Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

04 July 2024

Bible Readers: What About All Those "ites"?

Now that you know how to read you can read the Bible for yourself. That's what my momma said.

Most Bible readers (from my generation and the generations in the centuries before mine) will likely say what struck them when the first read the scriptures was all those "begats". Some people will skip over verses, even whole chapters if they see that word. The word "begat" usually connects a string of names that are very difficult to pronounce.

For me, one of things noted when turning the pages of the Old Testament starting with Genesis and working my way to the Revelation was all those "ites". The names for the inhabitants of different ancient nations.

Hittites, Asherites, Jebusites, Amorites, Amakelites, Girgashites, Moabites, Perizzites, Canaanites, and of course, Israelites.

Then it changed from "ites" to "ans".

Syrians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans.

Suffixes in the English language:

ite = follower or supporter

an = pertaining to
* ian = belonging to

Belonging to? Hmmm?  Like Christians?

Yes. Only Christ is not a nation. Christianity and the gospel message of peace and goodwill is not restricted by man-made boundaries. But it's an observation as to how the suffixes were used by the scholarly translators.

JAT. (Just a thought.) :)

If my view were a "theory", the histomap would have thoroughly disproved it.  Alas.  It's not a theory.  It's just a thought.  :)

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05 June 2024

Don't Breathe! Parts of the world to avoid? That's Easy! Unless you live there!!

This post was first published in June 2017.  It is now July 2020 and the content is due for an UPDATE.  Information presented below the 3 highlighted asterisks (* * * ) was presented in 2017 and it was based on a map dated 2014.  I have been able to determine that the map has changed since 2014.  I also determined that something else of interest to all of mankind has happened since 2014/2017.

Here is UPDATE for this post.
In 2020, the World Health Organization officially announced that "we" are all in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic.  "We"?  That means EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD!!  As horrific as that sounds, believe it or not, there's a bright side.

Because of the pandemic, people have been required to shelter in place, at home, to prevent the spread of the disease.  As a result?  The air is more breathable!  Who would have thunk it!

Check out these headlines.

Some scientists are saying these effects are short-term and won't last.  No, of course, they won't!  Because humans are not going to be locked down FOREVER!  (At least "We" hope not!)


Informative Data Showing the Impact of Pollution: Hannah Ritchie (2017) - "Air Pollution". Published online at Retrieved from: '' [Online Resource]

A map has been updated for 2020.  Sadly, there are some countries who bumped the other countries and have moved into the Top Ten List for "Worst Air Quality".
This chart compares the 2014 data with the 2019 ranking.

* * *
Cities listed by in 2014 as “the most polluted places around the world having either the worst air or water quality due to industrial, chemical, and waste processing”:
  1. Chernobyl, Ukraine
  2. Delhi, India
  3. Baoding, China
  4. Citarum River, Indonesia
  5. Dzerzhinsk, Russia
  6. Agbogbloshie in Ghana
  7. Norilsk, Russia
  8. Niger Delta, Nigeria
  9. Hazaribagh, Bangladesh
  10. Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
  11. Sumgayit, Azerbaijan
  12. Kabwe, Zambia
  13. La Oroya, Peru
  14. Matanza-Riachuelo, Argentina
  15. Ahvaz, Iran
“The World Health Organization had named the city of Ahvaz in western Iran as one of the most polluted cities in the world.”

"Around the World : Pollution Around the World." Maps of the World. Compare Infobase Ltd., 22 Sept. 2015. Web. 05 June 2017.

♦ ♦ ♦
Being the typical selfish arrogant ignorant American, I checked the list of places with the worst and the best air quality. USA was not on either list. However, Bloomberg did say that the air quality in New York is the best it's ever been in 50 years. I don't know how to interpret that statement. I'm just glad I don't live in New York!

I New York.  I just don't want to live there. 😊

Do you sometimes wonder if earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are God's way of cleaning the environment?  It's not as if we can load planet earth into a washing machine.

