Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

09 February 2025

Asian Studies : Searching for Chinese Treasures

Planning a trip to China? Hoping to find hidden treasure from the ancient world? Students who compare civilizations in world history are aware that like the pharaohs of Egypt , the Chinese emperors and leaders buried treasures with them for their after life. 


It was reported in 2009 that Chinese archaeologists uncovered an 1800-year-old tomb in Xigaoxue , which they believed to be the genuine tomb of a Chinese general Cao Cao . Hundreds of relics were recovered, but some experts were not convinced the bones belonged to the military leader and wanted DNA tests done. Evidently, they had the bones of the general's son which had been discovered in 1951. 


The treasures of the Tombs of Southern Song Dynasty emperors were found but they had already been robbed. Perhaps there might still be some hidden tombs that the grave robbers could not locate or access. 

Curious seekers wanting to find treasures of ancient China often search for undiscovered tombs, but based on some interesting information uncovered doing research to write another article, it appears that searching for ships lost at sea or shipwrecks, might be just as profitable.

Content published on Read.Cash.

Like to dabble in Asian studies? 

18 November 2024

Ancient Israel : Memorable Battles in Jewish History

SHILOH (not Jerusalem) was at one time the focal point of Israel's worship, where both the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant resided. 

Shiloh (biblical city) By Abraham Sobkowski OFM - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

The Jews took the Ark from Shiloh to Kiriath-Jearim to the battlefield because they thought it would being them victory. They were wrong! They lost the Battle to the Philistines. It was a slaughter!! The enemy took the Ark as a spoil of war. But it was not the kind of trophy they would be allowed to show off with. There were plagues in every Philistine city where the Ark was taken. In the end, they gave it back to the Jews.  

Where is the Ark NOW?? The Jews don't even know!!!  

What's that? It's in Ethiopia?

Yeah right. And the Chinese invented the fortune cookie.

As if ... any God-fearing Jew on the planet would let the Ark - if it really were there - remain in Ethiopia.

References: Ancient Jewish History: The Ark of the Convenant and the Book of Samuel

- INTERESTING HISTORY NOTE:  During the American Civil War, the Union Army under the leadership of Ulysses Grant, achieved a victory at the Battle of Shiloh (April 1862). But that's another battle. :)

04 July 2024

Bible Readers: What About All Those "ites"?

Now that you know how to read you can read the Bible for yourself. That's what my momma said.

Most Bible readers (from my generation and the generations in the centuries before mine) will likely say what struck them when the first read the scriptures was all those "begats". Some people will skip over verses, even whole chapters if they see that word. The word "begat" usually connects a string of names that are very difficult to pronounce.

For me, one of things noted when turning the pages of the Old Testament starting with Genesis and working my way to the Revelation was all those "ites". The names for the inhabitants of different ancient nations.

Hittites, Asherites, Jebusites, Amorites, Amakelites, Girgashites, Moabites, Perizzites, Canaanites, and of course, Israelites.

Then it changed from "ites" to "ans".

Syrians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans.

Suffixes in the English language:

ite = follower or supporter

an = pertaining to
* ian = belonging to

Belonging to? Hmmm?  Like Christians?

Yes. Only Christ is not a nation. Christianity and the gospel message of peace and goodwill is not restricted by man-made boundaries. But it's an observation as to how the suffixes were used by the scholarly translators.

JAT. (Just a thought.) :)

If my view were a "theory", the histomap would have thoroughly disproved it.  Alas.  It's not a theory.  It's just a thought.  :)

* * *

30 June 2024

Who Decided This Nonsense About Royalty and Royal Blood? Why Did We Agree?

As a member of the writing community (view my writer's profile), not only do I enjoy writing content but I also enjoy reading and commenting on the articles of my fellow writers.

Maximus Aurelius published an article titled "The Origins of Royalty: A Simple Explanation". It is an excellent read. After reading, I left comments.  On Medium, responses to comments appear on your profile but they are not counted in your list of stories.  I often re-share my comments with readers who visit my blog.  The comments below are my thoughts.

There is a scripture that says “It's not within man to direct his own steps.”

