13 August 2017

Ever Thought About How Will You Survive?

Questions asked at a forum called “My Survival Forum”. These were my answers. Honing your survival skills? Perhaps this will give you something to think about.

  • I was watching a documentary on our public TV station and did notice that the women were wiping the plates with dirt. They were in the desert. I was thinking I would use leaves from a tree. But of course, if I'm in the desert then … (O.o) (???) So? Do you not think using leaves from a tree is a good way to clean dirty plates?

  • My late mother believed in cerasee.  It grew in the backyard of my childhood home. It seemed she believed you could take it for everything. She always brewed it like a tea and drank it. She got better. My theory is that it tastes so awful, whatever it was inside of her that was causing the ailment, ran away! I was sure she made it up because she didn't like to go to doctors and take us to doctors. Only to grow up and find that people from the islands have always used cerasee. Healthy Herbs and Spices | Cerasee

  • No, I have never used tea tree oil because I just recently learned about it. A visit to a website maintained by a “Dr. Axe” provides details on what this natural remedy can do. Tea Tree Oil : Uses and Benefits | draxe.com

  • Two pots for cooking meals is OK. But I'm all for one-pot meals. I especially like soups and stews because they are hearty and filling. Also, throwing a soup party on a cold winter's night is fun!!

  • Not a follower of Stephen Hawking. But I'll try to be objective about his predictions. Easy for him to say. He won't be here in a thousand years so nobody will yell at him for being wrong! The chances for the world to end in a thousand years, a thousand centuries, a thousand millennia or a thousand nanoseconds are all equally not predictable.