Showing posts with label online writing communities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online writing communities. Show all posts

13 July 2020

Spotlight on Freelance Writer : Rupert Taylor

One awesome thing about being a freelance writer is all the other freelance writers you meet who bring their knowledge, skills, and experience to the table. Participating in online writing communities has opened a door to a wonderful world of enlightenment, and it's a pleasure to introduce others to fellow freelance writers who have inspired and motivated me to continue this pursuit.

* Spotlight on Rupert Taylor *

Rupert Taylor has almost 50 years experience in the field of journalism and his articles show off his skills. His Research is thorough and he presents critical Information and Facts on complex and complicated topics in very easily readable language. 

At one time, he had almost 700 articles published online at (formerly Suite101). They have since become unpublished because the site no longer exists.  Below is a quick list of a sampling of the titles of those articles which are sure to pique your interest and make you want to do research on your own.

- Sicilian Mafia Payback

- The Oddities of English and Other Difficult Languages

- The Difficult Life of Official Executioners

- Rich People Are More Likely than Others to be Dishonest

- Albanian Muslims Saved Jews from the Holocaust

- The Roman Centurion of Mersea Island
( phantom of the Roman empire )

* * Even though this online writing community no longer exists, I was able to find an archived link to his Suite101 profile via the Wayback Machine.

Fortunately, Mr. Taylor has published pages at and writes articles for YAY!!

P.S. I am also a freelance content writer and writer for hire. Get details.  I too have published pages on Wizzley and have contributed articles on HUBPages.

28 May 2020

Should We Get Rid Of Religion? | Response to Article by HUBPages Contributor Nell Rose

Whenever people ask a question and use the word “religion” my response is always the same. I have followed this definition for religion ever since I read it in the epistle written by James the apostle.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)
In the first part of the definition, you're lending a helping hand to the needy. 

In the second part of the definition, the only person whose way of life and behavior you're responsible for “controlling” is your own!

Even if there were not a God looking down at what you do, why wouldn't you do it anyway? So why get rid of it?

  • Don't you want to exercise your own free will over your own life?
  • Don't you have compassion for those who are less fortunate and want to help them if you can?
It's a neat and simple rule, principle, or guideline to follow.

You want to get rid of something? 

Get rid of people who abuse, oppress, and kill other people and claim they have the “authority” to do it in the name of “religion”.

Of course … that's not so simple.


Good HUB! Very thought-provoking. 
A lively discussion going on over at:

How would you answer this question??

* * *
The above remarks are my comments left behind. Re-sharing here at my blog because when “thought bursts” like these come to me, sometimes it's good to keep a backup record of them elsewhere.  :)

HUBPages is an online writing community that has been around for several years. But you don't have to be a writer or Contributor to participate in the discussion and leave a comment. You can just join the network to read the articles and supply any additional information you may have, and/or your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives.  It's a great way to meet people and make friends. 

Sign up free and create a HubPages Network account. 

Do you like to write? Become a HUBPages Contributor?  View Sample Writer Profile

13 March 2018

Online Writing Communities : HUBPages Earnings Can Be Inherited

A while back I read a complaint that someone had passed away but that the site was still earning income from the deceased writer's articles.

First of all, though that may sound not quite “kosher”, there's actually nothing wrong or illegal with doing that. If the writer did not make any provisions for the account to be transferred to a “beneficiary” then earnings go to the site owners. Who else?

Today, however, I found this detailed information that made it plain what the site's policy and procedures are. If you happen to be a HUBPages Contributor, “Your HUBPages Income Can Be Inherited”.  This is not "my story".  It is the journey of another HP Contributor, Amy (Happymommy2520).  If you're interested in my journey, see the links below.

Appreciate the clarification. Good to know and good to know what to do with my HUBs. The content is evergreen and my HUBs do earn income, slowly but surely. There's no need to delete them after I'm gone.  No doubt the residual income would be welcomed.

Want to know my HUBPages journey?

