Showing posts with label work from home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work from home. Show all posts

24 September 2021

Dr. Dobson's Parenting Advice is Proven

Dr. James Dobson is a well-known psychologist who specializes in advice on parenting (especially for new parents).

Focus on the Family, his non-profit ministry provide counseling and resources on marriage, parenting and other family matters; and he has also authored several books on these topics.

Dr. James Dobson is a well-known psychologist and the founder of Focus on the Family, a non-profit ministry that supplies advice and resources on marriage, parenting and other family matters. He describes two types of children: the compliant child – an obedient child that heeds good advice and follows a path to peace; versus the defiant child – who is the exact opposite. He says most children are “in between” those two extremes.

Having given birth to eleven children – all living – all raised except for one – I can state unequivocally that Dr. Dobson is correct. Most children are between the two extremes. However, if you happen to get one that is wholly defiant – my advice is … PRAY!! Pray you survive them until they reach the age of eighteen and then … send them on their way!

English: James Dobson.
You see children must realize that one day if they live, they will be the same age as mommie and daddy. If they have children of their own, mommy and daddy will no longer have to explain why the “rules” were so flipping ludicrous!! There are many who claim to have programs that work if you happen to be raising a difficult and trying child. Some of them will even offer you their programs free of charge. Quite frankly, everybody has to wade through those muddy murky waters on their own. What may work for your family could cause chaos and mayhem in another person’s home. So tread very cautiously.

I can tell you that as a young parent, reading the Dobson books was extremely helpful. Many who might not be of the Christian persuasion probably steer clear of his writings. But the advice he offers is very generic and can be applied regardless of one’s religious beliefs or nationality or ethnicity.

As I stated earlier, my babies are all full grown now, with only one remaining. In five more years, she’ll be stepping out on her own. Five years? That’s half a blink of an eye. Really it is. My oldest child has already passed the over the hill mark. Back in my day, “over the hill” used to be age 30. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were teaching him how to walk. Though the memories are sweet, of a truth, my husband and I look forward to the “empty nest years” with great anticipation.

But getting to my point: If you are a new parent, and mommy and daddy are no available for you to ask them about the “rules”, pick up a book by Dr. Dobson. No doubt you can find one or more at your local library or even a church library. If not, his books are available for purchase online.

English: James Dobson. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Dr. James Dobson Parenting Collection

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Audible Gold [Digital Membership]
Enjoy the benefits of listening to audiobooks.

21 April 2021

Having Fun At Read.Cash and Noise.Cash ~ Learning and Earning!

Have you heard of Noise.Cash?  It's a fun social site where you can socialize, learn, and earn Bitcoin Cash.  It is the partner site for Read.Cash.  Both sites are fairly new.  Read.Cash was launched in 2019 and the following year, 2020, Noise.Cash was launched.  If you like publishing short posts (just like you do on Twitter) then you'll probably like Noise.Cash.  If you're an artist or photographer, blogger, article writer, both sites are terrific for sharing your work.  In other words, you can publish short posts, share images, or write detailed articles.  The platform is very easy to use and you can start immediately!

First question you might ask:

  • But if you are already on Twitter, why bother with Noise.Cash?  Because you can earn Bitcoin Cash for your content; even if it's just your opinion.  What do you earn for your tweets?

Second question you might ask:

  • What's Bitcoin Cash?  The answer is ... it's complicated.  But the bottom line is that it's a form of cryptocurrency that you can earn, save or trade, or use to buy goods and services.  If you sign up and create an account at both sites ... Read.Cash and Noise.Cash, you will learn a lot more about it.  That's what I did!

My recommendation?

Create an account at Read.Cash first.  Take a look at my RC profile.

When you create your account you'll see a banner at the top of the page suggesting that you also join Noise.Cash.  I suggest you click on it.  Take a look at my NC profile.

If you are curious to know more, check out the FAQ at Read.Cash.  They explain it much better than I do.  All I can say is that I've been there for less than a year and I have plans to stay!

