Showing posts with label Forum Coin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forum Coin. Show all posts

22 March 2024

Vocabulary Improvement: Having Fun with English Words

Links below are to a post series I published at one of my favorite social blogging communities, These may not be words you use in your everyday communications in the English language. But if you like to play word games like Scrabble, they might come in handy!  Learn them so you don't have to consult the dictionary during the game. 

English words are fun! Don’t you think so? Even if English is not your native tongue. When I was in elementary school as a method of enriching our vocabulary and improving our word skills, the teacher would send us home with a list of about 10 words. The homework assignment was to look up the definition of the words in the dictionary, write down the word and the definition, and write a sentence we made up using the word. Thinking back on it, I realize that it was a very good exercise.

What I Learned Watching Korean Drama

Several years back I watched a historical period Korean drama about a king who had a dream. He dreamed of a nation where everyone could read and write. Even poor people! It was a radical move! The nobles and scholars vehemently opposed him. They were willing to kill people over this! Can you imagine? To say that others disagreed with his ambitious endeavor would be the understatement of the century. Nevertheless, because he was fiercely determined, he accomplished his goal. He devised a system of 28 alphabets and from those letters, all words could be created. Sounds marvelous, doesn’t it? Watching that series really made me appreciate the ability to speak, read, and write in my native tongue, i.e. English.

What I Learned When I Had No Internet Access

What do you do when you don’t have the Internet? Oh! I don’t know! Clean your house? Read a book or a magazine? How about … learn some new words? Where’s my dictionary? (Actually I don’t have a dictionary. I have a lexicon.)

Unlike the Korean alphabet, our American English alphabet is 26 letters. Our words are derived from the languages of various civilizations: French, Latin, Greek, languages of the Native Americans, etc. The creation of most of the words we speak rest on 5 of the 26 letters, which we call vowels. A – E – I – O – U. Sometimes the letter Y is considered a vowel. But for purposes of this discussion, we will count it as a consonant.

Entertainment and Education

I started out entertaining myself by scanning pages of my old lexicon and honing in on words I didn’t know. Then I thought to myself, many members of online social communities where I am an active member, are non-English speaking. Why not share my treasure finds with them? There are also some members who speak “the real English”. Per my late husband, there’s real English and then there is the English that Americans speak. Those community members who speak “the real English” might enjoy my findings as well.

So I’ve published this series of short posts. Why isn’t the series longer? Well because I got my Internet back. LOL.  I looked up the meanings of “5 English words” for each vowel. The pattern if you can’t detect it is the first vowel in the alphabet paired with the first consonant in the alphabet; second vowel with the second consonant; third vowel with the third consonant, etc. Similar to my homework assignment from elementary school, wrote down the word and the definition. I did not, however, use the words in a sentence. Why? Like I said, I got my Internet back! LOL. 🙂

Anyway … as I only wrote down the word and the definition in the posts, maybe the reader can go the extra step and use it in a sentence.

One last note. Keep in mind that some of the words I found, you probably won’t use in casual everyday conversation. But if you love to play word games like Scrabble, they might come in really handy!

27 November 2020

Consumer Electronics and Gadgets Wish List

A fellow freelance writer published his list of the Top 5 Technology Gadgets Christmas Wishlist. However, that was in 2018. Since it's 2020 and I know how fast technology is outdated or invented, I compared that list to tech gadgets on two lists for 2020.
For those who like gaming, TR's list includes the best games console; and for those into health and fitness, TR's list includes the best fitness tracker. (Singular. They only listed one tracker.)

As for me, the Robot Vacuum is still on MY wishlist.

But in that list of 100 gadgets, here are the tech toys that caught my eye:

* There is a Portable Photo Printer. I'm from the Polaroid generation. I remember when one of my brothers got a Polaroid Instant Camera for Christmas. When I saw that gadget I felt this really strong nostalgia vibe.

Image Credit:

* The Compact Wall Charger is awesome! Carry it in your pocket or your purse and if you need to rapidly charge a smartphone or tablet, just stick in an electrical outlet. It will charge your device and has a feature that protects from overheating.

* The Robot Vacuum is Number 35 on this Top 100 List and still Numero Uno on my list.

* The Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip I like because my kids said that I should like it. They usually know what they're talking about for a lot of this tech stuff.

* The Hot+Cool Cryptomic Air Purifier. To me, this should be the first gadget on the list. Everybody needs to breathe pure air. I believe in air purifiers. I have worked in companies that had air purifiers in the offices. They are amazing!

* Number 100 on this list of 100 is a product that I would have never guessed. It's a Wind-Resistant Umbrella. An umbrella is not an item I usually list under tech gadgets. But this umbrella is no ordinary umbrella! It can survive wind gusts up to 72 mph. Uh-huh. I'm not buying it. I have no need for that. According to the Beaufort Wind Scale, gale-force hurricane winds for a storm are 64 - 73 mph. I grew up in Miami, Florida. I don't go outside in hurricanes and we get enough advanced warning to know that we're supposed to find shelter. I have no need for an umbrella that can withstand 72 mph cause I'm not stupid enough to go outside and try to brave that kind of wind force!

Anyway! That Top 100 List is very easy to peruse. It's a gallery of photos with a description of about 1 or 2 paragraphs and tells you where you can buy these gadgets and how much they cost.


Interesting Link:


12 November 2020

Floral Diversity: i-Flowers For Your Garden: Indian Blanket, Indian Pink, and the Iris

Indian Blanket, Indian Pink, and the Iris are three (3) flowers that you will love. 

You will love the Indian Blanket and Indian Pink because of their glorious colors.

The scientific name for Indian Blanket is Gaillardia pulchella and the scientific name for Indian Pink is Spigelia marilandica. Both are spectacular red and yellow. I can see why the common name includes the word “Indian” because the bright colors do remind me of clothing worn by Native American Indians.

The Indian Blanket flower is a wildflower that grows all over North and South America. If you live on either of these 2 continents, chances are you've seen this flower but you didn't know the name. Other names for this flower are Fire Wheel and Sundance. Native Americans dry them and use it for medicinal teas. Here is a cool fun fact: Gaillardia is the official flower of the state of Oklahoma. I've never been to Oklahoma. But I live in Texas and the folks here like the flower so much that they chose the colors as the official school colors for the Texas State University.

The Indian Pink is a wildflower that grows in the greater southeastern United States (from Florida up to New Jersey and over as far as Texas). It has other names like Little Redhead or Pinkroot. Newbie gardeners probably like them because they are perennials, grow in the shade, and are pollinated by hummingbirds. However, there have been many complaints that the flower is disappearing due to overharvesting. Like most wildflowers, this flower has medicinal properties. People use it to get rid of the roundworm and tapeworm. But it also contains tannin which can be used for what seems like “anti” everything! Antibacterial, anticancer, antihypertensive, antioxidant, antitumor, antiulcer, antiviral, etc. It's even anti-HIV. Some Native American tribes use it in ceremonies to induce visions and foretell the future because it has hallucinogenic properties. Experienced herbalists warn that an incorrect dosage of medicines made from Indian Pink could have deadly consequences.

When I say Iris, you say Which color? This is a beautiful spring flower and it grows in pale blue, mauve, pink, yellow, and blue-violet (what I call purple). All are gorgeous! But I fancy the purple ones.

Irises in Mythology: “According to Greek mythology, when the gods wanted to communicate with mortals on earth they sent a messenger. The messenger was a goddess who, with golden wings, traveled to earth on a rainbow. Legend has it that wherever this goddess set foot on earth, colorful flowers sprung up. The goddess in question was Iris, and the flowers that were said to grow where she set foot bear her name.” (Quote Source: “Iris: A Brief History”)

Irises in Art: Vincent Van Gogh loved painting Irises. Guess what! He started painting them while he was in an asylum. Van Gogh had problems. But at least he did try to get help for himself. After all, he committed himself to the asylum. While he was there, could there be any better mental therapy than painting Irises? I wonder. Did he need a psychiatrist or did he just need a place to getaway? Only Van Gogh knows for sure. 

Irises have been used for both health and beauty purposes. It was used to cure dropsy and also to remove freckles. 

I'll conclude with these 2 fun facts.

(1) In America, the iris is the state flower of Tennessee.

(2) In France, the iris is the national emblem and it is known as the "fleur-de-lis" or flower of Louis, in honor of the kings of France.

17 June 2020

Blogging Advice: Using Multiple Commenting System Plugins

** Sharing this link to blogging advice especially for newbie bloggers and recommend that they save it for future reference. 

Have you ever visited a blog and scrolled down to leave a comment and the Comments box allows you to choose your profile? You can click Anonymous OR you can choose your social media profile, usually Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn OR use your Disqus profile OR you can use your name, an eMail, and a site URL. Pick one of those profiles and leave your comments.

I love to visit a blog that has those types of Comments boxes. I think they're neat! ... 
Con't reading:

Additional Related Content:

07 January 2020

Happy 2020! Will There Be a World War 3? Let's Discuss.

Ever since mankind realized that they were supposed to be counting wars ... people are on the edge because they are rightfully concerned about the possibility and regularly ask this question:

Will there be a World War 3?

There are lively discussions going in many online communities.  I donated my "two cents" to a discussion in a forum.  This is what I said:

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"NOSTRADAMUS predictions for 2018 have foretold one of the worst years in global history with a string of natural disasters, the fall of the economy, and the start of World War 3."
Nostradamus 2018 predictions: World War 3 and disaster BUT survivors could live to 200
Eh! I never believed anything attributed to Nostradamus. Frankly I don't think there will be a 3rd world war because, although the countries possess nuclear weapons, nobody in their right mind really wants to use them. In a nuclear-to-nuclear showdown there are NO WINNERS. The fallout from the use of nuclear weapons is unimaginable. The earth - the land, the oceans and the sky - will be ruined FOR EVERYBODY!!
North Korea warns of nuclear showdown, ...