HUBPages – Park Your Evergreen Content

My TOP 3 HUBs With the Most Views:

Do you like to write? Become a HUBPages Contributor?  View Sample Writer Profile

19 November 2017

Freelance Writing Opportunities : Are You a Wizzler Too? (

Once heard the late Gene Kelly (1912 - 1996) describe the late Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009) as being “eclectic”. The word “ec·lec·tic” is an adjective and it means, in the sense that it was used by Mr. Kelly, that Mr. Jackson derived ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources, and applied this knowledge quite well, especially when he performed.

If I were to describe my collection of pages published at, the word eclectic would paint a very nice picture.

My first article – accepted for publication two five years ago - was about modern day Arabs who claim to be the seed of Abraham and there is no reason why anybody should doubt their claims. The Hebrew patriarch that the Jews, Christians and Muslims all call Father Abraham had many sons (one by his first wife, Sarah; one by his first wife's maid servant, Hagar; and several more by his second wife, Keturah, whom he married after the death of his first wife). Those sons had a bunch more sons and the lineage just kept on growing!! One of the sons of Abraham was Ishmael and he went to live in the desert. It is believed that the “desert people”, the Arabs, are his descendants.

My pages are eclectic because finding a “niche” has proven to be a most difficult task. Can't seem to find a specific topic to focus on. Consequently, my pages are about movies , music and books ; real estate , art , history , food , blogging , etc. To date, 37 pages have been published.

The Wizzley Team encourages their writers to publish a Wizzography ; which is very similar to our introductions here at Persona Paper; only it's not required. Very much enjoy writing at this site and the community is exceptionally friendly and supportive and … way smarter than me!  :)

* * *  Source: Persona Paper

Popular Pages on Wizzley


28 August 2017

Freelance Writing Opportunities : WWW : Wizzley Welcomes Writers

Online writing communities are mushrooming all over the worldwide web. The majority of them are free to sign up, have a revenue-sharing plan, allow you to work at your own pace and you can write on any number of topics. Some are pay-per-view. Some are pay-per-click. Some are based on actual product sales. Usually, the only stringent criteria is a certain number of words required to publish a post. The main thing is they are legitimate work-at-home opportunities.

Wizzley Welcomes Writers
Newbie or Experienced 
Join Today!  

This blog entry discusses one of those communities,, which is based in Germany. Since the Internet is worldwide, where a company's headquarters is located is irrelevant. This post is the beginning of a series of posts which will showcase these different sites and my own experience. is not the first site that I published for, but it is one of the current websites where my articles are still live for public viewing.
My first article was published May 2013, so next month will be my first anniversary. To date there are 34 “Wizzles” to my credit. The site owners and the writers in the community are supportive. The publishing platform is easy to use and their revenue-sharing plan is reasonable and money can be earned via VigLink, Amazon, AllPosters, Zazzle, Google Adsense or Chitika. Text referral links from other affiliate advertisers like ShareASale or Commission Junction are also allowed. Those are the highlights. To learn more, just visit the site by clicking the banner below. 


Enhanced by Zemanta

27 July 2017

Sugar Rainbow Density Experiment | Science and Kids

Interested in making science fun for kids? Currently a Contributor. Not only is it fun to publish at this site but there is also great reading. Sharing a link to a wonderful article by a fellow HUBBER.

Sugar Rainbow Density Experiment

  • HubPagesAre you a teacher?
  • Retired or currently employed?

Are you bursting with knowledge and experience you’d like to share outside of the classroom with other eager students who want to learn?

Are you simply very clever and enjoy writing but have no audience to write for or want to expand your online presence and reach more readers?

Are you exploring the various online writing communities because you like to write, like to mingle or socialize, and  want to earn extra income? is a legitimate work at home opportunity. No fee. Start immediately.

22 July 2017

Daily Two Cents is Signing On New Writers - Start Immediately!

UPDATE:  August 31st, 2018, Daily Two Cents site shut down.