07 January 2020

Happy 2020! Will There Be a World War 3? Let's Discuss.

Ever since mankind realized that they were supposed to be counting wars ... people are on the edge because they are rightfully concerned about the possibility and regularly ask this question:

Will there be a World War 3?

There are lively discussions going in many online communities.  I donated my "two cents" to a discussion in a forum.  This is what I said:

* * *
"NOSTRADAMUS predictions for 2018 have foretold one of the worst years in global history with a string of natural disasters, the fall of the economy, and the start of World War 3."
Nostradamus 2018 predictions: World War 3 and disaster BUT survivors could live to 200
Eh! I never believed anything attributed to Nostradamus. Frankly I don't think there will be a 3rd world war because, although the countries possess nuclear weapons, nobody in their right mind really wants to use them. In a nuclear-to-nuclear showdown there are NO WINNERS. The fallout from the use of nuclear weapons is unimaginable. The earth - the land, the oceans and the sky - will be ruined FOR EVERYBODY!!
North Korea warns of nuclear showdown, ...

* * *
I made the statements above on May 25, 2018, and searched for related links on the web (see below).

:yawn: It's January 2020 and wouldn't you know it? We're having this discussion. ... AGAIN! :crazy:

WW3 latest news today: Is World War 3 happening right now? | World | News |  

01 October 2019

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

Some people intentionally choose controversial topics to discuss via a blog post.

I know this forum has many blog publishers so let's discuss.

Here are a few reasons why I think a person would use their blog for controversy.

Reason (1)
They are very opinionated, don't allow the facts to change their point of view, and must tell the rest of the world how to make things right. It's a must if they're going to save the world!

Reason (2)
They just publish posts on controversial topics because it attracts readers. It's a similar tactic to that used by news media networks. The more sensational or controversial the subject, the more viewers and the higher the ratings and probably the more money their blogs will make. It's just about dollars and cents. Not resolutions or solutions.

Reason (3)
They are genuinely concerned about controversial social issues and hope to achieve a resolution or come up with a solution to the problem. For example: opposing female genital mutilation for religious reasons, and publishing a blog post to invite public discussion for the sake of persuading others that it should be stopped. The main purpose of the controversial post is to get people talking, get to the heart of the matter, and hopefully, find the right answers.

* * *

I seldom blog about controversial topics.  But if I blog about a topic that is controversial or stirs up controversy, my reason is number 3.

Do you pick controversial topics to
discuss via your blog? Why?

* * *

Related Links:

* * *
Content first published at ForumCoin on May 30, 2019.

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

31 August 2019

Advice for Newbie Bloggers ~ 5 Tips That Bear Repeating

This post to encourage others out there who may have their mind set to tread this path to making money online. It is extremely easy to get discouraged and give up. My first blog post at this blog is dated April 9, 2014.  

It's a mess!! All those strikethroughs. I left them to remind me not to give up! Have had a lot of learning experiences on the road to trying to become a successful blogger. Yes, I did say “trying”. I know it's been 3 years but the goal I'm aiming for - generating consistent monthly income from monetized blogs and affiliate marketing websites - has not yet been achieved.

I am an active participant in a discussion forum called SEOClerks, where you can learn and earn about blogging, writing, affiliate marketing, SEO and a myriad of other tips and tricks that aspiring webmasters need to know.  
(Note:  This community is free to join.)  

A question was asked about advice for newbie bloggers.  Below (below the star) is the response I contributed.

What tips do you recommend for beginners in blogging?

Tip #1 ~ I did not know about communities and forums when I started blogging. But I'm glad I eventually found out about their existence. If for no other reason that I no longer feel like I'm all alone.

Groups on Facebook and Communities on Google Plus are OK.  But if you can find a blogging community or a forum, join it. Try to find one where you can learn and earn. You'll get support and can commiserate with fellow members who are also trying to find their way through the blogging maze.

