18 April 2017

Real Estate Investing in the Rainbow Nation, South Africa

Thank you for visiting.  This content has been republished elsewhere on the web.

International Real Estate Investing Choices: South Africa, Bahamas, Panama and Costa Rica

Thinking of international real estate investing? South Africa, Bahamas, Panama and Costa Rica invite and encourage foreign investors. Here is a quick overview of their programs.

31 March 2017

Experimenting with Blogspot (So far ... So good.)

Gave my blog a little “cosmetic surgery”. This is what happens when you are in “self-teach learn as you go” mode.

Use a do-it-yourself tool or application for years and then one day you have an “Ah hah” moment because you finally figure out what the “button” is for!

Usually, my attention is devoted to my Tumblr blog, but decided that there was something not quite right with the look of my Blogger ( Blogspot ) blog. 

Hmmm … ? What can I do that I haven't done before? Have you ever changed the fonts for the blog post titles and dates or added highlights? It's a simple thing but for me it was a revelation!

Well, I didn't want to get overly ambitious since it was my first time but clicked on the “Customize” button for the template dared myself.

Clicked on “Advanced” and boldly went where I have never gone before!

Changed the font for my post title so that it could stand out more and increased the font size for the dates and even highlighted it in blue. That was it! Didn't dare go any further for fear things might get screwed up. Very pleased with my blogging adventure!

My Blog Stop! created using the official Google Blogger (Blogspot) blog publishing platform

(Screenshot below created using Fireshot, a Firefox browser add-on.)

Screenshot by Fireshot

Republished.  Original source link: Experimenting with Blogspot - Persona Paper