Join us on our musical adventure on

If you see the banner below, you should be at the right site.
(Hope they don't change their banner.)

* * Cmoneyspinner Around the Web * *

* * * Fascinating Fact: