07 January 2020

Kings of France Named Louis Per BBC Comedy (?)

Do you enjoy European history and British comedy TV shows? My spouse introduced me to BBC programs back in the 70s.  Fawlty Towers was one of my favorites. 
Unfortunately, there is one show that I vaguely recall but can't remember the name or the names of any of the people in it, so it's hard for me to search for it. Perhaps if I tell what I can remember, somebody out there in cyberspace will help me fill in the blank.
So in this episode, there was a guy who impersonating the king of France. “A” king of France. The king's name was Louis. That part was clear. The confusion was over the monarch's number. So the guy who was supposed to be king – every time somebody left the room after speaking with him and another person would come in to talk to him, he would forget which number “Louis” he was. One time, he's Louis the 14th. Next time he's the 16th. The 10th? The 12th? He didn't know!

Image Credit » http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Louis14-E.jpg

It was hilarious! But didn't quite fully appreciate the humor, not being familiar with the history of France. Did a little research to figure out just how many kings of France were named Louis. There were eighteen (18). Eighteen kings of France ruled from the 7th century to the 18th century. Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor of France after Louis 16th got his head chopped off. Louis XVII died in prison. Louis XVIII ruled as a constitutional monarch. (If there's a student of French history who knows different, feel free to correct me.)

Can anybody name of the BBC TV show?
* * * 

Content first appeared Feb 16, 2015 at PersonaPaper.com

Brief of History of France / myLot

Passing this along. Collect things about Paris and am moderately interested in the history of France. Anyone here from France or have a passion for European...

02 January 2020

Jazz, America's Original Art Form ~ Cool Tweets for Where to Find Great Jazz!

"Jazz does not belong to one race or culture, but is a gift that America has given the world."
- Ahmad Alaadeen


* * * Do you know of any other sites where great jazz can be found?  Leave a comment.

01 January 2020

The Voices in My Head Say 'Talk Amongst Yourselves.'

Do the voices in your head have interesting discussions? Do they agree with each other?  Here's what the voices in my head sometimes talk about.

VOICE #1: Greek philosopher Xenophanes founded a school at Elea in Lucania (region in South Italy). Students of this school were known as Eleatics, and the two most notable pupils were Parmenides and Zeno. Parmenides (c. 504 - 450 B.C.) believed Movement and Change were Illusions, and the Universe motionless. Zeno (C. 490 - 430 B.C.) was taught by Parmenides, and he delved further by Thinking up Arguments to prove that motion was unreal. (You should hear the one about Achilles and the tortoise.)

Parmenides was among the first to propose an o...
Parmenides was among the first to propose an ontological characterization of the fundamental nature of reality. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

VOICE #2: SO! ... Fast forward, the Romans conquered the Greeks and since the conquerors pretty much had minds that were like sieves with large holes, they rummaged through the remnants of the conquered civilization (Greece) as if it was a huge flea market or neighborhood garage sale and incorporated the aspects of the leftovers that they liked the best into the Empire. It doesn't look like the Romans thought Greek Eleatic philosophy was a school of thought worth building on; or it could just be that the Epicureans and the Stoics took up the spotlight and center stage.

VOICE #3: They all sound like babblers to me. I'm going to build on the Shema, the Golden Rule and the Beatitudes. Those rocks will move you straight ahead and even if you're motionless you still stand on solid ground. :)
VOICE #1 and #2 grumble:   #3 always gotta be a nuisance and a troublemaker.

Shema Prayer in Hebrew Poster Print 

The Shema Prayer in Hebrew Poster Print (8.5"x11" Economy) Deuteronomy 6:4-5


The Women of Philosophy
The Philosophy of Parmenides
There Are Actually 3 Kinds Of Listening--Here's How To Master Them

21 December 2019

Fuel Up Your Body and Stay Energized!

Americans everywhere are putting forth extra effort to maintain their health and well-being.  The folks in Austin, Texas set a good example.  

"When it comes to making quality of life choices and developing healthy living habits, Austin-ites are exemplary. Austin, Texas is a very health and fitness conscious city. ..."
Thanks for stopping by.  This content has been republished 100 Springs.  We appreciate your patience.  One more click and you're there!

Don't we all want to burn bright like the sun, at least most of the time, if not all of the time?

**Disclaimer:** Information supplied in this article is not intended as a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice.

11 November 2019

05 November 2019

Alternative Medicine : Medicinal Mushrooms by Clara Myers

Mushrooms are miniature pharmaceutical factories, and of the thousands of mushroom species in nature, our ancestors and modern scientists have identified several dozen that have a unique combination of talents that improve our health.
Paul Stamets

Clara Myers is a professional practitioner who believes in alternative medicine and knows that mushrooms have lots of medicinal benefits.

Hello!  Thanks for visiting. We apologize for the inconvenience. Ms. Myers' content has been transferred to our partner blog which shares info on general health topics.   Click here.

03 November 2019

Gift for Music Lovers: Aretha Franklin is Still Queen

Aretha Louise Franklin 

(Mar 25, 1942 – Aug 16, 2018) 

“The Queen Of Soul”

"When it comes to listening to the undisputed Queen of Soul, no persuasion is needed. ... Her vocal performances never disappoint."

Con't reading ...

Gifts for Music Lovers : Aretha Franklin Sings The Great Diva Classics

Inner Life of Music

© Photographer: Agsandrew | Agency: Dreamstime.com

Aretha Franklin birthplace at 406 Lucy Avenue ... 
Aretha Franklin birthplace at 406 Lucy Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee. (Snow flurries in the pictures.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

21 October 2019

Witchcraft and Witch Hunting : Past and Present

There was a dark period in the history of mankind when witch-hunting was the order of the day. It began with official approval from Pope Innocent VII in 1484 and continued until around the 17th century when it reached its climax in England, Scotland, and America.  That was the past.

This is the present.  It’s the 21st century. We’re all much more civilized and intelligent than those people were back then. Aren’t we? (O.o)  Nobody is going to whip us up into frenzied mania and have us pointing a finger of accusation at someone, torturing a confession out of them, and still putting them to death for being a witch!

The past is in the past. Fortunately, my only exposure to witches and witchcraft was and is wearing a costume on Halloween or watching the Wizard of Oz. These days, most people like me limit themselves to adding collectibles like the reproductions pictured below of Glinda, the Good Witch of the North to their wish list; or sitting at home and watching The Wizard of Oz on DVD or Amazon Instant Video. Can you believe it has been 75 years? The movie was released in 1939. Listening to Judy Garland sing “Over the Rainbow” never gets old. Might be a good idea to plan an afternoon or evening watching the original movie classic; the Walt Disney prequel, Oz The Great and Powerful; and The Wiz, starring Diana Ross and the late Michael Jackson.

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies!
A Triple Feature! Starts at Noon. 

BYOP! (Bring Your Own Popcorn!)

The Wizard of Oz:75th Anniversary Edition

Oz The Great and Powerful(Mila Kunis; Rachel Weisz)

The Wiz:30th Anniversary

Amazon Best Sellers in Witch & Wizard Mysteries

* * *

The Snowman-Costa Rica Link

Ever see the movie “The Falcon and the Snowman” (1985)*? It provides a very convincing argument for buying real estate in Costa Rica.

*(View the official movie trailer.)

The Falcon and the Snowman starred Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn.   I think the movie should be incorporated into an orientation training class for all civil servants who work in the law enforcement agencies – CIA, NSA, ICE, FBI, etc.   The movie was intense. Riveting! A favorite word used by official movie critics. The best part of the movie for me is David Bowie and Pat Metheny on the soundtrack.   But I digress.

dvdThe movie is about a young guy (Christopher Boyce, played by Timothy Hutton) who works for the government and learns that “things” are not what they appear to be and feels betrayed by his country. He gets angry about it – as any red-blooded patriot would – and decides to sells secrets to “The Enemy”. He recruits his childhood friend (Daulton Lee, played by Sean Penn) who is a dope head! Long story short. In the end they both go to prison. In between, Mr. Lee gets caught and accused of murder. Of course, he didn’t commit the murder but that didn’t stop the law enforcement authorities who captured him from grilling him, thoroughly interrogating him, and torturing him to get the truth out of him.

After all is said and done – they say “He did!,” – he say ”He didn’t! He’s just a tourist, a businessman.” – there’s a scene where he’s about to be released and a man walks in and says something to the effect: “We’re going to give you 2 choices.” Before the man could tell what the choices were, Mr. Lee (Sean Penn) looks up at the guy, weary, scared, demoralized and says in questioning tone of voice: “Costa Rica?”


I thought to myself: ‘Now ain’t that sumthin! They done beat the crap about this boy and he is totally weakened and confused, but he still had the clarity of mind to try to negotiate to get sent to Costa Rica!!’ :)


Costa Rica Map (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Costa RicaThis is not a movie review.

Those were introductory remarks to bring the reader to the real topic to be discussed in this post:



Costa Rica means “Rich Coast”.
  • Capital:   San Jose
  • Primary Language: Spanish
  • Location:  Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Nicaragua and Panama.
Located in the heart of Central America, thousands of tourists decide on Costa Rica as their top travel choice. Why wouldn’t they? Exquisite tropical beaches, entertaining and stimulating culture, adventurous – a land of volcanoes, rain forests, waterfalls, and rivers – and wonder-filled! – natural parks and amazing diving! It’s ideal for a vacation. In fact, the prestigious British newspaper, Daily Mail, recommended Costa Rica as the “perfect destination” for nature and adventure enthusiasts. Ref:  DAILY MAIL article, January 19, 2011.

So for people considering Living, Visiting, or Retiring in Costa Rica, click here to obtain a Free Costa Rica Fact Sheet -OR- click here to find out more about Costa Rica -OR- click here to see what others – possibly “tourists” – have written about it:  Costa Rica – Central America – HubPages.com.

20 October 2019

12 Languages We Should Know How to Speak | myLot

The next time somebody says "Sounds like Greek to me!"

You should be able to say, "I speak Greek!"

I came up with a list of a dozen languages people should learn - the first being English and the last, Swahili. Care to share your list??

(FYI. Not an expert opinion. Just my opinion.)

Greek Alphabet clip art

* * *

01 October 2019

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

Some people intentionally choose controversial topics to discuss via a blog post.

I know this forum has many blog publishers so let's discuss.

Here are a few reasons why I think a person would use their blog for controversy.

Reason (1)
They are very opinionated, don't allow the facts to change their point of view, and must tell the rest of the world how to make things right. It's a must if they're going to save the world!

Reason (2)
They just publish posts on controversial topics because it attracts readers. It's a similar tactic to that used by news media networks. The more sensational or controversial the subject, the more viewers and the higher the ratings and probably the more money their blogs will make. It's just about dollars and cents. Not resolutions or solutions.

Reason (3)
They are genuinely concerned about controversial social issues and hope to achieve a resolution or come up with a solution to the problem. For example: opposing female genital mutilation for religious reasons, and publishing a blog post to invite public discussion for the sake of persuading others that it should be stopped. The main purpose of the controversial post is to get people talking, get to the heart of the matter, and hopefully, find the right answers.

* * *

I seldom blog about controversial topics.  But if I blog about a topic that is controversial or stirs up controversy, my reason is number 3.

Do you pick controversial topics to
discuss via your blog? Why?

* * *

Related Links:

* * *
Content first published at ForumCoin on May 30, 2019.

Do You Use Your Blog for Controversy?

28 September 2019

Stand-Alone Blogging and Revenue-Sharing Social Communities

Trying to decide whether or not to become a blogger?  Answer these 3 questions.
  • Are you a thinker?  (Aren't we all?)  
  • Do you like to write? (I prefer to write.  Talking is not one of my strong points.)  
  • Do you maintain a diary?  (No.)  
Blogging is almost like thinking, writing, and maintaining a diary, only you can use it to earn income.