Are you a freelance writer looking for a work from home opportunity?  No fee to start?  No deadlines or quotas? 

Look no further.

The site owners are based in Canada, but the community of writers is global. Good writing skills IN ENGLISH is essential. Start publishing your thoughts, opinions, views, perspectives, book or movie reviews, product recommendations, cooking tips, recipes, share music videos, celebrity tidbits, etc. at 

Daily Two Cents is a revenue-sharing platform. Your earnings are earned based on the number of unique views {pay-per-view} per article. 100 words minimum. If you are an affiliate marketer you can also include a referral link in your content. Earnings you make from affiliate advertising are 100% yours.

  • Click here to view my DTC author profile

The links below are somewhat of a representative sample of the variety of topics people write about. 

The site set up for social networking so you can also meet and make new friends, if you're interested.

Need some extra income? Try it! 
Donate your “two cents” and get it back!

See sampling of short posts below.

  • Chili Seasoning in a Jar – Makes a Great Holiday Gift!

  • 3 Quick Tips for Going Vegan

  • What is Crocus Sativus?

  • North Indian Girl in Southern Films Shriya Saran

  • English Empire Folded up within 5 years of World War II

  • Muslim Youths have adopted ‘Love Jihad’

  • Free keyword research tools

  • Thankful That Daily Two Cents Accepts International Writers

25 February 2017

Work at Home ~ Home Biz Projects : Another Weekend! - UPDATE #1

This time last year, it was another weekend and in this post - WAH! On Top of WAH! Another Weekend! - I provided a status report on my various work at home projects. At that point, I had created several potential residual income streams ( or at least I thought I had). 😉  Quote from the previous post:

"Tsū , myLot , my blogs at - Tumblr, BlogJob and Blogger (or Blogspot ), and online writing communities like  DailyTwoCents , HUBPages , Wizzley, etc."

♦ ♦ ♦  UPDATES:

  • Tsū went belly up!  I'm a tad bit upset because I had written reviews of some movies and TV shows.  Plan to republish the content elsewhere.  Already republished one of the posts at.  Check it out!  Review:  Mary Kom (2014) ~ Fans of Priyanka Chopra.

  • myLot is working out and has actually paid me several times.  This is my most recent discussion.  You don't earn based on starting discussions.  You get paid for interacting with members.  But sometimes to do that you have to start a conversation.

But Suppose We're Not GREAT Again? / myLot

But Suppose We're Not GREAT Again? / myLot

So what happens if Mr. T doesn't make good on his promise to make America great again? (Scoff!) First of all, how dare you even entertain such a thought? But! ... Since you're thinking on it ... (Sigh.) We make plans. We break promises. In this life, one should always have Plan A and Plan B.

  • My blogs at - Tumblr?  Long story short.  My account got deleted.  The old blogs were sent to the Tumblr graveyard.  The company is being acquired by a new owner.  The management and staff is experimenting with placing ads in the blogs, intending to keep the platform free for the users.  Meanwhile, I created two new Tumblr blogs at the end of 2016.  FoxNet2017 and FoodWays2017.  Why?  Because they let me do it!  Plus!  Tumblr is a neat blogging/micro-blogging platform and you are allowed to place affiliate ads to monetize your blog.  Just check their "Help" in the dashboard for more details.  Why wouldn't I want to try again?

  • BlogJob stopped their Points Program but I was undaunted.  Not only did I keep my blog - My Pain, Your Gain - up and running; but I started a new blog for affiliate marketing purposes:  My Shopping Channel.  The site owners are OK with members using affiliate referral links.  Currently the site owners are experimenting with Google Ads, in the hopes of generating more revenue.  Hope these experiments are successful.  The platform is good to use but whereas, it used to be a social community where you could sign in and not only go about your blogging business but interact and chat with fellow bloggers, the "socializing" aspect went Bye Bye when the Points Program ended.