Join an online writing community, also. It's for article writers. Similar to blogging communities. It helps improve your writing skills.  Most of them have revenue-share programs, along with supportive Admin and members.

If you can afford to pay for the blogging courses offered, then go ahead. If you can't, that's where these communities and forums come in handy. Forums like SEOClerks, for example.  :)

Tip #2 Find blogs you really enjoy reading (search via Bloglovin or sites like that or blog directories), subscribe and visit often. Leave comments. Find the bloggers that will approve your comments and will also allow you to associate your blog URL to your name as a backlink. Not kidding. If you leave comments on a blog post, they go into moderation and you never receive approval or your comments don't become visible online, leave that blog in the dust! There are too many other bloggers out there who would happy to have visitors that leave comments behind.  Leave worthwhile comments. Not one-word exclamations or boring one-liners that make the blogger think you didn't even bother to read their post.

Tip #3 ~ There are many free blog publishing platforms to get started. If you are interested in trying to earn income from your blog, find out what the rules are about monetizing your blog. All blogging platforms are not created equal. Some allow certain things and some don't. You break the rules you will have your blog deleted in a heartbeat!

Tip #4 BUDGETING:  Anything that requires a monetary investment and you have the money to pay for it, then go ahead. If you don't have money, use what you have. Your brains, your skills, a laptop (or whatever device you use), and Internet access.

Tip #5 Most important. Don't expect immediate success. Be patient. Be persistent. Persevere.

03 July 2019

Site Review: The Bing Bing Says Hello! Hello! and Buy! Buy!

UPDATE July 3, 2019 ~ The site may say "Buy Buy" but I said "Bye Bye".  I created my profile at this site as a work-at-home project.  Bing Bing allows affiliate links so I wanted to use this platform for affiliate marketing purposes.  Even though this platform has two great features (easy link sharing and the buy button), Pinterest overwhelmed it in popularity.  In the end, it did not work for me.

If you are a Bing Bing user I would love to hear from you about your experience.

* * * Content below published July 2015.

Sharing a tip! Active on Twitter and noticed many of my tweets were being retweeted by a Tweeter I did not know.

The Bing Bing made themselves known a few months back by sending me an eMail inviting me to participate in their network. Glad they did! My Bing Bing profile.

* (For comparison:  My Pinterest profile.)

Been a home-based business entrepreneur since 2007. Have tried and failed many business projects. But can never be accused of failing to at least TRY! 

Happy to share business advice, tips and tricks with fellow persons in business learned through my trial and error. Might save you some pain. 

Audible Gold [Digital Membership]
Enjoy the benefits of listening to audiobooks.

13 June 2019

30 May 2019

Work From Home Advice: Finding the Path to Successful Affiliate Marketing

My path to affiliate marketing began several years back when I saw a write-up about an online entrepreneur who insisted he earned thousands of dollars in affiliate referral commissions. He also said it was really easy to do! 

Another respected blogger I stumbled upon because I was looking for advice on how to make money from my websites, said that he was able to generate consistent income of about $5K per month via affiliate referrals. 

There are many more success stories out there. Some can be found right here at Forum Coin.

Unfortunately, my success story has not made the headlines yet. But that’s not to say one day it won’t ever happen. Income from my affiliate advertising efforts has been earned sporadically and my goal of achieving consistent regular income has not yet been achieved. However, the fact that I was able to earn commissions is an indication (at least to me) that earning consistent income from affiliate marketing is a possibility. So I keep on keeping on.

Though it's been said before it bears repeating because newbies are constantly coming on board and trying to make money in the online world.

QUESTION: How does one pursue the path to successful affiliate marketing?

ANSWER: First figure out what the best products are FOR YOU to promote and what the best affiliate marketing programs are FOR YOU to join. It's not a "one size, fits all" formula. Then, of course, you need to figure out how to promote and where to advertise. There are several ways, however, building niche websites and social media marketing are proving to be the most effective ways for my “entrepreneurial adventures”. If you find something else that works FOR YOU, that's OK!

