Showing posts with label human rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human rights. Show all posts

01 November 2021

History Lesson: Slavery: The Practice of Human Bondage

When did slavery begin? Its practice was commonplace during biblical times; the Bible weaves intricate details of slavery into the accounts of daily lives. 

Continue reading: 

The Practice of Human Bondage: When Did Slavery Begin?

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01 June 2020

A Real Black Man Whose Real Name is George ~ Express Yourself! |

For those who do not understand the historical reference in the title, do research and learn the American history behind the story of “10,000 Black Men Named George”.

It’s June 1, 2020, and the USA has been experiencing civil unrest and protestations for the past 6 days. Anger has erupted over the death of an unarmed citizen at the hands or rather “the knee” of another citizen who bears arms, wears a badge, and took an oath to serve and protect the citizens.


Continue reading this article at Express Yourself! ~

12 November 2016

Suspected Terrorists, Taking Liberties, and the “Present Distress” in America

These words were shared publicly by me, Jan 20, 2012 via my Google Plus profile. Deleted the share and am republishing it via my blog because we just went through the 2016 election and now have a new President Elect. This is not about Trump. It's about Obama (who will soon be history) and about a book. Publishing the content here as it may be relevant to the “present distress” in America.

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[Yes I know I'm quoting scripture but my statement is political. Read the entire post and you will clearly understand the application. I ain't preaching. I'M SCREAMING!!]

Acts 16: 37-38  ~ But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily?nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out. And the serjeants told these words unto the magistrates: and they feared, when they heard that they were Romans. …

Acts 25: 11-12  ~ For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar. Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council,answered, Hast thou appealed unto Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou go.

* I’m not really a devoted fan of cable TV. But the remote control does make it very easy for me to fall asleep. The news channels in particular are excellent for insomnia. So I was flipping the channels and came across a program called The Young Turks. I paused for a few minutes to listen to the discussion with the ACLU representative who also wrote a book called Taking Liberties. Evidently Obama signed a bill that obliterates the liberty of every American citizen – those in the USA and those who are abroad. (That’s what I heard!)

* yadda yadda ... blah blah ... Something or other about citizens suspected as terrorists being arrested and detained indefinitely. Of course, to his credit, the current POTUS said he would never do that. (Uh huh. Well that’s comforting.)

* So here’s the situation: Whether or not the current President chooses to enforce NDAA (??? not sure about the alphabets), it can be enforced.


* If you agree or disagree, you better take the liberty to say so. Because IF ENFORCED and you get arrested and detained indefinitely as a suspected terrorist, unlike the Apostle Paul, you probably won’t be able to appeal to anybody cause WON’T NOBODY KNOW WHERE YOU AT!!

For the record: I’m not a card-carrying member of the ACLU. That’s Bruce Willis.  (joking)

{The link is to the book Taking Liberties. In the interest of disclosure, I’m an Amazon Associate, so if you purchase the book via this link I earn income. But whether you buy the book or not, the NDAA IS STILL CRAP!!!}

Movies About Being an Indian Muslim in Post 9/11 America ~

Kurbaan (2009) / My Name Is Khan (2010) / New York (2009) |

“Foxes have Holes” ~

Syrian Refugees Go Home! (An Opinion Piece) - Medium

How Crazy Horse Treated Refugees and Other Writings of White Feather ~

Bringing White Feather From the Mountain

More random thoughts plucked from my G+ post stream.

NOTE: During 2019, the Google+ social network will close down for consumers, so I preserved these comments below.

Treathyl FOX
Shared publicly - Mar 25, 2012

On the matter of Maher versus Limbaugh versus Obama versus whatever that preacher’s name who made the remarks about God damning America versus MSNBC versus Fox news. I gotta say all the chatter made me think.

** If an individual known by reputation as a person who makes outlandish, even insulting remarks about other individuals and does this for a living – if this individual decides to donate money to a – church or mosque or temple or orphan home or hospital or community civic center or an educational institution – or any organization where other individuals either work and/or provide services to other individuals – should we demand that these organizations give back the money?

** I say … if it’s a government organization, YES!

** So … is a PAC, a super one or a non-super one - a government organization?

** Also … should every comedian and radio talk show or person who is always in the public's eye or ears - be either be barred from opening their mouths or barred from making donations with the money they earn from opening their mouths?

- It’s something to ponder. We have to think about this because nobody wants to think about not insulting people when money is a factor.