Showing posts with label evergreen content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evergreen content. Show all posts

18 June 2023

Blogging and Writing Advice: Keep it Evergreen!

Have been an active member of, a popular online writing community, since 2013.  The HP editors give you a lot of freedom to write about almost anything and everything!  But the best piece of advice they provided was to always encourage the writers to publish evergreen content, which is content that's sort of “timeless”, meaning write about a topic today that 5 to 10 years later, people will still be searching for information about it.  In other words, there is a great probability that your articles will be found via an organic search for years to come and will generate residual income for you.  This has proven to be true with my articles.

As of today, my author's profile* shows twenty (20) HUBs or articles. My pages get some traffic but they aren't viral. The content is stuff like history, movies, books, real estate, etc. Those are evergreen. Right? My fellow freelance writer, Julie-Ann Amos, who is also a professional writer, has published almost 600 articles. She picked a topic that was so off-the-wall!! It's evergreen alright! She wrote it in 2 Parts. Bet you can't guess what it is! Must say that when the site owners said they encouraged evergreen material, but this particular topic never occurred to me. Hint: It's a beauty and fashion tip.  

(* = C'est moi! )

13 March 2018

Online Writing Communities : HUBPages Earnings Can Be Inherited

A while back I read a complaint that someone had passed away but that the site was still earning income from the deceased writer's articles.

First of all, though that may sound not quite “kosher”, there's actually nothing wrong or illegal with doing that. If the writer did not make any provisions for the account to be transferred to a “beneficiary” then earnings go to the site owners. Who else?

Today, however, I found this detailed information that made it plain what the site's policy and procedures are. If you happen to be a HUBPages Contributor, “Your HUBPages Income Can Be Inherited”.  This is not "my story".  It is the journey of another HP Contributor, Amy (Happymommy2520).  If you're interested in my journey, see the links below.

Appreciate the clarification. Good to know and good to know what to do with my HUBs. The content is evergreen and my HUBs do earn income, slowly but surely. There's no need to delete them after I'm gone.  No doubt the residual income would be welcomed.

Want to know my HUBPages journey?

HUBPages – Park Your Evergreen Content

My TOP 3 HUBs With the Most Views:

Do you like to write? Become a HUBPages Contributor?  View Sample Writer Profile

28 March 2017

Wizzley Welcomes Writers | Newbie or Experienced

Earn passive income. Wizzley is an online writing community where several of my articles have been published on a wide range of topics. The community is friendly, the support is fabulous and many freelance writers and people who work at home will like the relaxed work at your own pace environment. Some parties have taken the extra step to write a public review. Some are happy. Some are not.  My plus?

Wizzley is a great place to park your evergreen content and let it generate residual income from Google AdSense.

Image credit:


My Twitter Weekend Wrap-Up is a tool that helps you publish your own online newspaper. How cool is that? You can create and publish your very own "Daily Planet " with news items of interest to you that might be of interest to other readers also.

Republishing Previously Published Content

Information for those who used to contribute to YAHOO Voices before that network was shut down. What many of us liked about the YCN (YAHOO Contributor Network) was that it accepted "previously published articles". What was really great was that payment was actually received for articles that had been sitting at another site for well over a year with almost nothing to show for it!

Earn Money For Publishing Short Posts

Daily Two Cents ( ) is an online writing community very different from the others. It's pay-per-view, includes social networking, and allows the writer or contributor to earn 100% on their affiliate referral links. That's right! NO REVENUE SHARING!! You keep what you earn!