NOTE:  I am not a scientist and I don't track air quality.  If you see anything in this post that warrants correction and/or updating, feel free to call me out. PLEASE!! 

28 May 2020

Should We Get Rid Of Religion? | Response to Article by HUBPages Contributor Nell Rose

Whenever people ask a question and use the word “religion” my response is always the same. I have followed this definition for religion ever since I read it in the epistle written by James the apostle.
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)
In the first part of the definition, you're lending a helping hand to the needy. 

In the second part of the definition, the only person whose way of life and behavior you're responsible for “controlling” is your own!

Even if there were not a God looking down at what you do, why wouldn't you do it anyway? So why get rid of it?

  • Don't you want to exercise your own free will over your own life?
  • Don't you have compassion for those who are less fortunate and want to help them if you can?
It's a neat and simple rule, principle, or guideline to follow.

You want to get rid of something? 

Get rid of people who abuse, oppress, and kill other people and claim they have the “authority” to do it in the name of “religion”.

Of course … that's not so simple.


Good HUB! Very thought-provoking. 
A lively discussion going on over at:

How would you answer this question??

* * *
The above remarks are my comments left behind. Re-sharing here at my blog because when “thought bursts” like these come to me, sometimes it's good to keep a backup record of them elsewhere.  :)

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23 September 2019

Should Churches be Tax-Exempt? | HUBpages Contributor Catherine Giordano

It seems the U.S. laws regarding tax exemptions for churches, other religious institutions, and non-profit organizations is a carryover from the days of Emperor Constantine. 

But is it really a good idea?

This matter being discussed thoroughly at an article written by HUBPages Contributor Catherine Giordano.  

Should Churches beTax-Exempt?

These are only partial comments submitted by me and approved by the author.  Completed comments are a bit "windy".  :)
Fair? Unfair? Tax? No tax? Interesting discussion but for the faithful, it's just “much ado about nothing”. Speaking with respect to Christians. Can't speak for the mission of other religious organizations and non-profits, but the mission of the body of Christ is clearly spelled out in Matthew 28: 19 – 20 (and other scriptures). If you don't tax the church, we'll carry out the mission. If you tax the church, we'll carry out the mission. Jesus left the example. He didn't argue about paying taxes. He paid the tax and carried on with His work. (Matthew 22: 21) So the question has already been answered. Whatever the government in any country decides to do ... i.e. taxing, imprisonment, etc, ... the “laborers” will continue God's work until “The Harvest”. Christians don't need government support or approval to know and to do what is right.

You will find many HUBpages article links shared via this blog.  HUBPages is a spirited community where one can usually find intelligent conversation and interesting reading material on all kinds of subjects; not just religion and politics and history, which are usually my interests.  It gives me great pleasure to direct readers to pages penned by my fellow freelance writers.  Why should I have all the fun?  :)

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“… the fruit of 16 years of research in Talmudic, gnostic, cabalistic, apocalyptic, patristic, and legendary texts. …”

24 August 2017

Are Protest Marches Effective?

Marching is a clearly defined collective act of the people! It's proof that in a free country you can do something to get your voices heard by the elected officials you are allowing to serve you, to do what needs to be done for the good of all the people. 

Or at least... get them to think about it. 

Also, sometimes if you write letters, they might get lost in the mail or never even delivered. It's kind of difficult to ignore a large mass of people all moving together coming at you. :)

18 July 2017

What is Religion? (It's a Straight Forward Question with a Straight Forward Answer.)

Two topics they say people should never discuss because it will likely always end in a heated argument: politics and religion

- Hard not to discuss politics. The media does a good job of keeping it in your face.

- Hard not to discuss religion. It's close to one's heart. Atheists, wiccans, devout believers all have convictions. The media helps a little. Didn't you hear all those reports about pope Francis?

When it comes to religion, there is a definition that everybody can agree with and should not cause controversy.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1: 27)

How hard can it be to follow this guideline?

Content first shared at, Sept 2015.

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