These articles are of interest to me and may be helpful for you too!

Affiliate Marketing 101: How To Find The Best Products To Promote (

The takeaway tips from this article is that digital products are more profitable to promote and Clickbank is the best way to get started. You may beg to differ. But the advice was offered freely.

The Best Affiliate Programs and 24 Ways To Promote Them (

There are several programs listed in the section titled “Best Affiliate Marketing Programs” that will require further exploration on my part. Confess to not having any familiarity with any of these programs or the promotion techniques and methods suggested. Would not recommend for newbie marketers. (Just my opinion.)

Where To Advertise Affiliate Links (

Three tips outlined that could be attempted even if you’re a beginner or newbie: (1) social media advertising; mainly via Facebook; (2) solo ads which the article writer describes as “100% affiliate friendly”; and (3) which is especially good to use if your website gets traffic. (My opinion.)

How to Promote Affiliate Products On Your Blog ( publishes a free newsletter. Become a subscriber and you will have no regrets. Their advice is invaluable. At the end of this post there is a “Bonus Tip” and a quick list of marketing tips for 2016 and beyond!

How to Promote Affiliate Products without a Website and Make Money (

Saved the best for last. This is the post that interested me the most because most say you need a website or a blog. But this site mentions the Yahoo Gemini ad system and incorporates links to two more informative articles – one to top rated affiliate programs and another with tips on how to make money using Pinterest.

None of these articles mentioned the actual words “dogged persistence”.

But when you read them you know it’s implied.

Image Credit:  Affiliate marketing cycle illustration design
© Photographer: Alexmillos | Agency:

View more articles about affiliate marketing published at Forum Coin.

* * *
NOTE:  Original content posted at on Feb 28, 2018

20 March 2019

Where to Find Work at Home Advice, Tips and Tricks

The "cottage industry" (like Etsypreneurs) is not a creation of the 20th or 21st centuries nor did "home-based businesses" come about because of the invention of the Internet. While most of my work at home initiatives are focused mainly on writing and blogging, and affiliate marketing, there are many profitable projects people can do, working from their home. Home-based businesses or working from home was and still is very common. 

Want information for being a successful home business professional?  To find advice, tips and tricks for working from home, updated frequently, subscribe to this feed.

Subscribe to Working at Home ~
Advice, Tips and Tricks by Email

02 February 2019

Texas is Fascinating - Joie de Vivre Magazine

UPDATE:  My first post at a site called Daily Two Cents was published 2014.  However, for personal reasons, the owners shut down the site in August 2018.  My content was republished at my own blog.

Texas is Fascinating - Joie de Vivre Magazine


Texas is Fascinating : Agree or Disagree

For those of you who don't know this, when people joke about everything in Texas being big, they're joking and they're telling you the truth. Grew up in South Florida but developed a fascination with the 28 th state admitted to the Union when I watched the movie "Giant" starring Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean.

07 January 2019

Affiliate Marketing Tip: Z is for Zazzle

Here is some advice for the enthusiastic Zazzle sellers (store owners) and affiliates who are and determined to succeed in the world of online business. Supplying a link (below) to an article written by a fellow freelance writer whose advice for becoming a successful online entrepreneur is invaluable. Although you may have to read her pages two or three times. She gets so excited about sharing her success secrets, sometimes her language shoots right over your head. (Love you Jo ! Mean that in a nice way! :) ) Reviewed her Zazzle tips multiple times and did finally latch on to a key piece of advice that proved to be extremely helpful for finding Zazzle products to promote at my blogs as an affiliate advertiser. But her page was written for those who have Zazzle stores, i.e. sellers.

Jo's webpage -
How to Add an Affiliated Zazzle Store RSS Feed into Weebly
- was categorized under “ Internet Marketing : Making Money Online ”.

However, at this same site you can find a few more articles specifically devoted to “ Ecommerce Tips : Zazzle Sellers and Tips ”.

