01 October 2019

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

Some people intentionally choose controversial topics to discuss via a blog post.

I know this forum has many blog publishers so let's discuss.

Here are a few reasons why I think a person would use their blog for controversy.

Reason (1)
They are very opinionated, don't allow the facts to change their point of view, and must tell the rest of the world how to make things right. It's a must if they're going to save the world!

Reason (2)
They just publish posts on controversial topics because it attracts readers. It's a similar tactic to that used by news media networks. The more sensational or controversial the subject, the more viewers and the higher the ratings and probably the more money their blogs will make. It's just about dollars and cents. Not resolutions or solutions.

Reason (3)
They are genuinely concerned about controversial social issues and hope to achieve a resolution or come up with a solution to the problem. For example: opposing female genital mutilation for religious reasons, and publishing a blog post to invite public discussion for the sake of persuading others that it should be stopped. The main purpose of the controversial post is to get people talking, get to the heart of the matter, and hopefully, find the right answers.

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I seldom blog about controversial topics.  But if I blog about a topic that is controversial or stirs up controversy, my reason is number 3.

Do you pick controversial topics to
discuss via your blog? Why?

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Related Links:

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Content first published at ForumCoin on May 30, 2019.

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?