18 March 2018

You Can Earn Income From Writing

I am active in various Facebook Groups and Google Plus communities which share blogging and writing tips and tricks, work at home advice, etc.

One question that pops up consistently is:
  • What are the best sites to earn from your writing?

The question would be a lot easier to answer if everybody agreed on one uniform definition for “best”.

My idea of “best” might be another person's idea of “mediocre” because the particular sites that I think are terrific don't really suit the other person's criteria for making money consistently and achieving their financial goals.

So the “best” that I can do is say the best sites that have worked for me.

perfect gift for teacher, students, professor, business man, writer, blogger 

Forum CoinPostloop, and MyLot are social sites and/or forums that have paid me consistently.  The easiest way to earn at these sites is to just be active.  If you are active on social media and earn nothing; then you can be socially active at these sites and get paid for it.

 My HUBs or articles published at HUBPages generate income.  As do my pages and posts at WizzleyWritedge, and Daily Two Cents.  The income is earned mainly via a Google Ad Sense revenue-share plan.  Publish evergreen content at these sites and then let the content generate residual income, while you work on other writing and blogging projects. 

Medium is a site I use mainly to share republished content and redirect traffic to my primary income-earning websites. However, if you are a good writer you might be able to make good money if you sign up for their Medium Partner Program. I have not signed up as yet, but here is what someone else has said about their experience.

Listverse is another writing opportunity: Write & Get Paid $100. Sound too good to be true? It's true! I checked.

However, at this point, Medium and Listverse are on my To Do List.  I need to work up the courage up to submit my work. The competition is overwhelming and I'm terrified of rejection. I just need to get over it!

Anyway! Don't let my fear hold you back! If you've got the confidence and the skills ... Go for it!

Another potential income opportunity that I have yet to embrace is selling articles. I am at SEOClerks (a forum I joined via Postloop) where I see people selling their articles. I haven't tried it, but if they can make money from selling articles, why not me?  This is an income-avenue to be explored in the future.

There are all kinds of writing opportunities out there and newsletters or blogs one can subscribe to for opportunities. I subscribe to Freedom With Writing. Check out this post: 38 Blogs that Pay Writers $50+ for Guest Posts.

Hope you found this post informative.

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