Hope this information helps my fellow Zazzle affiliate marketers out there.  (Suggested Zazzle products displayed in feed below.)

* * * Content above also appeared at Persona Paper, Jan 2016.

03 May 2018

Google Plus Communities : Get Social : Where to Find Social Media Advice, Tips and Tricks

Are you active in a Google Plus community? It's true there is a bazillion or more to choose from and narrowing down your choice is daunting. If you are looking share your social media marketing experience and/or find advice, tips, and tricks to navigate your way through the social media world, join the Get Social G+ Community. Close to 6 million members.

Showcasing the Best of the Social Web - discover and create inspiring, welcoming spaces on-line.

The content shared below is one of my posts contributed to the community.

I have several boards (over 50) and I've been trying to arrange them. I just tried a Pinterest feature that lets you arrange your boards: Alphabetical, Newest to Oldest, Oldest to Newest OR you can manually Drag and Drop your boards wherever! I may rearrange them again but for now, I think putting them in alpha order is best for visitors. I can see the boards in alpha order. What I want to know is:

Q1: How does a visitor to my Pinterest profile see them? Can you look at my Pinterest boards and tell me if you see them arranged in alphabetical order?

Q2: Is that feature available to allow a visitor to rearrange my boards the way they would like to see them? From New to Old, in Alpha Order, etc.


15 March 2018, the Perelman Premise and GOLD!

“Content is king, distribution is queen, and she wears the pants”.  ~ Jonathan Perelman, Veep of Agency Strategy at BuzzFeed. works off the Perelman premise. 
~ You curate the content. 
~ They help you distribute it. is a D.I.Y. content curation tool that helps you organize, publish and circulate content; including random content.  Launched in 2011 and within a year and a half, 75 million users had signed up.

Several years back, someone invited me to try - a content curation tool. In an effort to try to keep up with ever-changing information technology and because no fee was involved, decided it was a tool worth testing. My initial efforts resulted in the creation of three topics.

My first tests included using the interface to my blogs. If you publish a “scoop” or write a post at, you can share it to your blog simultaneously or at a later date. If you are on the Google Plus social network you can also share your content there also.

There is a free plan and an upgraded plan. With the upgrades, you can add more social accounts and/or blogs.

Must confess that my activity has been limited because other work-at-home projects which have been consuming my time and energy. But for the new year, decided to add as a priority task on my “To Do List” for 2016 and pick back up where I left off.  That turned out to be a good home business management decision. To my surprise, one of my topics has leveled up to GOLD!! It was quite a surprise when they gave me a silver ribbon. But GOLD??!! That type of recognition and support is very encouraging.

The content curation service has too many plusses to list, but here are a few you should consider:

+1) Links from the site are recognized by the search engines.

+2) The site owners have an informative blog loaded with tips and advice.

+2) It's a great sharing tool and also good for research.

+4) The interface to blogs or pages streamlines your work process and saves time.

* * *

Additional Links of Interest:

18 Types of Backlinks Violating Google’s Guidelines

Blogging Tips and Tricks From an Amateur

Top 15 Most Popular Book Marking Sites (2017)

27 February 2018

Create a Business Profile to Enhance Your Online Presence

Create a business profile to make yourself more visible on the Internet. Below is an example of my profile at IBOSocial, a network for independent business owners (IBO). Free to become a member. If interested click here.

* * * * * 

Create a profile like this one.

Hello!  My name is Treathyl Fox aka Cmoneyspinner.
Welcome to my IBOsocial front page.

  • Very excited to be a part of this community and open to networking and building professional relationships. You are invited to become a member too! Click here.
  • Engaged in multiple home business endeavors, since 2007, such as independent investing, affiliate marketing, blogging and article writing.  Click on any of the BUSINESS LINKS on the sidebar of my IBO profile for additional details.
  • Also making my marks around the web as a Freelance Writer; publishing articles on a wide range of diverse topics, such as art, real estate, religion, etc.; contributing articles since 2011 to sites such as:

04 February 2018

Heed Dr. Dobson's Advice on Parenting

Dr. James Dobson is a well-known psychologist who specializes in advice on parenting.