  • Blogger (or Blogspot)?  In addition to this blog, at the end of 2016, I set up a foodie blog called Food Ways Presented by Everyday Exotic Spices.  A friend of mine and fellow food blogger visited and gave me lots of advice, tips and feedback on how to make the blog look more visually appealing.  It looks pretty to me!  Also, I am able to use Amazon Native Ads on Blogspot blogs.  No surprise.  If you can remember way back, the Blogspot platform used to have a feature that allowed the blogger to incorporate relevant links to Amazon products.

As for the online writing communities?  My aim was to publish evergreen content (content that is relevant and not restricted to a specific period of time) so that I could set it, forget it, and appreciate whatever residual income is generated by the pages.  I revisit from time to time to check for broken links and update any info that may have changed.  Here are links to my writer profile at the various sites:  Daily Two Cents; Writedge; HUBPages; Wizzley; and Webnuggetz.  Most of my revenue is earned via the Google Ad Sense revenue-share plan.  Commissions are also being earned from sales of affiliate products.  ("Slow but steady wins the race."  😀) 

During the year (2016), signed up at two new sites.  One is a blogging community:  Literacy Base.  This site is good because you earn for blogging, for commenting at blogs, for participating in groups and forums, for updating your profile timeline.  You even earn for just logging in to your account.  Have received payment.  This is my most recent post:

The other site, Niume, is a collaborative blogging platform created to help you promote your blog.  In other words, republished content from your blog is accepted.  It's also a good place to share your original content.  Examples:
You can not use affiliate links and your earn revenue for referrals and for views.  Learn more:  How Does Niume Revenue Work.

  • My referral link if you sign up through me:  Join Niume! Where it says "Create a Post", click on it and the sign up form will pop up.  You must use a valid eMail address.

Closing off this update with another reminder from another previous post.  Remember that Pinterest can also be used as a blogging/micro-blogging platform and affiliate links are allowed.

If you want to earn extra income, hope you find this information useful.

Great Weetend To All
Weekend | Forward this Image

30 January 2017

Niume Promises to Help You Promote Your Blog (UPDATE #1) STRIKETHROUGH

Strikethrough everything. The site closed its doors October 2, 2017.

UPDATE January 30th, 2017 ~ I confess that I had not expected to share an update to my previous post (link below) so quickly. However, a lot has happened within less than 30 days that must be shared in order to present a true picture of this wonderful blogging platform and community.

Finally got brave enough to dive in and start posting via Niume.

Want my advice? Jump in! 

The water is delightful and warm. You can use it to promote your blog. Many members do use it for that. But it's a great community for making friends and socializing and you can also use it as your blog. There are so many ways to take advantage of this wonderful platform. To date, my profile shows 7 short posts (See quick list below). Will write more as soon as I get more organized. But these are doing just fine. I'm loving the fact that people are actually leaving comments. There is nothing so discouraging as spending your time and effort publishing blog posts or articles and then nobody visits to read them!

Niume is a social blogging platform, created to help bloggers promote their blogs, writers, promote their content, artists and photographers share their work, and more!  You can earn residual income for your activity.  
Join free and start immediately!

10 March 2016

Blogging Tip : Mix and Burn

Used to write for a website called Squidoo. One of the fews sites where my online income earned was consistent. Seth Godin, the site owner decided to move on to other business adventures and the site was acquired by HUBPages, which is another excellent site for freelance writers, bloggers, work at home moms, and anybody else who wants to be a part of an online writing community and earn residual income.

Make a long story short. Squidoo used to have widgets provided to the users to enable them to enhance their content with additional material. One of my favorite widgets was the “RSS Mashup”. You could take several feeds, combine them and create one feed. Loved it!

HUBPages, for whatever reason, chose to discontinue allowing RSS feeds. So even though Squidoo is now under the HP umbrella, those nifty widgets evidently were not included in the acquisition deal.
Been searching for something similar and … Behold! Seek and Ye Shall Find!

Funny thing is a while back had tested this tool and then forgot about it. But since me and my bookmarks are BFFs (best friends forever), found my old “test mix”. The light bulbs in my brain started going off!

