Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

14 April 2024

4 Best DRINKS to Safely Silence Pain Fast

There are natural and tasty beverages that fight inflammation and pain, like these four:

4. Blueberry Juice
3. Green Tea
2. Tart Cherry Juice
1. Kefir (made from fermented milk and is a rich source of beneficial bacteria known as probiotics.)
These 4 above, only scratch the surface of potent natural painkillers that work throughout your entire body to help it fight inflammation, dissolve scar tissue, and more. Click here.


Art of Tea Go Green

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13 May 2023

The Science of Genetics and Its Endless Possibilities

The science of DNA is fascinating.  It is an intricate road map in the study of humankind. Organizing my thoughts and studies on this topic thus far.  

Modern Day Arabs and Their Father Abraham  
May 18, 2014 - These days some even pay for expensive DNA tests to see if they can determine their ancestry. Others comb through paper documents, …

Scota: Mother of the Scottish People | Ancient History ...

May 21, 2014 - At her own blog this post was tagged “DNA analysis”. Do you know who discovered that DNA could be categorized into 7 basic groups?

Searching for Chinese Treasures

Apr 2, 2016 - Hundreds of relics were recovered, but some experts were not convinced the bones belonged to the military leader and wanted DNA tests done ...

01 May 2020

Budget and Survival Skills versus In Sickness and In Health

The alternate title for this post is:
“Am I being callous, insensitive, lacking empathy, unsympathetic, cruel and unkind?”

Perusing my eMail Inbox and quickly glanced at a question in one of the messages that made me chuckle. It was about what your knee-jerk reaction is when faced with financial problems.

  • When experiencing financial difficulties does your instinct immediately prod you to cut back?
Well? I guess so! But more than likely my “cutbacks” happen because there's no money! Not sure my “instinct” was necessary. ((O.o))

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On a serious note, the question provoked my memory recall. A while back, was watching a popular talk show once and it was rather disturbing. It's disturbing that people who do things that don't make sense are always “ill”. This woman supposedly had an “illness”. She would buy stuff she didn't really need!

  • If you're filthy rich and you have large barns to store all of your worldly possessions, then it doesn't matter. You would be called a “shopaholic”.
  • If you bought a load of crap and had the decency to give it away because you realized you weren't really using it, you'd be called “charitable”.
But when loads of crap are piled up in your house to the point that the place is a junk heap and you and your partner can barely see the bed you both lie down to sleep on and you're making your mate physically ill … then you're sick!

A team was sent in to clean the place up and the team actually got sick from breathing in toxic stuff – dust, spores, mites, who knows what! - from piles of clothing, etc. that had been lying around the home for years. Items bought from the store that still had the price tags on them!!!
Listening to the interviewer questioning this woman as to why she was buying things she didn't need and her response was … (not an exact quote): “Because the blouses were on sale and there were different colors available, so I bought one in each color.” 
The interviewer turns to question the husband and it seems he gave her credit cards for her spending purposes. You know? Grocery shopping, health and beauty needs, wardrobe necessities, things for practical living, and maybe an occasional gift or guilty pleasure luxury product.

Started thinking to myself. Don't know who the sick person is. The wife or the husband? Seems to me the CURE was taking away the credit cards. YOU CAN'T BUY NOTHING IF YOU AIN'T GOT NO MONEY!!!

It really perturbs me, that people do dumb stuff and get to write it off as an “illness”. OR … am I being insensitive to this poor woman who is clearly not poor because she can afford to buy things she has no need for, has no place to put them, and never even blinked at the thought about making a donation to a charity!!

(Just a rant. Thank you for letting me shout it out.)

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P.S. After shouting it out, friends in my social network told me that I was being a little bit callous and insensitive and that it was NOT OK.  If so, then I apologize.

May is Mental Health Month and That's OK!

16 March 2020

Clara's Advice: 10 Amazingly Healthy Uses for Lemons |

Lemons can be used to treat acne and repel insects. Not only do they have marvelous medicinal value but they add wonderful flavor to numerous recipes.

Clara Myers (@MindMart) is a fellow freelance writer, active blogger, home business entrepreneur and personal friend.  Sharing her article along with several other related links celebrating the health benefits and beauty of lemons.

© Photographer: Subbotina | Agency:

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Related Articles:

Insurance Mart and Insurance Smart shares general health info.
For general information purposes. Not to be substituted for medical advice.

20 January 2020

The Mystery of Dreams by Isabel Kroemer (Guest Post)

“The Mystery of Dreams – Your Dreams Decoded”

by Isabel Kroemer

(Article reprinted with permission.)

Ever dreamed of falling, being chased or being naked? Scientists believe that paying attention to your dreams can actually improve your life. They said that dreams are a person’s unconscious assessment of their real-life situations. More so, you can use dreams to your advantage.

Dreams start when a person is in the REM stage of sleep. Experts say that this is the stage where emotions meet memories. This explains why we sometimes wake up crying or laughing. The brain also mixes our memories in very unusual ways resulting to really weird dreams.

#1 The ‘I’m-being-chased’ dream
Do you often run away or hide in your dreams? Psychotherapists explain that the entity chasing you may represent your own unresolved feelings of anger, jealousy, fear or even stress. Oftentimes, these issues can enter your dreams and manifest as a frightening attacker or pursuer.

The best way to stop recurring dreams of being chased is to take a good look of who or what is chasing you. Figure out the thing you’re most afraid of before it becomes a nightmare. So unless it’s Freddy Krueger, stop running.