I read that and thought: “Uuuhhh … so?? … we're stupid?” (O.o)

When you read the history of humanity whether you call the people in charge kings, czars, emperors, etc. … don't you ask yourself: 'When did God die and leave them in charge?'

I mean … did it happen that on one day, the human race thought about and decided:

Wait! You want us to take one person, along with their family, and put them over all the rest of us. We even have to kneel down to them? When they eat and sleep, poop and piss, and die just like we do.

OK! I'm excited about this plan. LET'S DO THIS!!

*** (O.o)

Regardless of the origin of royalty … no matter what anybody says … I think civilizations would be better off without them.

If royals were so important to the survival of human life … why is that some countries that used to have kings and queens, but they don't have them anymore.

The fact is: One or more humans are the ones who made up something called “royalty” and then expected all the other humans to be on board with it! But as time passed, other humans thought to themselves: WHY DO WE HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS? OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!

(Just my comical take on the history of mankind. Great article.)

Original source

American Politics and Religion in 2024: Separation of Church and State is Still aYAY or NAY!

Do Souls Exists?

AreYou Ready to Trust Dr. AI?

Are the Kids Labeled as Gen Z Hopeless?

Racism in the 21st Century. Uuhh ... WHY??

Thoughts About Euthanasia, Abortions, and Botched Executions

26 May 2024

Meet Little Miss HISTORY – She’ll Be Your Tour Guide!

Spotlight on Barbara Ann Mojica, creator of Little Miss HISTORY.

Retired educator and historian Barbara Ann Mojica is using her KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to write history/travel books for children.

Published a series of picture books, nonfiction, the main character is a young traveler named Little Miss HISTORY, an aspiring park ranger eager to take you to famous landmarks and tell you all about them! Through her, Ms.Mojica takes readers on guided tours to well-known sites in the United States. So far LMH has visited:
  • Mount Rushmore,
  • the Statue of Liberty,
  • Sequoia National Park, and
  • Ford’s Theater.

Ms. Mojica has been recognized by, an organization that endeavors to recognize and promote the works of new and talented self-published authors:

Little Miss History Travels to MOUNT RUSHMORE is the first in a new series of children’s nonfiction books featuring a funny character named Little Miss History who takes you on a journey to visit historic places. This book is appropriate for middle-grade classrooms, libraries, and homes. Ms. Mojica is an historian, parent, grandparent and retired educator-driven by a genuine motivation to help make learning history a fun experience for children. In the words of one reviewer…”I wish we had books like this when I was in school.” 

Since her last trip to Mount Rushmore, Little Miss HISTORY has journeyed more than 1700 miles over land, sea and air to reach her second destination, The Statue of Liberty. This national treasure stands proudly in New York Harbor welcoming all people to the land of freedom and opportunity. In this second book of the series, Little Miss HISTORY will help you discover who thought of the statue in the first place, the values she symbolizes, the architects and engineers who built Lady Liberty, and the little known individuals who contributed their pennies to make her debut in New York’s harbor possible. You will learn about why she remains a promise and symbol of the hopes and aspirations of many people around the world and not just to immigrants coming to America. Come now and follow Little Miss HISTORY as she enlightens you about The Statue of Liberty!

Are you ready for another thrilling adventure? The Little Miss HISTORY series is a nonfiction picture book, history/travel series written with the intention of making learning fun for children and adults alike. In the third book of this series, this wannabe Park Ranger with pigtails and hiking boots three sizes too big skydives into SEQUOIA National Park. She will take you on a journey back in time to meet those who first settled in this wilderness. Through breathtaking illustrations and photographs, the reader will hike, horseback ride, and kayak through the park to view its wonders. Adventurers will encounter waterfalls, granite cliffs, giant trees, and geologic exhibits on their journey. More than three hundred species of wildlife abound in the park. Don’t be surprised if you meet a cinnamon bear or a mountain lion! Little Miss will explain the differences between sequoia trees and redwood trees, how they grow, and why they are important. Discover why the General Grant tree is called a “living memorial.” Despite the natural beauty of this park, readers will discover a deadly danger lurking within.

