22 July 2017

Daily Two Cents is Signing On New Writers - Start Immediately!

UPDATE:  August 31st, 2018, Daily Two Cents site shut down.

Are you a freelance writer looking for a work from home opportunity?  No fee to start?  No deadlines or quotas? 

Look no further.

The site owners are based in Canada, but the community of writers is global. Good writing skills IN ENGLISH is essential. Start publishing your thoughts, opinions, views, perspectives, book or movie reviews, product recommendations, cooking tips, recipes, share music videos, celebrity tidbits, etc. at dailytwocents.com. 

Daily Two Cents is a revenue-sharing platform. Your earnings are earned based on the number of unique views {pay-per-view} per article. 100 words minimum. If you are an affiliate marketer you can also include a referral link in your content. Earnings you make from affiliate advertising are 100% yours.

  • Click here to view my DTC author profile

The links below are somewhat of a representative sample of the variety of topics people write about. 

The site set up for social networking so you can also meet and make new friends, if you're interested.

Need some extra income? Try it! 
Donate your “two cents” and get it back!

See sampling of short posts below.

  • Chili Seasoning in a Jar – Makes a Great Holiday Gift!

  • 3 Quick Tips for Going Vegan

  • What is Crocus Sativus?

  • North Indian Girl in Southern Films Shriya Saran

  • English Empire Folded up within 5 years of World War II

  • Muslim Youths have adopted ‘Love Jihad’

  • Free keyword research tools

  • Thankful That Daily Two Cents Accepts International Writers

18 July 2017

What is Religion? (It's a Straight Forward Question with a Straight Forward Answer.)

Two topics they say people should never discuss because it will likely always end in a heated argument: politics and religion

- Hard not to discuss politics. The media does a good job of keeping it in your face.

- Hard not to discuss religion. It's close to one's heart. Atheists, wiccans, devout believers all have convictions. The media helps a little. Didn't you hear all those reports about pope Francis?

When it comes to religion, there is a definition that everybody can agree with and should not cause controversy.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1: 27)

How hard can it be to follow this guideline?

Content first shared at myLot.com, Sept 2015.

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