Showing posts with label world music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world music. Show all posts

20 January 2020

Entertainment Blogs: World Music - the Music Journey

Do you enjoy world music? So do I. I used to work in our nation's capital, Washington, D.C. There were two music stores within walking distance from my job, and they were a favorite place to spend my one hour for lunch break. Haven't been in D.C. since 1995 and the name of the stores escape me. But I do remember that they both had a wonderful world music section. In Texas, when we used to subscribe to cable TV, there was a show called “Musical Passport” that we watched often. Took you all around the world showcasing great music!

Currently, I work from home so I don't get out much to browse the stores anymore. Also, we no longer have cable TV. Sure I could shop online but don't always know who to look for. My significant other combs YouTube and finds all kinds of new artists. But I don't have the patience to do that. I have, however, stumbled across a blog that specializes in introducing its readers to musical artists from around the world: Germany, Greece, Mali, South Africa, Canada, Hungary, France, Caribbean and on and on and on. You can search this site by names of artists, by countries and/or by genres. As of March 2017, it had over 4000 followers. Their posts date back to 2011. The last post is dated December 2015.  They have so much variety, it makes me dizzy. But I love it!! Why don't you visit? If you love world music, you'll love this blog!

To put it in their words:
Join us on our musical adventure on

If you see the banner below, you should be at the right site.
(Hope they don't change their banner.)

* * Cmoneyspinner Around the Web * *

* * * Fascinating Fact:

18 August 2017

JAZZ : World Music, Made in the U.S.A.

I heart trivia and jazz  :)

DID YOU KNOW?  “In 1912, the first use of the word “jazz” was in print in California, but it was not a description of the music.”  So what was it describing and how did it get connected to this musical art form that people all around the world enjoy today?   

World Music : Spotlight on Zaho, Algerian R&B Singer

Have always thought Algerian music had a moody, exotic, sensual vibe. Right? So tried to sign up at a site (a while back) to listen to Algerian radio stations. Could get other stations from other countries but for some reason could never get to hear music played on Algerian stations. Gave up trying!

Started watching foreign films with my SO (significant other) many moons ago and also began listening to singers from other countries or rather “world music”. You could say he opened up a new world for me; a fantastic point of view. :) But long before we ever met each other, the sound of people speaking in French has always captivated me. Mattered not what they were saying or singing – they could have been cussing at me - if it was in French it sounded way better than in English. Even people who RAP in French sound better!!

My SO (significant other) let me listen to this female singer called Zaho. Liked her sound. Did a little extra research on her. 

Zehira Darabid (born on May 10, 1980), known by her artistic name Zaho, is an Algerian R&B singer. -
Algerian? Yeah. Uh huh. That figures. Oh well! At least access to her videos wasn't cut off from the American audience.

[ Content previously published at Bubblews, Mar 20, 2015. ]

Zaho Music; available in MP3 or Unlimited Streaming with Amazon Music App

YouTube video url