01 May 2018

How to Make Money with AdSense: Increase Your Earnings with Revenue-Share Plans (Reblog)

Janice Wald publishes MostlyBlogging.com, a blog which provides excellent tips and advice for the aspiring blogger and work-at-home professional. We met through a Facebook Group and she invited me to submit a guest post. Below is the link to my very first official guest post. Thank you, Ms. Wald, for making me feel like a … SUPERSTAR!!  🌟



My Favorite Power Quote

Ever have a quote that gets you really motivated and then keeps you going?  I like to think of these moving words as a POWER QUOTE!!! Repeat this phrase over and over to yourself while you're drinking coffee ... you'll believe you're Invincible! :)

This is one of my favorite motivational quotes. You can get it on a mousepad. "Don't let what you can't do interfere with wha... Mousepad

Where are my boxing gloves? I am ready to lace up and take on the world!!  RRoooaarrrr!

Successful Entrepreneuring From Your Home - For those who have mustered up the courage to start a home based business and they just need some pointers on how to get started, how to stay motivated, and how to run a profitable home-based business, this article recommends an excellent business resource. 

Shared image above via Pinterest to my SELF-EMPLOYMENT board. Figured other BYOB professionals might need a push too. (BYOB - Be Your Own Boss!)

(NOTE:  Blog post first appeared at Dispensable Thoughts, Fri, 21 Mar 2014.)

27 April 2018

30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad | Inc.com

Interesting list.  Most of those words I never had a problem with except for "affect" and "effect".  I can't stand those two words.  They affect my mood, make me angry and have a bad effect on me!

Did I use them correctly? 

You see what I mean?  :)

30 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Bad | Inc.com

English: Title page to Volume 1 of Good Words
English: Title page to Volume 1 of Good Words (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Watching The Words

14 April 2018

Dealing With Haters and Trolls? | SocialMediaExaminer.com

Have you ever been publicly criticized or mocked for something that you did?  Are you wondering how you can deal with this type of negativity when it happens on social media?  To learn about haters and how to deal with them, I interview Marcus Sheridan for this episode of the Social Media. ...

Sharing a link to an article received via eMail. It's worth resharing and worth repeating. Sound advice, but the fact is, in my world, haters and trolls are 99.9% of the time met by me with SILENCE. I'm sorry but there's really no extra time to entertain them! There's barely enough time to delete their useless pointless remarks. It's annoying to have to spend time doing that when there is productive and profitable work to be done.  

Excuse me?  What was that?  Oh I see.  You don't want to practice professional respect and courtesy, or plain old good manners, but you want to be treated like a serious professional or genuine intellectual. Uh huh.  Whatever!  Talk to the hand.

  • The letter "H" in my book is for Happy not Hater.
  • The letter "T" is not for Trolls; it represents my time which is much to precious and valuable to waste on U!!  Bye bye!

Friday or Saturday Night Movie Pick: Children of Heaven (1997)

"Children are our daily reminders of what the inhabitants of heaven are like. Pure souls. Free spirits."

(And you can quote me on that.)

My movie pick for a Friday or Saturday night. My reasons why? These reviewers say it better than me.

  • "'Children of Heaven' is very nearly a perfect movie for children, and of course that means adults will like it, too. ... To see this movie is to be reminded of a time when the children in movies were children and not miniature stand-up comics." ~ Roger Ebert

  • "Parents need to know that Children of Heaven is a beautiful, Oscar-nominated Iranian film that's both a fascinating story of contemporary Iran and a universal coming-of-age tale." ~ Brian Costello

  • "... director/writer Majid Majidi’s film has the simplest plot imaginable. ... Majid cannot be praised highly enough for painting an insignificant event and turning it into a work of cinematic beauty." ~ Kevin Flynn

Image credit:  waytooindie.com


FYI.  The opening statement above is in quotes, but I'm quoting myself.  I said that.  It didn't come from the movie.

* * *

12 April 2018

Social Media Marketing Advice : Use Twitter to Share Affiliate Referral Links

Social networks may have originally been intended for socializing, but if you are a business or a self-employed individual with an online presence ~ you must know the importance of using social media for your business efforts. 

Anybody who tweets for business and income purposes knows that Twitter is an important tool to have in their social media marketing kit; especially if you are an affiliate marketer. Twitter allows account holders to tweet affiliate referral links. But did you know that according to Clickbank “99% of the affiliate marketers on Twitter have zero idea how to market correctly”

I humbly confess to being among the 99%. But I happily admit to not being guilty of using the methods described in the CB article. Whew! My ignorance did not go that far.

My first Twitter account (@cmoneyspinner) was created April 2012. It was not used for affiliate advertising even though I had become an authorized affiliate for several vendors. Why? I didn't know how. (O.o)  Years passed and as I learned more about how to use Twitter, I learned that "Twitter users are big online buyers" AND multiple Twitter accounts are allowed

Following the advice of SMM experts, I created a few niche accounts and began using those accounts for affiliate marketing purposes. My niche accounts were created to advertise/market affiliate products for:

How do I use Twitter for affiliate marketing purposes?

