Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

12 June 2021

NFTs Help You Guard Your Ownership of Digital Assets

I chose an excerpt from this article because I thought these words were the perfect lead-in for describing the intent of the inventors of NFTs (non-fungible tokens).
“ … most digital art hasn’t entered the traditional art market world because there hasn’t been a way to track provenance and therefore ownership. For an art object to retain value, it has to be tracked back to the creator in some fashion and it needs to be unique, or at least in limited supply. ...”

This article is very complicated and hard (for me) to digest. But if you own digital assets, like art or music, you should read this. When I saw the name Jay-Z and Beyoncé in the article I know this is serious business. I got the gist of the article. 
  • NFTs are a sort of “protection” for your digital asset, just like copyrights and patents.

That's how I understand NFTs. 

If anybody wants to enlighten me further or correct me, I'm open to discussion.

01 April 2021

Top Tech Blogs in India (AllTechBuzz Infographic 2019)

Very happy to update this blog post with an infographic for 2019.  The first infographic dated back to 2014.  Both display the Top 50 Tech Blogs in India to be followed.
top tech blogs

No surprise that the infographic prepared by AllTechBuzz still has my all-time favorite tech blog at the top of its list.  In my humble opinion, was and still is Numero Uno!  It's a fantastic award-winning blog loaded with invaluable advice, tips and tricks.  It was great in 2014 and it's still great!  

Visit the site and sign up to receive their free newsletter via eMail or check out the ShoutMeLoud blogging app (free download).


Courtesy: All Tech Buzz

More Lists of Top Tech Blogs

21 December 2020

The Marvels of Practical Technology: Internet Access, Robots, and Smart Homes

Technological advances are for the good of all mankind. We must believe. I believe!

Being that I am not a geek and joined the tech world long after Al Gore invented the Internet, I have been doing nothing but “catch up” to “keep up”.

Basically what happened was I got tired of sending out resumes, sometimes getting interviewed but never getting the job, and the well of temp jobs that I was drinking from to tide me over, dried up! So I joined the online work community in earnest in the year 2007. Had I predicted my future as a work-at-home professional, I would have learned about HTML codes a lot sooner.

It's an arduous journey climbing up that “new tech trends ladder” day after day after day. But you know what? It's technological progress!!

And you know what they say about technological progress.

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” ~ Aldous Huxley

(My humor is corny but you could get used to it.)

I believe technology is a tool for the greater good. Often times I come across a lot of practical advice about technology and what I learn I share. Below are some information links I found to be very illuminating.

Some days my Internet is slow. Are there ways for me to speed it up without having to pay a geek?

I promise. If I get a robot vacuum for Christmas, my efficiency will increase.

To be honest, I have never been completely sold on the idea of smart homes. But if it really will improve one's quality of living, why resist? After all, there was once a time when people thought electricity in homes was dangerous. Yeah. Because gas light and candles were not dangerous at all!

If this shared content proved useful, then I hope it helped you as much as it helped me.

Original source

27 November 2020

Consumer Electronics and Gadgets Wish List

A fellow freelance writer published his list of the Top 5 Technology Gadgets Christmas Wishlist. However, that was in 2018. Since it's 2020 and I know how fast technology is outdated or invented, I compared that list to tech gadgets on two lists for 2020.
For those who like gaming, TR's list includes the best games console; and for those into health and fitness, TR's list includes the best fitness tracker. (Singular. They only listed one tracker.)

As for me, the Robot Vacuum is still on MY wishlist.

But in that list of 100 gadgets, here are the tech toys that caught my eye:

* There is a Portable Photo Printer. I'm from the Polaroid generation. I remember when one of my brothers got a Polaroid Instant Camera for Christmas. When I saw that gadget I felt this really strong nostalgia vibe.

Image Credit:

* The Compact Wall Charger is awesome! Carry it in your pocket or your purse and if you need to rapidly charge a smartphone or tablet, just stick in an electrical outlet. It will charge your device and has a feature that protects from overheating.

* The Robot Vacuum is Number 35 on this Top 100 List and still Numero Uno on my list.