* * * * * *


10% off spa gift baskets
Thinking of a change? Try it first at TheHairStyler.com!
Tea Gifts

23 September 2019

Should Churches be Tax-Exempt? | HUBpages Contributor Catherine Giordano

It seems the U.S. laws regarding tax exemptions for churches, other religious institutions, and non-profit organizations is a carryover from the days of Emperor Constantine. 

But is it really a good idea?

This matter being discussed thoroughly at an article written by HUBPages Contributor Catherine Giordano.  

Should Churches beTax-Exempt?

These are only partial comments submitted by me and approved by the author.  Completed comments are a bit "windy".  :)
Fair? Unfair? Tax? No tax? Interesting discussion but for the faithful, it's just “much ado about nothing”. Speaking with respect to Christians. Can't speak for the mission of other religious organizations and non-profits, but the mission of the body of Christ is clearly spelled out in Matthew 28: 19 – 20 (and other scriptures). If you don't tax the church, we'll carry out the mission. If you tax the church, we'll carry out the mission. Jesus left the example. He didn't argue about paying taxes. He paid the tax and carried on with His work. (Matthew 22: 21) So the question has already been answered. Whatever the government in any country decides to do ... i.e. taxing, imprisonment, etc, ... the “laborers” will continue God's work until “The Harvest”. Christians don't need government support or approval to know and to do what is right.

You will find many HUBpages article links shared via this blog.  HUBPages is a spirited community where one can usually find intelligent conversation and interesting reading material on all kinds of subjects; not just religion and politics and history, which are usually my interests.  It gives me great pleasure to direct readers to pages penned by my fellow freelance writers.  Why should I have all the fun?  :)

Would you like to join the discussion?

Create a HubPages Network account.  It's free to join.


“… the fruit of 16 years of research in Talmudic, gnostic, cabalistic, apocalyptic, patristic, and legendary texts. …”

Chicken and Rice - Persian Style

Welcome! Glad you're here. We apologize for the inconvenience but this content has been moved to our partner blog devoted to foodies and food lovers. Just one more click to view:

Looking for more happy trails for foodies and food lovers? 

18 September 2019

Scripps Health : Expounding on the Benefits of Yoga

September is National Yoga Month.
Continuing the celebration. 

September is National Yoga Month. Celebrate!

Yoga is a form of exercise suitable for all ages; from kids to seniors. Seniors, in particular, have found that yoga helps with reducing arthritic pain, lowering blood pressure, and improving flexibility in their limbs.



Insurance Mart and Insurance Smart shares general health info.
For general information purposes. Not to be substituted for medical advice.

September is National Yoga Month. Celebrate!

Yoga is a form of exercise suitable for all ages; from kids to seniors. Seniors, in particular, have found that yoga helps with reducing arthritic pain, lowering blood pressure, and improving flexibility in their limbs.  

Singer/Songwriter/Musician Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, who we all know as "Sting" credits yoga with not only improving the quality of his health and making him feel younger, but he sings all kinds of praises about its meditative aspect.  

"Yoga introduced me to a style of meditation. The only meditation I would have done before would be in the writing of songs." (brainyquote.com)

14 September 2019

I Used Paper.li to Publish "My Twitter WeekEnd Wrap-Up"

Ever thought about publishing your own newspaper that quickly summarizes what you consider "headline news" that you want to read about? I tweet a lot.  But I find it tedious to continuously scroll through my tweets.  I found a really easy way to highlight/summarize my weekly Twitter activity.  I use the Paper.li publishing tool to generate a weekly newspaper. It's is a great recap of my Tweet activity or tweets of import for me for the past week! 

Check out this edition of  My Twitter WeekEnd Wrap-Up.

Time sure does fly.  My first issue was dated March 17, 2014.  That's a Monday.  Changed it to Sunday updates with a few "special editions" every now and then.  Really love this tool furnished by Paper.li.  Have you tried it?  I publish other papers too.

Cmoneyspinner Weekly

Weekly recap of items of interest to the #entrepreneur, #mompreneur, #WAHM, #selfemployed, #independentprofessional - #homebusiness, #smallbusiness, #workfromhome, #workathome. Updates every Monday!