Two methods: indirect and direct.

INDIRECT: I create webpages suggesting affiliate products at sites like Wizzley and Webnuggetz; and publish my own websites / blogs : Everyday Exotic Spices, Insurance Mart and Insurance Smart, My Shopping Channel, and Go Shopping Bees. Then I tweet the post links.

DIRECT: Since affiliate links are allowed, using RSS feeds for affiliate products provided by the vendor and automation tools like dlvr.it and Google Feedburner, tweets are posted to the various accounts. Also, I manually compose specific tweets. Tweets can be created manually either as text; text with photo, video or GIF; or as a poll.

Using both of these methods keeps my tweet stream flowing.

Below is the first tweet ever composed using Twitter's POLL CREATION feature for affiliate marketing purposes.

Twitter is one tool in my social media marketing kit that has proven to be invaluable.

Always Laugh When You Can ... | We Heart It

Started using WHI (We Heart It). Know what you're thinking. There's Pinterest, Scoop.it, StumbleUpon, etc. Why create another set of collections? Why? Because they share really good stuff on WHI that is different from my findings elsewhere on the web and because it's so easy to click that little “heart” button on the images. I have a Tumblr blog and lots of folks on Tumblr use it. That's how I found the site. 

This lovely quote by Lord Byron is my 100th “heart”. ♥

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. | WHI
Found on yoursummerdreamz.tumblr.com and hearted and shared by @xLostMemories

Currently maintaining four collections: 
  1. My Style
  2. Art and Photography
  3. Food Cravings & Lust;
  4. There's No Place like Home.

We Heart It (Free App)

♥ ♥ ♥

05 April 2018

My Introduction to Cuban Art

One of my first jobs after graduating from the University of Miami was a teller at a savings and loan institution. Had a degree but couldn't find a job right away and accepted this job because some income is better than no income. Each teller had a number. You used your stamp - on checks, deposit and withdrawal slips, etc. - to leave a trail for the auditors that you had handled that customer's transaction. Teller 63. That was me!

One of my co-workers, another teller, was a young guy working his way through college. He had come to America from Cuba with the first set of refugees that President John Kennedy had allowed into Miami , Florida.

Can't remember the name, but he was showing me artwork by a Cuban artist who was very famous and known for his paintings of everyday life in Cuba. Everyday life, that is, before Fidel Castro took over.  So the painting was a wonderful lively scene - beautiful blue water and clear blue sky, trees, beautiful flowers, all kinds of colorful people - men , women and children, engaging in either work or play.

"Look!", he says and points at a beautiful woman walking down the sidewalk and men turning to stare as she strolls with her nose up in the air.

"You see her backside?", he asked.

I reply, "Yes! Yes I do!"

(You could hardly miss her lovely "lady lump". :) He continues to explain the art: "This painting is so typical Cuban. Cuban men love the big butt! Americans do not like this! But in our culture, it is considered beautiful!! Americans think skinny is beautiful. But Cuban men do not like skinny women!"

The conversation between Jorge and me was very memorable, educational and also humorous. His final remarks really made me laugh, as he's looking right at me, and speaking very plainly and seemed to take no thought that he was talking to me - a Black American woman - about big butts!!!

That was my first lesson about Cuban artists and Cuban art.

(Truly apologize.  My memory fails me. Forgot the name of the particular artist.)

Link of interest:

Content previously published at PersonaPaper, Mar 2015.

28 March 2018

Women in Science : Give Credit When Due

Celebrating Women's History Month.

There's a scripture that says we should "give credit where credit is due, and give honor to whom honor is due".  Don't know why, but it's easy to laud this principle and very difficult to apply it to real life situations. Anyway ... I don't think any of these women are bitter.  They probably consider that they were blessed to have the avenues and opportunities to use their talents and gifts for the greater good.  Women are like that.  Yeah they are!

Ever heard of any of these women? I hadn't until I came across these interesting BIO snapshots. 

* * *

- Lise Meitner, Physicist

- Émilie du Châtelet, Mathematician

- Julia Morgan, Architect

- Rosalind Franklin, Biophysicist

♦ ♦ ♦

Interesting tidbit:
  • Emilie du Chatelet was named Gabrielle-Emilie; however, friends in her circle which included Voltaire {Francois-Marie Arouet (1694 - 1778), who later took the name of Voltaire} dropped Gabrielle and just called her Emilie. Her husband's name was the Marquis du Chastellet. But because Voltaire called her du Chatelet, everyone else did too!  [Click the embedded link her name above to read more.]

Gabrielle Emilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil du C...
Gabrielle Emilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil du Chatelet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

* * *

Lise Meitner around 1900
 Lise Meitner around 1900 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rosalind Franklin used X-ray crystallography t...
Rosalind Franklin used X-ray crystallography
 to help visualize the structure of DNA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Julia Morgan; localwiki.org