* The Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip I like because my kids said that I should like it. They usually know what they're talking about for a lot of this tech stuff.

* The Hot+Cool Cryptomic Air Purifier. To me, this should be the first gadget on the list. Everybody needs to breathe pure air. I believe in air purifiers. I have worked in companies that had air purifiers in the offices. They are amazing!

* Number 100 on this list of 100 is a product that I would have never guessed. It's a Wind-Resistant Umbrella. An umbrella is not an item I usually list under tech gadgets. But this umbrella is no ordinary umbrella! It can survive wind gusts up to 72 mph. Uh-huh. I'm not buying it. I have no need for that. According to the Beaufort Wind Scale, gale-force hurricane winds for a storm are 64 - 73 mph. I grew up in Miami, Florida. I don't go outside in hurricanes and we get enough advanced warning to know that we're supposed to find shelter. I have no need for an umbrella that can withstand 72 mph cause I'm not stupid enough to go outside and try to brave that kind of wind force!

Anyway! That Top 100 List is very easy to peruse. It's a gallery of photos with a description of about 1 or 2 paragraphs and tells you where you can buy these gadgets and how much they cost.


Interesting Link:


25 April 2020

Why I Like Publishing Articles via

"Medium is an online publishing platform developed by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, and launched in August 2012. It is legally owned by A Medium Corporation. The platform is an example of social journalism, having a hybrid collection of amateur and professional people and publications, or exclusive blogs or publishers on Medium and is regularly regarded as a blog host."  (Source: Wikipedia)

I'm an "amateur" freelance writer.  I started publishing content at several years back.  I haven't been banned yet!  😂   They are gracious enough to not only allow my republished content, but it's OK if I leave comments.  The Medium writers contribute articles that are very enlightening, on a wide range of topics from science and technology to religion and philosophy to books and music and more.  One of the "professional people" even asked if they could publish one of my articles in their publication.  I was so honored.

Below is an alpha listing of some of my other contributions.

♦ A Nation in Decline

♦ Ancient History: Kingdoms : Lydia and Persia

♦ Balsam: For Priests, Kings and Everyday People

♦ Bringing White Feather From the Mountain

♦ Countries Most Worried About the Future (Their Future)

♦ Cyber Security to Protect Our Digital World

♦ Foreign Investors Buying U.S. Real Estate

♦ Go Your Own Way : Step by Step

♦ Illegal Immigration in the USA: A Proposed Solution

♦ Knight Life by Peter David

♦ My Dysfunctional Family

♦ Read a Self Help Book For a U.S. History Perspective

♦ Riddle Me This. Why Do Most People Search for Atlantis and not Ophir?

♦ Searching for the Truth?

♦ Smart Homes Get My Thumbs Up

♦ Society and Culture : Veiled Women

♦ Successful People Who Studied Abroad

♦ Syrian Refugees Go Home! (An Opinion Piece)

♦ The Right to a Fair Trial / myLot

♦ Valentine’s Day Around the World

♦ What is the Capital of Turkey?

In 2019, I created a Medium publication, Express Yourself! ~ and what a rewarding experience that has been.  I get to collaborate with other writers.  Why Article Writers and Bloggers Should Create a Medium Publication

Are you a content writer searching for an awesome publishing platform?  

I wholeheartedly recommend

* If you have an opportunity please visit my partner blog, My Blogging World, for more blogging and writing tips.

My Blogging World

~ Active blogger since 2011. Sharing advice, tips, and tricks to help fellow bloggers and article writers.

22 August 2019

Blog Review and Recommendation:

Need help with Windows 10? Have questions that need answers and want to get your information from a reliable source? is devoted to helping you solve the big and little frustrations every Windows user faces by answering common Windows 10 questions. 

FROM 'Why is my start menu not working?'
TO 'How can I remove this spyware?'

Windows10Geek is a treasure trove of useful information for the Windows user. 

Packed with useful tutorials and tips that include lots of descriptive photos to make fixes easy and enhance your Windows 10 experience. is obsessively devoted to making your Windows 10 experience better.