We are approaching the 150th Anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in Ford’s Theater, April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C. In her fourth adventure, Little Miss HISTORY pulls up her reins at its doors to visit a place that has witnessed the best and worst of times. Its walls have heard laughter and tears. This nonfiction picture book is illustrated in somber tones that convey the mood of the tragic events that unfolded there. Little Miss HISTORY keeps spirits up by wearing a top hat like Lincoln and a Roman toga while acting in the theater, but she is well-aware that she is visiting a darker part of America’s history. Learn why many believed the building was cursed. Gaze at the Derringer pistol that fired the fatal shot. Study the boot that John Wilkes Booth wore while injuring his leg during his attempt to escape. See the bed where President Lincoln died. Crane your neck up to stare at the Tower of Books written about Abraham Lincoln in the Center for Education and Leadership. Let Little Miss HISTORY be your guide to learning how Ford’s Theater has become a living memorial to Abraham Lincoln and to the resilience of a country made whole once more.

03 April 2024

Caribbean History : The Cruel Fate of the Tainos

Who Were the TaĂ­nos? Freelance writer Ivan Castro, former writer for the Miami Herald, a South Florida newspaper, publishes a variety of articles on history and archaeology.

TaĂ­nos were the people Christopher Columbus and his men encountered when they first set foot in the New World. TaĂ­nos greeted the Spaniards when the voyagers landed in the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and other islands. They were were doomed the moment the Europeans came ashore."  Read more at: **

European Colonization and the Cruel Fate of the TaĂ­nos

Sharing a link to an excellent article by Ivan Castro, Contributor, a former reporter for The Miami Herald. He is an excellent writer and has written several articles on various historical events such as - reign of Nero, an emperor of ancient Rome; World War I and II; and slave rebellions in the Caribbean. To view his complete list of contributed articles, click here. You will indeed learn some things you never knew you never knew!!

(* Link also shared via my Pinterest board on The Bahamas.)

** Note: Articles or other paged links on the site are not available.  I have been unable to find archived or cached copies.  Here are alternate links:

The Taino genocide | Agabond

What Became of the TaĂ­no?

The Indians who greeted Columbus were long believed to have died out. But a journalist's search for their descendants turned up surprising results

Christoper Columbus arrives in America 
Christoper Columbus arrives in America (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dujo, a wooden chair crafted by TaĂ­nos. 
Dujo, a wooden chair crafted by TaĂ­nos. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

20 March 2024

Christianity: Footsteps of Jesus? (And the Sea of Galilee)

Most people know that Nazareth is the hometown of Jesus.  Most Christians have read the account in the gospel of the moment in time when Jesus publicly announced that He was the Messiah.  (Luke 4: 21)

ARTICLE EXCERPT:  “Jesus grew up in Nazareth. He studied and prayed in a synagogue, the ruins of which are believed to lie beneath a church built by the Crusaders in the 12th Century and that is known as The Synagogue Church.”

No doubt a visit to this historic place is a numbered item on the bucket list for many believers.  For me, this wonderful article by a fellow freelance writer and friend, Sheri Oz, puts a wonderful spin on the phrase “footsteps of Jesus”.

Jesus’ Synagogue Church in Nazareth, Israel

* * *

Since we’re on the subject of seeing places where Jesus walked, couldn’t resist sharing this amazing photograph.

09 December 2023

Berniece and Drusilla Might Be Called Bad Girls of the Bible

Sharing a few biofacts from a non-historian about 2 sisters ~ Berniece and Drusilla, both Jewish princesses. The Jewish historian, Josephus, says the two (2) sisters hated each other. That's probably why there is not much mention of them in history crossing each other. It's likely they just stayed out of each other's way. OR … Big sister was so busy bed-hopping, she didn't have time for her little sister.

Who was Berniece?

After learning a little about a woman named Berniece, I concluded that she was clearly ambitious and her bedroom moves, simply put, were … “power grabs”.

She was the daughter of Herod Agrippa I who was the ruler of Palestine (AD 37-44). (“Political Rulers of Palestine in the New Testament Era”.)