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What does Mrs. Fox like? ☺  Subscribe to receive updates every Friday.

Weekly Pinterest Digest

A weekly recap of Pinterest activity for Cmoneyspinner's HomeBiz Projects. Enjoy!

Wishlist Shopping for All

Consider us your shopping genie. Go ahead and create your wishlist. No magic lamp needed.

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12 September 2019

History of India : The Significance of 12 September | dracula fun (Reblog)

My comments: The blog publisher says the incident is minimized in the record of history. But it says they gave land grants to the families of the slain soldiers, so – in my mind - the authority gave credit where credit was due. It's better to not get any mention in history than to serve faithfully and then have your family disregarded as if you didn't do anything at all. The family who lost a member who died as a valiant soldier more often than not probably depended on that person for their own survival. It's the least the country's leaders could do.

History of the Indian army (as in India, not Native Americans).  Interesting history.

NOTE:  Comments above were previously shared in a Facebook group called History Buffs.

* * *

History of India:
From Pre Historic Era to Freedom Struggle and Independence of India

History of India: Know about Indian History including Pre Historic Era, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Early Historic Period, Vedic Period, Mahajanapadas, Persian and Greek Conquests, Maurya Empire, Ancient India, Mughal Empire, Freedom Struggle, Independence and Partition of India

History of India from Pre Historic Era to Freedom Struggle and Independence of India

History of India: Know about Indian History including Pre Historic Era, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Early Historic Period, Vedic Period, Mahajanapadas, Persian and Greek Conquests, Maurya Empire, Ancient India, Mughal Empire, Freedom Struggle, Independence and Partition of India

*** Similar or Related Content:

#DemocracyDefeated: How Indian Right-Wing Groups Stalled A Bollywood Period Drama ~ Global Voices (My Opinion)

Spotlight on Bollywood Legend : Aamir Khan

Can Gandhi find a place in today's Corporate and Management world? | Anas Ebrahem (Reblog)

* * *

11 September 2019

Remembering September 11, 18 Years Later: My Remembrances: Joie de Vivre Magazine (Reblog)

(Reblogging from my partner blog, Joie de Vivre Magazine.)

Remembering September 11, 18 Years Later?   This is what I remember. There are no words to express my sorrow for the memory of what happened ...

09 September 2019

Entertainment: 10 Best Performances Of Alan Rickman - List.ly (Slideshow)

Found this wonderful list of the “10 Best Performances Of Alan Rickman”. Sharing this in memory of Mr. Rickman (1946 -2016).

Where Newbie Bloggers Should Go For Advice and Answers

My early attempts at affiliate marketing, D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself) website building, blogging, and other home business projects were so … ??? … amateur. Was going to say “futile” but since there were many benefits derived from these efforts even though several websites and blogs were trashed or deleted along the way, the time and energy expended was not a total waste. The learning exercises were fruitful, not futile.

Before even starting a blog, using generic search terms like “make money with your website”, found this wonderful resource.  What you can do with a website, you can do with your blog.  The link below was included in the results.

28 Ways to Make Money with Your Website | Daily Blog Tips

You know when you’ve visited a site way too many times because the site owner begins to talk to you like he knows you! 🙂  Daniel Scocco is based in Brazil, a country that is on my bucket list of “Places I’d Like to Visit But Probably Never Will”. He has been very kind and helpful. Because of his assistance, I was encouraged to continue my online endeavors. It is awesome to see that his blog is still going strong after all these years.

DBT (Daily Blog Tips) also has a sister site, DWT (Daily Writing Tips) that can improve your writing and speaking skills, and it’s fun! Here is an example of a fun but educational post.

6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know | Daily Writing Tips

Both of these blogs are invaluable.   GO Danny!!!

Additional links of interest:

♦ ♦ ♦
  • The information is out there but you have to go and get it. You must be patient, persistent and willing to teach yourself. But sometimes you might need to ask a question and you want to talk to a human being. Quora.com is where you go for answers. Join this Q&A community free and follow the topics for Blogging and Bloggers.

Content previously published at Literacy Base, May 2017.