Focus on the Family, his non-profit ministry provide counseling and resources on marriage, parenting and other family matters; and he has also authored several books on these topics.


Dr. James Dobson is a well-known psychologist and the founder of Focus on the Family, a non-profit ministry that supplies advice and resources on marriage, parenting and other family matters. He describes two types of children: the compliant child - an obedient child that heeds good advice and follows a path to peace; versus the defiant child - who is the exact opposite. He says most children are "in between" those two extremes.

English: James Dobson.English: James Dobson. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Having given birth to eleven children - all living - all raised except for one - I can state unequivocally that Dr. Dobson is correct. Most children are between the two extremes. However, if you happen to get one that is wholly defiant - my advice is ... PRAY!! Pray you survive them until they reach the age of eighteen and then ... send them on their way!

You see children must realize that one day if they live, they will be the same age as mommy and daddy. If they have children of their own, mommy and daddy will no longer have to explain why the "rules" were so flipping ludicrous!! There are many who claim to have programs that work if you happen to be raising a difficult and trying child. Some of them will even offer you their programs free of charge. Quite frankly, everybody has to wade through those muddy murky waters on their own. What may work for your family could cause chaos and mayhem in another person's home. So tread very cautiously.

I can tell you that as a young parent, reading the Dobson books was extremely helpful. Many who might not be of the Christian persuasion probably steer clear of his writings. But the advice he offers is very generic and can be applied regardless of one's religious beliefs or nationality or ethnicity.

As I stated earlier, my babies are all full grown now, with only one remaining. In five more years, she'll be stepping out on her own. Five years? That's half a blink of eye. Really it is. My oldest child has already passed the over the hill mark. Back in my day, "over the hill" used to be age 30. It seems like it was just yesterday when we were teaching him how to walk. Though the memories are sweet, of a truth, my husband and I look forward to the "empty nest years" with great anticipation.

But getting to my point: If you are a new parent, and mommy and daddy are no available for you to ask them about the "rules", pick up a book by Dr. Dobson. No doubt you can find one or more at your local library or even a church library. If not, his books are available for purchase online.

Content first published at, Mar 22, 2014

10 November 2017

My Shopping Channel is an Active Member of

Several months back I was invited to join a community aimed at promoting small businesses, connecting local businesses to each other, providing a means of referring customers and clients to each other, and other support.  It was a good sense decision to join this community.  I have been a work-at-home professional since 2007 and was invited to join by Heather McLaughlin from Performance Marketing Group.  

Can you believe it?  They found me and extended me an invitation.  It wasn't hard to find me.  I have a public LinkedIn profile.  But someone looked!  ☺  I'm glad they did reach out because I have had nothing but positive dealings with all of the community - the staff and the members.  

View my business profile on

Most of the time I exchange business information (like passing out a business card) and post links for new products available at my various online shopping sites.  Occasionally I am asked to participate in a Q & A forum with other businesses so that we can trade ideas with each other and figure out some "best practices" routines that might work for everybody.

One of the questions I provided a response to was:  

Asked by Stephie Pahlavi Zan on Nov 03, 2017
  •  19
  •  130
  •  1390
This was my response.

I'm an affiliate marketer working at home. Folks don't have to shop via my site. They can shop at the sites of other WAH marketers. It's a bazillion of us out there trying to swim to the top and get noticed so we can earn commissions from sales of products by people who came to the vendor's site via our website. 
Our site visitors can always just can skip over our site and go straight to the vendor. Either way, the goal is for you to end up with a quality product for yourself or a lovely gift that the recipient won't re-gift or return. :) 
Just started a new shopping blog on Tumblr: Go Shopping Bees. It shares my affiliate referral links, links from fellow affiliate marketers, and cool stuff found around the web. Consider it my shopping wish list for you. Happy Shopping!! :)