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I made the statements above on May 25, 2018, and searched for related links on the web (see below).

:yawn: It's January 2020 and wouldn't you know it? We're having this discussion. ... AGAIN! :crazy:

WW3 latest news today: Is World War 3 happening right now? | World | News |  

01 October 2019

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

Some people intentionally choose controversial topics to discuss via a blog post.

I know this forum has many blog publishers so let's discuss.

Here are a few reasons why I think a person would use their blog for controversy.

Reason (1)
They are very opinionated, don't allow the facts to change their point of view, and must tell the rest of the world how to make things right. It's a must if they're going to save the world!

Reason (2)
They just publish posts on controversial topics because it attracts readers. It's a similar tactic to that used by news media networks. The more sensational or controversial the subject, the more viewers and the higher the ratings and probably the more money their blogs will make. It's just about dollars and cents. Not resolutions or solutions.

Reason (3)
They are genuinely concerned about controversial social issues and hope to achieve a resolution or come up with a solution to the problem. For example: opposing female genital mutilation for religious reasons, and publishing a blog post to invite public discussion for the sake of persuading others that it should be stopped. The main purpose of the controversial post is to get people talking, get to the heart of the matter, and hopefully, find the right answers.

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I seldom blog about controversial topics.  But if I blog about a topic that is controversial or stirs up controversy, my reason is number 3.

Do you pick controversial topics to
discuss via your blog? Why?

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Related Links:

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Content first published at ForumCoin on May 30, 2019.

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

30 May 2019

Work From Home Advice: Finding the Path to Successful Affiliate Marketing

My path to affiliate marketing began several years back when I saw a write-up about an online entrepreneur who insisted he earned thousands of dollars in affiliate referral commissions. He also said it was really easy to do! 

Another respected blogger I stumbled upon because I was looking for advice on how to make money from my websites, said that he was able to generate consistent income of about $5K per month via affiliate referrals. 

There are many more success stories out there. Some can be found right here at Forum Coin.

Unfortunately, my success story has not made the headlines yet. But that’s not to say one day it won’t ever happen. Income from my affiliate advertising efforts has been earned sporadically and my goal of achieving consistent regular income has not yet been achieved. However, the fact that I was able to earn commissions is an indication (at least to me) that earning consistent income from affiliate marketing is a possibility. So I keep on keeping on.

Though it's been said before it bears repeating because newbies are constantly coming on board and trying to make money in the online world.

QUESTION: How does one pursue the path to successful affiliate marketing?

ANSWER: First figure out what the best products are FOR YOU to promote and what the best affiliate marketing programs are FOR YOU to join. It's not a "one size, fits all" formula. Then, of course, you need to figure out how to promote and where to advertise. There are several ways, however, building niche websites and social media marketing are proving to be the most effective ways for my “entrepreneurial adventures”. If you find something else that works FOR YOU, that's OK!

These articles are of interest to me and may be helpful for you too!

Affiliate Marketing 101: How To Find The Best Products To Promote (

The takeaway tips from this article is that digital products are more profitable to promote and Clickbank is the best way to get started. You may beg to differ. But the advice was offered freely.

The Best Affiliate Programs and 24 Ways To Promote Them (

There are several programs listed in the section titled “Best Affiliate Marketing Programs” that will require further exploration on my part. Confess to not having any familiarity with any of these programs or the promotion techniques and methods suggested. Would not recommend for newbie marketers. (Just my opinion.)

Where To Advertise Affiliate Links (

Three tips outlined that could be attempted even if you’re a beginner or newbie: (1) social media advertising; mainly via Facebook; (2) solo ads which the article writer describes as “100% affiliate friendly”; and (3) which is especially good to use if your website gets traffic. (My opinion.)

How to Promote Affiliate Products On Your Blog ( publishes a free newsletter. Become a subscriber and you will have no regrets. Their advice is invaluable. At the end of this post there is a “Bonus Tip” and a quick list of marketing tips for 2016 and beyond!

How to Promote Affiliate Products without a Website and Make Money (

Saved the best for last. This is the post that interested me the most because most say you need a website or a blog. But this site mentions the Yahoo Gemini ad system and incorporates links to two more informative articles – one to top rated affiliate programs and another with tips on how to make money using Pinterest.

None of these articles mentioned the actual words “dogged persistence”.

But when you read them you know it’s implied.

Image Credit:  Affiliate marketing cycle illustration design
© Photographer: Alexmillos | Agency:

View more articles about affiliate marketing published at Forum Coin.

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NOTE:  Original content posted at on Feb 28, 2018