  • First, she married an insignificant guy named Marcus. Not sure of the reason why the marriage ended, but she moved on and married her uncle, whose name was Herod. He died shortly thereafter. By the way, her uncle was a king.
  • Since she had already married one king, might as well keep the momentum going. She married King Polemo and deserted him shortly after their wedding.
  • She moved to Jerusalem and hooked up with Agrippa II, a great-grandson of Herod the Great. He was also her brother, which meant they had an incestuous relationship. (It seems her aim was a little bit higher, so you could call this marriage “a stepping stone”. Just me thinking.)
  • Ultimately, she made her way to the bed of two (2) Roman emperors. Some records indicate that she was not only the mistress of Emperor Vespasian but also his son Titus. She became the lover of Titus when he was a general and he continued their relationship when he became emperor.

After her relationship with Titus, she seems to have faded from history.

♦ Who was Drusilla?

Berniece had a little sister and her name was Drusilla, a feminine derivative of the Roman family name Drusus.

Berniece and Drusilla are both mentioned in the New Testament Book of Acts.

Drusilla was the wife of Felix, a Roman governor of Judea, who sent for Paul to hear about Jesus. Before she married Felix, she was married to some guy named Gaius Julius Azizus, who was a priest-king of Emesa.

Drusilla didn't bed-hop as much as her big sister, Berniece; but she did sort of follow her big sister's example. Even though she went backward. Instead of going from governor to king, she went from a king to a governor.

Historical records indicate that she perished in Pompeii during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.


P.S. I am not a qualified historian, so if you see anything incorrect in this short post, feel free to call me out on it.


Berenice | Jewish Women's Archive
A descendant of Herod the Great, Berenice was queen of Chalcis and Cicilia and opposed the Jewish Revolt in 66 CE. She eventually became the lover of Titus, the Roman general (and later emperor) who destroyed Jerusalem.
Acts 24: 24 Background: After returning to Jerusalem after years of missionary travel Paul was persecuted by  Jewish leaders and accused of sedition (Acts 21- 23). He was taken into custody and taken to the Caesarea to be brought before Felix, the Roman Governor. Felix agreed to listen to Paul and listened as he defended himself against the Jewish accusations (Acts 24: 1-20).  After hearing Paul Felix was interested in him and kept him under his protection for several more days. Then… “After certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.” (Acts 24:24) Facts About Her: Usually I only post facts that can be found in the scriptures, but Drusilla is a well documented historical figure and so I am including those in the facts even though they are not stated in the scripture. She was the wife of Felix, the Roman governor of Judea (Acts 24:24); She was a Jewess (Acts 24:24); She was with Felix when he sent for Paul and “heard him concerning the faith in Christ” but (Acts 24:24); She was the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa and the granddaughter of Herod the Great; She had two older sisters, Mariamne and Bernice. Bernice also listened to Paul and rejected his teachings (Acts 25: 13-14, 23). Speculations About Her: She was only 6-years-old when her father, Herod Agrippa died. Before he died he betrothed her to to Gaius  Epiphanes, heir of Commagene, on the condition that he embrace the Jewish faith and be circumcised. This marriage did not take place because the groom wouldn’t consent to circumcision and so when she was about 14 or 15 Drusilla was married Gaius Aziz, the king of Emessa.  Who, in order to obtain her hand, was circumcised. ( Source ) According to the Jewish historian Josephus not long after her marriage  Felix, the Roman governor of Judea, saw Druislla and, being attracted by her famed beauty, convinced her to leave her husband for him. Josephus wrote: “While Felix was procurator of Judea, he saw this Drusilla, and fell in love with her; for she did indeed exceed all other women in beauty; and he sent to her a person whose name was Simon, a Jewish friend of his, by birth a Cypriot, who pretended to be a magician. Simon endeavored to persuade her to forsake her present husband, and marry Felix; and promised, that if she would not refuse Felix, he would make her a happy woman. Accordingly she acted unwisely and, because she longed to avoid her sister Berenice’s envy (for Drusilla was very ill-treated by Berenice because of Drusilla’s beauty) was prevailed upon to transgress the laws of her forefathers, and to marry Felix. ”  ( Josephus, Jewish Antiquities , xx.7.2) Drusilla left her first husband, to whom she was never legally divorced from, and went to live as Felix’s wife. She was probably around 20 years of age when she accompanied Felix to listen to Paul’s testimony. She and Felix had a son named Marcus Antonius Agrippa and a daughter Antonia Clem
Bernice And Drusilla: 2 Wicked Sisters
Bernice and Drusilla were two evil sisters who took part in Paul's trial.