#2 The ‘I’m-falling’ dream
Falling in a dream is a common theme. Experts say that falling may indicate insecurities, anxieties, and uncontrollable situations. It’s your subconscious telling you that your life is moving in the wrong direction. It may be your job, finances, relationship or something else.

There’s also a scientific explanation that says ‘falling dreams’ signal the first stage of sleep. This stage is often accompanied by sudden muscle spasms which explain why we wake up from a ‘falling dream’ with a body twitch or jerk.

#3 The ‘snakes-are-everywhere’ dream
Snakes are the most widely interpreted symbols in dreams which often vary according to culture. According to Freud’s theory, snakes symbolise an unconscious sexual desire or a male figure. For Christian cultures, snakes may mean temptation or opposition against your goal.

Furthermore, psychotherapists offer a simpler explanation. If the dreamer is afraid of snakes in his waking life, it indicates a need to overcome his phobia. That’s why Hypnotherapy SA is the best way to rid of snake dreams – by gaining access to your subconscious.

#4 The ‘swimming-in-the-water’ dream
Ever dreamed of swimming in a body of water with nowhere to go? It may be a sign that you’re seeking for emotional support. The water may also reflect your own emotions. Murky or dark water announces failures and depression. Clear water means undergoing a cleansing process.

Astrological interpretations also connect swimming with employment and knowledge. Swimming inside the house indicates working for a ruthless or unjust employer. If a man of knowledge sees himself swimming, it means he will attain his goals.

#5 The ‘I’m-a- famous-celebrity’ dream
Evolutionary psychologists say that it’s not strange to dream about celebrities. During a dream state, our brain can’t distinguish between people we ‘actually’ know and those we just see or hear a lot. In other words, your college friend may turn into a celebrity figure in your dreams.

For psychotherapists, dreaming of celebrities could mean that the dreamer longs for a higher social status. This reflects that the one dreaming has low self-esteem. In this case, Hypnotherapy Adelaide is the best option to boost confidence through the subconscious mind.

About the Author:  Hypnotherapy Adelaide offers hypnosis therapy sessions for depression, stress, and anxiety. Take control of your life, get help from Hypnotherapy SA today!


** Butterfly, magic dream: Free image from

14 March 2019

Bio-Snapshot: Former Fitness Pro, Lisa Lowe

So! Just in case you were wondering what the end result would be if you combined bodybuilding and ballet training, look at the photographs below.  You might end up looking like former fitness pro Lisa Lowe.  Don’t know much about this person, but came across an interesting bio-snapshot of this lady. Collecting biographies (mini-bios, actually) is one of my hobbies. Most of the time my findings are shared via Pinterest. Sometimes, the links are recycled via other social media networks or at one of my blogs.  Ms. Lowe is no longer a professional competitor; she is married, a mother of two and resides in California.  If you are thinking about following in her footsteps, all I can say: She sure set the bar really high!! :)

The Glamorous Glutes of Lisa Lowe | Max Muscle Sports Nutrition

For IFBB fitness pro Lisa Lowe, balance is everything. Which is pretty much what you’d expect from a former ballet dancer who began by studying with the San Francisco ballet, was admitted to the prestigious Julliard dance department, and then performed with the famed Alvin Alley dance troupe in New York City. Lowe, one of the most cerebral fitness professionals, earned her pro card at the 1998 Team Universe contest.

07 September 2018

History and Health Advantages of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is clean and natural, and proven to relieve several health issues. A treatment method to consider for anyone thinking about alternative or holistic solutions to healing and health care.

Hippocrates: a conventionalized image in a Rom...
Hippocrates: a conventionalized image in a Roman "portrait" bust (19th century engraving) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did you know that:

- Aromatherapy is an ancient art of healing believed to have been developed by the Egyptians.

- Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, used aromatic fumigation to cleanse Athens from the plague.

- A French chemist named Rene Maurice Gattefosset is credited with creating the term “aromatherapy”.

- Aromatherapy is used to treat several health problems: from stress and anxiety to postpartum blues.

Learn more:

Why We Love Aromatherapy (And You Should, Too!)


One final thought:

September is National Yoga Month and perhaps nobody has made this connection but seems to me Yoga and Aromatherapy would pair quite nicely. Don't you agree?

Insurance Mart and Insurance Smart shares general health info.  For general information purposes. Not to be substituted for medical advice. 

10 November 2017

Need a Gift for Baby Shower? Organic Baby Gifts

Did you know that one study identified a total of 322 toxins in the blood of umbilical cord samples? Several companies who make baby products have responded to growing consumer concerns about exposing newborns, infants and toddlers to hazardous substances and chemicals in products used in the nursery.

Organic New Baby Basics Gift Baskets - Blue

More Shopping and Gift Ideas at

28 July 2017

Science and Education: Genome Brings Ancient Girl to Life

Old news (2012).  But still interesting.  In a stunning technical feat, an international team of scientists has sequenced the genome of an archaic Siberian girl 31 times over, using a new method that amplifies single strands of DNA. The sequencing is so complete that researchers have as sharp a picture of this ancient genome as they would of a living person's, revealing, for example, that the girl had brown eyes, hair, and skin. . . .

Animation of the structure of a section of DNA...

See on

My Ancestors Did What to Their DNA? |

Image credit:  Animation of the structure of a section of DNA. The bases lie horizontally between the two spiraling strands. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"