On January 26, 1788, the First Fleet of 11 ships from Great Britain arrived at Port Jackson, which now forms Sydney Harbour. The First Fleet was led by Captain Arthur Philip. He established the Colony of New South Wales, the first penal colony in Australia. By 1808, January 26 was being celebrated as “First Landing Day” or “Foundation Day” with drinking and merriment."
- QUOTE SOURCE: Posted by Manic Sylph via Moods, Musings, Masterpieces- Community - Google+ under the category "Let's Celebrate the Day".
Today is January 26, 2015 and it's Australia Day! YAY!!
Oh? UM ... is "YAY" an Aussie term?
I’m not Australian. In fact, I probably could not tell an Aussie accent from a Cockney accent. But if you’d like to learn to speak “everyday Australian” here’s A Guide to Aussie Slang by fellow freelance writer, Talia J. She is from Australia.So what if you may never ever travel to the Australian Outback or Queensland or Sydney! Think of the fun you’ll have being able to talk just like Crocodile Dundee
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