Harness the power of two RSS tools:
  • RSS Mix ( ) and
  • Google Feedburner ( )

Step 1: Create the “RSS Mix” ( ). Gather the URLS for the feeds you want to combine together. In my example, it's all of my Tumblr blogs. Just go to the site and follow the extremely simple directions. Put the feed URLs in the box and click Create. No kidding. That's it!

Step 2: Use the URL of the mix feed that is generated and then burn a feed using the Google Feedburner ( ). If you have a Google account you have access to this tool. You may have never used it because you didn't know about it. But now you do, so … go for it! For those familiar with this tool, you know that once the feed is burned, there are many different ways to optimize / publicize the content. You choose what to do with it. 

* * *
Sharing my “feed mix /feed burn” below as an example.

Blogs I Like ~ Mix and Mash

25 February 2016

WAH! On Top of WAH! Another Weekend!

WAH! WAH!! No. That's not my imitation of a crying baby. :) 
For the past couple of months my major work-at-home (WAH) project has been republishing content and updating links at my various blogs, especially incorrect affiliate links that redirect clickers elsewhere! Then on January 30, 2016, PersonaPaper (my favorite social blogging community) announced they will no longer be accepting members and plan to shut down. Tried to back up my posts and this is now another "To Do" project:  Find PP Content New Home.

"An online entrepreneur's work is never done."
Wonder who said that.  (???)  Oh!  Yeah!  It was me!

Have created several potential residual income streams – Tsū , myLot , my blogs at - Tumblr, BlogJob and Blogger (or Blogspot ), and online writing communities like  DailyTwoCents , HUBPages , Wizzley, etc.

Creating them is one thing.

Keeping up with them is another.

It's clear to me that my “To Do List” should be more organized, in order for me to accomplish more. So that's my project to help me with my home business projects. Create an organized achievable prioritized list of "I Will DO ALL of This!" items.
Great! Just what I needed! Another WAH project! :)
WAH! WAH!! :)

11 August 2015 - Can First Impressions Be Trusted?

Active member of various online writing communities and at the urging of a couple of fellow bloggers, decided to sign up with which is YASM, yet another social network. It is a combination of things but in a nutshell, it's a huge discussion forum that welcomes everybody to participate. FREE to sign up. Start immediately.  

This site was "rebooted".  Started in 2006; had been popular at one time, lost the momentum, revamped and now as of 2015, the owners are revved up and forging ahead full speed.

Very impressed with my experience thus far. In fact, have already published one review (see * below); and this blog post is more or less a review / progress report.

At myLot, you don't get paid for writing posts. Rather you are encouraged to generate discussions. When you write up a quick post or a lengthy article (there are no requirements on character counts, word count, etc.), the more feedback that's generated, the more likely you are to earn money.  The payout is $10 and you must have a PayPal account.

Within less than a week, 15 discussions (see list below) have been started by me.  People are leaving responses or comments at most of them, and the interest being expressed in my topics is encouraging.  Hoping to make more friends.  The members seem to be enthusiastic.  The earnings potential is definitely there.

cmoneyspinner's myLot discussions:

♦♦♦♦♦ – My First Impression -*

Joined the myLot community yesterday. My user name is “cmoneyspinner” (same as here). Regardless of what my husband thinks, there is only one me with one personality, not multiple personalities that are called by different names. ♥
Click here to read more

20 February 2015

New and Improved Writer's Profile Page - (Site Closed Aug 31, 2018) is an online revenue-sharing writing community that has been growing steadily for the past couple of years.  Currently have 9 published articles published under my pen name "cmoneyspinner".  My most recent one was accepted for their Health and Wellness column and went live Jan 2015: Body Fuel: 2015 Nutrition Trends

Very happy to be a contributor to this community. The most recent is change is the profile page.  It's a lovely and professional display. 

Merrily we grow along!  Grow along!  Grow along! :)

Also a contributor to the sister site:

* * * * *