Original Source

12 November 2023

November is Native American Heritage Month (Part 2)

November is Native American Heritage Month. 

I did not do a DNA test but accepted my mother's word as fact. She said we had Native American roots as well as African-Americans. More specifically she said our roots were Cherokee. I did not do any additional genealogy research or ask Henry Louis Gates Jr. to verify my roots. But I did watch a documentary about the Cherokee Indians and realized that many things my late mother said, lined up with the information presented in the documentary. 

Of course, the fact that my mother and her sisters and brothers (my aunts and uncles) looked more like Native Americans than they did like African-Americans, gave me no reason to doubt the truthfulness of my mom's word. In other words, she had no reason to make it up! At any rate, just like I celebrate and honor Black History Month, I celebrate and honor Native American Heritage Month. Can't deny my roots!

Found on - Soceity & Culture

November was proclaimed Native American Heritage Month in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush. But it took over seventy years to get here.

Original Source: Penny White , YAHOO Contributor Network; * * *
Treathyl Fox's insight:
"Currently there are 562 tribal governments in the United States recognized by the federal government. Each tribe can form its own government and enforces its own laws, establishes its own taxes and regulates its own activities." That's interesting. So if this can be accomplished in America, other countries with tribal communities ( "Afghanistan's tribal groups" ) should just copy the Native Americans. Sounds easy enough!
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte was the first Nat...
Dr. Susan La Flesche Picotte was the 1st Native American woman to become a physician in the USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Martha Gradolf, contemporary Ho-Chunk...
English: Martha Gradolf, contemporary Ho-Chunk weaver, displayed a rush pouch in progress. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

28 September 2023

Women of the Bible: Character Study: Bathsheba: The Innocent Victim

When it comes to the Biblical account of BATHSHEBA, two questions should be asked: 
  • Was it her fault that the king lusted in his heart for her?
  • Was she responsible for her husband’s death?
Image credit:  Bathsheba Art

The Hebrew meaning of Bath Shebha is “seventh daughter” or “daughter of the oath”. Bathsheba was the mother of King Solomon. She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite who David had murdered to cover up his act of adultery with her. Bathsheba became pregnant by King David while her husband was away at war. The child that was conceived through that adulterous union died. David later made Bathsheba his lawful wife and she gave birth to Solomon, the last king to rule over a united Israel. After Solomon’s death, 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel revolted against the rule of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, and the kingdom was divided.

Throughout the years, many have debated whether Bathsheba was as guilty of adultery as King David. Was she deliberately bathing outdoors knowing that the king could see her from his balcony? When he summoned her, even though he was king, could she not have refused him? Could she not have pleaded with him not to defile her? Why didn’t she prick the king’s conscience and remind him that her husband was an honorable man and loyal to the king and not deserving of such treachery? Instead of sending word to the king that she was pregnant by him, why not send word to her husband that while he was away and she was all alone, the king violated her and now she was with child? Had she done any of those things the biblical account would clearly show who the guilty party was and Bathsheba’s biography would read differently. Some conclude Bathsheba is just as guilty as King David of committing adultery.

It should be noted that the scriptural account does not indicate that Bathsheba objected to being taken by King David. The scriptures also do not indicate that she DID indeed object but was taken against her will. What the bible story does reveal is that Nathan the prophet went directly to King David and accused him of the sin!!! Evidently, the God of King David had no problem figuring out who the guilty party was. And the prophet serving that God had no problem telling the king that his God was not pleased with his behavior. And the scriptures are clear to show David was the one punished, not Bathsheba.

Nathan compared Bathsheba to “a little ewe lamb”. She was taken and violated. Her husband was murdered. She bore an innocent child and lost the child. Defilement and grief on top of grief: she was an innocent who was wronged and hurt. How do we know this? Because the scripture says after all of this happened, David made her his legitimate wife and “comforted her”. I suppose it was the least he could do. Read all of her story and tread carefully before maligning the character of a decent and honorable woman. David paid the price for his sin.

  • Bible References: BATHSHEBA – 2 SAM 11: 3; 12: 24; 1 KINGS 1:15, 28, 31; 2:13

Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter