Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

13 January 2025

Save the Trees and Save Planet Earth: Trees Have Benefits

This article briefly touches upon a selection of trees chosen for two reasons. (1) To highlight and emphasize the contributions made by trees to sustain our life force. (2) Because these particular woody plants have interesting history associated with them that can be gleaned from the Bible and it makes for interesting reading. 

  • Acacia: The acacia trees are large thorny trees. Their orange-brown hard-grained wood repelled insects. Research indicates that there are 500 species of the acacia tree. It is valued as a timber tree and used in shipbuilding. In some biblical translations, acacia trees are called shittim. Acacia wood was also used in the building of the first tabernacle (a portable “tent of meeting” where the Jews worshiped during the Exodus). Most students of the Bible know that acacia wood was used to build the Ark of the Covenant.

  • Almond: The almond tree is a stunning pinkish-white-flowered tree and it is prized for the high protein nut that it yields. (Some say fruit; some say nut.) Not only are the nuts delicious to eat, but the oil extracted from the nut can be used medicinally or as a lubricant, in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and as food flavoring. Because the almond contains very little starch, it is recommended as a flour substitute for diabetics. Aaron was the brother of Moses, who helped his brother lead the children of Israel at the time of the Exodus from Egypt and he served as high priest to the Jews. Among the contents of the Ark of the Covenant was Aaron’s rod. According to the Old Testament scriptures, though this rod had miraculous power, it was nothing more than an almond branch or twig.  

  • Balsam: From the balsam tree, one can produce balm, an aromatic resinous gum used for medical purposes. Balm of Gilead, balsam of Gilead, and balsam tree are common names. It has even been called balsam of Mecca. In Genesis, the story is told of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his jealous and envious brothers to a passing caravan of Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites were traders on their way to Egypt to trade slaves, spices, myrrh and balm from Gilead. The Queen of Sheba brought balm as a gift for King Solomon.

Interesting? Well hopefully, the facts also make it plainly evident that trees are not just the stuff of bible stories and legends. They have a crucial role in making the earth a livable planet.  

Benefits ( ) include: medicinal applications, delicious edible fruits, gorgeous flowers that give off a variety of pleasant fragrances, foliage that shade from a scorching sun, etc. The urgency of preserving, maintaining and cultivating trees should not be understated and can not be oversimplified.

There are environmental activists called “tree sitters” who will risk being arrested and feel compelled to literally protest by sitting in a tree, to protect it from being cut down. This passionate stand (or rather, sitting) can be considered an act of civil disobedience which sometimes results in forcible removal of the protestor from the tree. Citizens of earth should imitate the zeal of these activists, or at least support them.

By the sixth century A.D., beautiful groves of the famed cedars of Lebanon had been destroyed and these days only a precious few remain. Reforestation campaigns are underway. There are some who advocate that reforestation can reverse effects of global warming and world hunger in one step. Although global warming is a topic that seems to be on everybody’s radar, not many understand its real impact on the environment. But almost everyone knows or can hazard an educated guess as to the impact careless destruction of trees would have on our lives.

Significant strides are being made for our forests to be preserved for future generations. There are numerous efforts worldwide to save trees and protect forests, along with individuals planting trees and reducing paper consumption. Everything makes a difference.


18 November 2024

Ancient Israel : Memorable Battles in Jewish History

SHILOH (not Jerusalem) was at one time the focal point of Israel's worship, where both the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant resided. 

Shiloh (biblical city) By Abraham Sobkowski OFM - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

The Jews took the Ark from Shiloh to Kiriath-Jearim to the battlefield because they thought it would being them victory. They were wrong! They lost the Battle to the Philistines. It was a slaughter!! The enemy took the Ark as a spoil of war. But it was not the kind of trophy they would be allowed to show off with. There were plagues in every Philistine city where the Ark was taken. In the end, they gave it back to the Jews.  

Where is the Ark NOW?? The Jews don't even know!!!  

What's that? It's in Ethiopia?

Yeah right. And the Chinese invented the fortune cookie.

As if ... any God-fearing Jew on the planet would let the Ark - if it really were there - remain in Ethiopia.

References: Ancient Jewish History: The Ark of the Convenant and the Book of Samuel

- INTERESTING HISTORY NOTE:  During the American Civil War, the Union Army under the leadership of Ulysses Grant, achieved a victory at the Battle of Shiloh (April 1862). But that's another battle. :)

13 July 2024

Can an Ethiopian Change His Skin ...?

An insult that is not understood is a pointless insult.

Would you believe there is such as thing as a random insult generator? Played with the generator at The Insult Project and decided to copy this one below for my blog post.  Checked this site Jan 19, 2018, and it no longer exists.

People don't dislike you because you're revolting. I mean you are astonishingly revolting, that's just not why people dislike you.”

* * *

Was watching a Denzel Washington movie and there was a brief intense exchange of words between Mr. Washington's character and another character who was playing a support role. Possibly not the exact quote but the character scoffs and says: “You better watch out or I just might call you an Ethiopian!” Mr. Washington's character's defensive reaction and response was: “You know you're probably stupid enough to think that's an insult!”

Huh? What?? (???) Didn't get it! My limited exposure to Ethiopia and experience with Ethiopians left a void in my mind. Could not comprehend the meaning of the dialogue at all. (O.o) Dismissed it and finished watching the movie, The Siege.

Was doing research about one of the Jewish prophets in the Old Testament and came across this scripture:

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.”

(Jeremiah 13: 23)

Let's place this quote in context.

  • Which Ethiopia are we talking about??

There is a modern day Ethiopia and there is an Ethiopia which is a land that existed during ancient times. Since it's a scriptural reference, we're going to go with the latter.

Modern Ethiopia is located in the horn of East Africa. Ancient Ethiopia, also known as Cush, was located to the south of Egypt. Cush is the Hebrew name. Ethiopia is the Greek name. (FYI. The Egypt in the Bible and the nation that exists today are both the same.)

Ethiopia translated into English mean “burnt face”. The Ethiopian people we see today are known for their smooth beautiful practically flawless chocolate brown skin. There's no reason why a talented photographer couldn't make a small fortune traversing the country taking pictures of the “humans of Ethiopia”. Evidently, the people who lived in the land called Ethiopia, the in the Bible, also had really nice skin!

So!! Uuuhhh … back to square one! My brain is still registering blanks!

Imagine you get into a heated argument with someone.

The person snarls at you angrily and warns:
“You better get out of my face! You … you … you Ethiopian!!” 

You puff up with righteous indignation and shout back:
“Yeah! That's right! I got nice skin!! HATER!!”

(??) Where would this argument go?? (??)

There is a famous world-class chef from Ethiopia. There was a young woman, born in Ethiopia, who was crowned Miss Israel in a beauty pageant. Madonna adopted a baby or babies from Ethiopia. (That's what I heard.)

Opening this topic up for discussion hoping someone can shed some light on it.

WHY would it be an insult

 to call someone an Ethiopian?

20 May 2024

Sometimes I Babble - Can't You Tell?

Sometimes I babble.  But people referred to the Apostle Paul as a babbler too.  The words below in black are my statements.  The blue letters are found in the Bible.

Personification of knowledge (Greek Επιστημη, ...
Personification of knowledge (Greek Επιστημη, Episteme) in Celsus Library in Ephesus, Turkey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • Ignorance was always a choice. (“… fools hate knowledge”)

  • Information was always currency. (“Buy the truth and sell it not.”)

  • Knowledge is freely offered and there for the taking or … accepting. (“Choose knowledge rather than choice gold.”)

  • Wisdom when rightly applied is the key to not wasting your life way. (“Teach us to number our days.”)

- Sometimes I babble.

- Sometimes I say things that are verifiable truths.

Am I babbling?


05 May 2024

Witches vs Secret Societies: Threat or Real Threat?

In Judaism, during Bible times, the practice of witchcraft was forbidden. Not just witches, but sorcerers, soothsayers, fortune-tellers (psychics), etc. Those who engaged in such activities were counted as nothing more than deceivers with evil intent. The practitioners claimed that they had supernatural powers and some sort of direct connection to the gods or God, which they did not have. Because they dared to say that they could communicate as a medium or intercessor and could convey messages to and from the Divine, knowing full well that they had no such powers or capabilities, how could their intentions have been pure and honest? There was no doubt that their aim or purpose was to defraud another person or do even worse than that. For this reason, the punishment for practicing witchcraft was severe. (That's my understanding.) 

During the first century, converts to Christianity, openly and publicly renounced the practices of witchcraft, sorcery, etc. - referred to as "curious arts" - and professed that their faith was the only power needed to overcome evil and to commune with the Creator.

Persecution of witches
Persecution of witches (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • Science? Philosophy? Religion? Exploring your religious options? Some say witchcraft is a religion. Let's explore.

That was then.  Today we need to focus our attention on real threats like ...


03 February 2024

My Theory is Rocky & Bullwinkle Were Coded Transcripts (Humor)

Everyone always talks about how the Bible is loaded with codes and clues about the events of nations and mankind as a whole.  I say the Bible is a plain book written in plain language.  Enough said on that!

I have an entirely different "belief" when it comes to the old Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons.  
I think they're LOADED with coded messages.  However, most of the info that was being communicated pertained to events that already happened. So if you know you know history just go back and re-watch them and you'll get what I'm talking about.

Cartoon image

  • YOUR MISSION should you decide to accept is to watch the entire series of Rocky and Bullwinkle and find all the alleged biblical and/or other references that relate to historical events that are all over now!
    Are you game?

* * My original content, found & retrieved from the Wayback Machine archives

09 December 2023

Berniece and Drusilla Might Be Called Bad Girls of the Bible

Sharing a few biofacts from a non-historian about 2 sisters ~ Berniece and Drusilla, both Jewish princesses. The Jewish historian, Josephus, says the two (2) sisters hated each other. That's probably why there is not much mention of them in history crossing each other. It's likely they just stayed out of each other's way. OR … Big sister was so busy bed-hopping, she didn't have time for her little sister.

Who was Berniece?

After learning a little about a woman named Berniece, I concluded that she was clearly ambitious and her bedroom moves, simply put, were … “power grabs”.

She was the daughter of Herod Agrippa I who was the ruler of Palestine (AD 37-44). (“Political Rulers of Palestine in the New Testament Era”.)

  • First, she married an insignificant guy named Marcus. Not sure of the reason why the marriage ended, but she moved on and married her uncle, whose name was Herod. He died shortly thereafter. By the way, her uncle was a king.
  • Since she had already married one king, might as well keep the momentum going. She married King Polemo and deserted him shortly after their wedding.
  • She moved to Jerusalem and hooked up with Agrippa II, a great-grandson of Herod the Great. He was also her brother, which meant they had an incestuous relationship. (It seems her aim was a little bit higher, so you could call this marriage “a stepping stone”. Just me thinking.)
  • Ultimately, she made her way to the bed of two (2) Roman emperors. Some records indicate that she was not only the mistress of Emperor Vespasian but also his son Titus. She became the lover of Titus when he was a general and he continued their relationship when he became emperor.

After her relationship with Titus, she seems to have faded from history.

♦ Who was Drusilla?

Berniece had a little sister and her name was Drusilla, a feminine derivative of the Roman family name Drusus.

Berniece and Drusilla are both mentioned in the New Testament Book of Acts.

Drusilla was the wife of Felix, a Roman governor of Judea, who sent for Paul to hear about Jesus. Before she married Felix, she was married to some guy named Gaius Julius Azizus, who was a priest-king of Emesa.

Drusilla didn't bed-hop as much as her big sister, Berniece; but she did sort of follow her big sister's example. Even though she went backward. Instead of going from governor to king, she went from a king to a governor.

Historical records indicate that she perished in Pompeii during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.


P.S. I am not a qualified historian, so if you see anything incorrect in this short post, feel free to call me out on it.


Berenice | Jewish Women's Archive
A descendant of Herod the Great, Berenice was queen of Chalcis and Cicilia and opposed the Jewish Revolt in 66 CE. She eventually became the lover of Titus, the Roman general (and later emperor) who destroyed Jerusalem.
Acts 24: 24 Background: After returning to Jerusalem after years of missionary travel Paul was persecuted by  Jewish leaders and accused of sedition (Acts 21- 23). He was taken into custody and taken to the Caesarea to be brought before Felix, the Roman Governor. Felix agreed to listen to Paul and listened as he defended himself against the Jewish accusations (Acts 24: 1-20).  After hearing Paul Felix was interested in him and kept him under his protection for several more days. Then… “After certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.” (Acts 24:24) Facts About Her: Usually I only post facts that can be found in the scriptures, but Drusilla is a well documented historical figure and so I am including those in the facts even though they are not stated in the scripture. She was the wife of Felix, the Roman governor of Judea (Acts 24:24); She was a Jewess (Acts 24:24); She was with Felix when he sent for Paul and “heard him concerning the faith in Christ” but (Acts 24:24); She was the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa and the granddaughter of Herod the Great; She had two older sisters, Mariamne and Bernice. Bernice also listened to Paul and rejected his teachings (Acts 25: 13-14, 23). Speculations About Her: She was only 6-years-old when her father, Herod Agrippa died. Before he died he betrothed her to to Gaius  Epiphanes, heir of Commagene, on the condition that he embrace the Jewish faith and be circumcised. This marriage did not take place because the groom wouldn’t consent to circumcision and so when she was about 14 or 15 Drusilla was married Gaius Aziz, the king of Emessa.  Who, in order to obtain her hand, was circumcised. ( Source ) According to the Jewish historian Josephus not long after her marriage  Felix, the Roman governor of Judea, saw Druislla and, being attracted by her famed beauty, convinced her to leave her husband for him. Josephus wrote: “While Felix was procurator of Judea, he saw this Drusilla, and fell in love with her; for she did indeed exceed all other women in beauty; and he sent to her a person whose name was Simon, a Jewish friend of his, by birth a Cypriot, who pretended to be a magician. Simon endeavored to persuade her to forsake her present husband, and marry Felix; and promised, that if she would not refuse Felix, he would make her a happy woman. Accordingly she acted unwisely and, because she longed to avoid her sister Berenice’s envy (for Drusilla was very ill-treated by Berenice because of Drusilla’s beauty) was prevailed upon to transgress the laws of her forefathers, and to marry Felix. ”  ( Josephus, Jewish Antiquities , xx.7.2) Drusilla left her first husband, to whom she was never legally divorced from, and went to live as Felix’s wife. She was probably around 20 years of age when she accompanied Felix to listen to Paul’s testimony. She and Felix had a son named Marcus Antonius Agrippa and a daughter Antonia Clem
Bernice And Drusilla: 2 Wicked Sisters
Bernice and Drusilla were two evil sisters who took part in Paul's trial.

Original Source

28 September 2023

Women of the Bible: Character Study: Bathsheba: The Innocent Victim

When it comes to the Biblical account of BATHSHEBA, two questions should be asked: 
  • Was it her fault that the king lusted in his heart for her?
  • Was she responsible for her husband’s death?
Image credit:  Bathsheba Art

The Hebrew meaning of Bath Shebha is “seventh daughter” or “daughter of the oath”. Bathsheba was the mother of King Solomon. She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite who David had murdered to cover up his act of adultery with her. Bathsheba became pregnant by King David while her husband was away at war. The child that was conceived through that adulterous union died. David later made Bathsheba his lawful wife and she gave birth to Solomon, the last king to rule over a united Israel. After Solomon’s death, 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel revolted against the rule of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, and the kingdom was divided.

Throughout the years, many have debated whether Bathsheba was as guilty of adultery as King David. Was she deliberately bathing outdoors knowing that the king could see her from his balcony? When he summoned her, even though he was king, could she not have refused him? Could she not have pleaded with him not to defile her? Why didn’t she prick the king’s conscience and remind him that her husband was an honorable man and loyal to the king and not deserving of such treachery? Instead of sending word to the king that she was pregnant by him, why not send word to her husband that while he was away and she was all alone, the king violated her and now she was with child? Had she done any of those things the biblical account would clearly show who the guilty party was and Bathsheba’s biography would read differently. Some conclude Bathsheba is just as guilty as King David of committing adultery.

It should be noted that the scriptural account does not indicate that Bathsheba objected to being taken by King David. The scriptures also do not indicate that she DID indeed object but was taken against her will. What the bible story does reveal is that Nathan the prophet went directly to King David and accused him of the sin!!! Evidently, the God of King David had no problem figuring out who the guilty party was. And the prophet serving that God had no problem telling the king that his God was not pleased with his behavior. And the scriptures are clear to show David was the one punished, not Bathsheba.

Nathan compared Bathsheba to “a little ewe lamb”. She was taken and violated. Her husband was murdered. She bore an innocent child and lost the child. Defilement and grief on top of grief: she was an innocent who was wronged and hurt. How do we know this? Because the scripture says after all of this happened, David made her his legitimate wife and “comforted her”. I suppose it was the least he could do. Read all of her story and tread carefully before maligning the character of a decent and honorable woman. David paid the price for his sin.

  • Bible References: BATHSHEBA – 2 SAM 11: 3; 12: 24; 1 KINGS 1:15, 28, 31; 2:13

Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter

16 February 2022

What is a Universal Language of Light?

Sharing a link to an article written by a fellow freelance writer

What is a Universal Language of Light?

  • Quote extracted from the article: “Modern research confirms the most ancient form of Hebrew to be a natural language; the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphate flare patterns of the brain.”

(NOTE:  Link to an archived copy.  The article was unpublished.) 
This is my first time learning, hearing or reading about a “Universal Language of Light”. The research results do make you wonder. However, I am convinced that God invented all human languages because I believe the biblical account of the tower of Babel. If Genesis 11 is true, then any human language is a “language of The Light”.

  • The article also contains an interesting question: “Is DNA the next Internet?”
It seems that Russian scientists have made some claims. Next? I’m not trying to split hairs or “strain at a gnat and swallow a camel”, but DNA was here first! Just sayin’. This article is fascinating!!

Love in 44 Languages

What is a Universal Language of Light?

Some call it the Language of Consciousness or the living language of light. Many people worldwide are now re-discovering this ancient Language that lies at the heart of so many spiritual traditions. Modern research confirms the most ancient form of Hebrew to be a natural language; the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphate flare patterns of the brain.

*** Related Posts:

* * *

22 March 2021

Public Protests: Is Tree Sitting Really Necessary?

In the midst ... was there the tree of life ... and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. - Revelation 22: 2

John the Apostle had been banished to the island of Patmos for preaching the Christian gospel message, and there he had a vision wherein he saw what heaven looked like. The full text of Revelation 22: 2 reads:
“In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all tree leaves could be used for the healing of nations? What would the earth’s landscape be like were it not for trees? Can you imagine?

No need to imagine. It would be like Saturn, Jupiter, Mars or any of the other planets. But this glorious blue and green planet earth is adorned by these tall (some small) woody plants; from magnificent forests that grow naturally to individual trees planted by proud parents to honor the arrival of a new family member.

Some tree leaves have proven to have medicinal applications. But even if they don’t heal all the nations.  Trees supply creature comforts in so many ways. Trees bear delicious edible fruits. Trees have branches with foliage that provide shade from a scorching sun. When they sway in a gentle breeze it can create a feeling of calm and inner peace. Some trees have gorgeous flowers. Their blossoms are a treat to the senses of sight and smell, as they are an incredibly amazing range of petal shapes and colors, and give off a variety of pleasant fragrances.

Like most American children, from a Judaeo-Christian background, I was taught the biblical account of creation as recorded in Genesis. I have always thought, based on the account, that in the beginning, mankind was supposed to be vegetarian.

Because the scripture says:

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” (Gen 1: 29).

To take my thought process a step further, the animals were also supposed to be vegetarian (next verse) and to my mind that would certainly make the world a better place. Watching programs on channels like Animal Planet about predatory animals that kill other animals for food, and occasionally enjoy a meal of human flesh, create a very unnerving feeling for me.

But, the purpose of this article is not to try to persuade meat-eaters to convert to a vegan diet. This article is about trees. Because I believe the biblical account of creation and the vivid imagery of John’s vision, the scriptural references are used simply to point out that trees have been an integral part of our existence since the creation; and will continue to be a part of our lives in the afterlife. That being said, the Bible mentions close to one hundred plants (bushes, shrubs and trees).

Below are short descriptions of just a few trees of Biblical importance. This article reflects composite research, i.e. information gathered from both secular and religious sources.


There are the acacias of Egypt and Arabia; and then there is the acacia tree, native of North America, which was introduced into Europe. Research indicates that there are 500 species of the acacia tree. In the United States, it is valued as a timber tree and used in shipbuilding. The Europeans found similar uses. Most students of the Bible know that acacia wood was used to build the Ark of the Covenant.

The acacia trees were large thorny trees. Their orange-brown hard-grained wood repelled insects. In some biblical translations, acacia trees are called shittim. Acacia wood was also used in the building of the first tabernacle (a portable "tent of meeting" where the Jews worshiped during the Exodus).


The almond tree is a stunning pinkish-white-flowered tree and it is prized for the high protein nut that it yields. (Some say fruit; some say nut.) Not only are the nuts delicious to eat, but the oil extracted from the nut can be used medicinally or as a lubricant, in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and as food flavoring. Because the almond contains very little starch, it is recommended as a flour substitute for diabetics.

Almond trees grow in various parts of the world but it thrives in Syria. Ayurveda is a form of alternative medicine in Western society, but a system of traditional medicine native to India. According to ayurvedic prescription, almonds serve as an aphrodisiac and aids in the production of semen and reproductive fluids. Men are encouraged to consume almonds after ejaculation. There are sweet almonds and bitter almonds. Both are good for you! Aaron was the brother of Moses, who helped his brother lead the children of Israel at the time of the Exodus from Egypt and he served as high priest to the Jews.

Among the contents of the Ark of the Covenant was Aaron’s rod. According to the Old Testament scriptures, though this rod had miraculous power, it was nothing more than an almond branch or twig. Per Numbers 17: 8, the rod “brought forth buds, bloomed blossoms and yielded almonds”.


“There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole” are words from a Christian hymn. [Note 1] The balsam tree was indeed very valuable in biblical times.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia states: It was an ingredient in the anointing oil of the priests (Ex 25:6; 35:28).

The Queen of Sheba brought it as a present to Solomon (1 Ki 10:2) in large quantity (1 Ki 10:10) and of a finer quality (2 Ch 9:9) than that brought as a regular tribute by other visitors (1 Ki 10:25).” [Note 2]

From the balsam tree, one can produce balm, an aromatic resinous gum used for medical purposes. Balm of Gilead, balsam of Gilead, and balsam tree are common names. It has even been called balsam of Mecca. In Genesis, the well-known story is told of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his jealous and envious brothers to a passing caravan of Ishmaelites. The Ishmaelites were traders on their way to Egypt to trade slaves, spices, myrrh and balm from Gilead.

Balsam is very difficult to cultivate, so it is only rarely grown. Usually it is cultivated in the regions bordering the Red Sea. Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs and Turks all treasured the balm of Gilead. The Greek term balsamon means ‘fragrant oil’.


People often make a distinction between the sycamore of scripture and the sycamore tree of Eurasia and North America. The “true sycamore” (as some refer to it) is the tree that Zacchaeus, the tax collector, climbed up into in order to see Jesus. He was a man of small stature and could not see Jesus because of the crowd, so he climbed up into a tree to get a better view. Luke 19: 1 – 10 presents the detailed account.

The biblical sycamore tree grew in Palestine and in Egypt. It bore small yellow edible fruit which was clustered and resembled a fig. The prophet Amos gathered the fruit of this tree for a living. Egyptian mummy-coffins are made out of this durable wood. The thick-branched wide-spreading tree has heart-shaped leaves with a downy underside which are very fragrant.

But, just because the sycamore trees of Eurasia and North America have no biblical significance, it doesn’t mean they aren’t just as delightful. The sycamore of Eurasia is a deciduous maple tree which has greenish flowers, winged fruits, and palmately lobed leaves (i.e. the leaves have five or more lobes arising from a single point and spread like fingers from a hand). The sycamore of North America is valued for its timber; but is also widely planted as a shade tree.

Fascinating Fact:

“The Tree of Life in Bahrain is one of the mysteries of world which is bound to be in the list of most unusual trees around the globe! This four-century-old mesquite tree survives in the midst of desert without the availability of water. The mystery of the survival of the tree has made it a legend and the name 'tree of life' is absolutely appropriate for the tree, truly representing the magic of life. A legend is also attached to the site where the tree is located. The local inhabitants believe with heart and soul that this was the actual location of the Garden of Eden.” [Note 3]

Tree Sitting

Tree sitting is when a protester sits in a tree, to protect it from being cut down. It is an act of civil disobedience that sometimes results in forcible removal of the protestor from the tree. Zacchaeus was not a tree-sitter. This article only briefly touches upon an arbitrary selection of a few trees mentioned in the Bible, and one legend created around a Bible story.

The famed cedars of Lebanon were not included because by the sixth century A.D., most of the beautiful groves had been destroyed and these days only a precious few remain. But hopefully this subjective medley, in a roundabout way, made it apparent that trees don’t just provide creature comforts and they’re not just the stuff of bible stories and legends.
Trees are of critical importance to our environment. 

The urgency of preserving, maintaining and cultivating trees can not be overstated or simplified. So heed the words of environmental activists and don’t be so quick to have them hauled off by hired tree-sit extractors. All the trees on our planet are “trees of life” and they can all contribute to healing the world.



[1] "Oremus Hymnal: There Is a Balm in Gilead." Oremus. Web. 25 Sept. 2011.

[2] "Bible History Online - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.Bible History Online Images and Resources for Biblical History. Web. 24 Sept. 2011.

[3] "10 Strangest Trees on Earth" ZuZuTop. 19 Jan. 2010. Web. 24 Sept. 2011.

Primary References:

Scriptural references can be easily researched online at Bible Gateway.

Youngblood, Ronald F., F. F. Bruce, and R. K. Harrison. Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Nashville: T. Nelson, 1995.

"Trees - All about Palm Trees, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Fruit Tree, Maple Tree and More!" 20-20 Site | Trees - All about Palm Trees, Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Fruit Tree, Maple Tree and More! LoveToKnow Corp. Web. 24 Sept. 2011.

Recommended Read:

Chapot, Hank. "Tree-Sitting, Since 1930.The Berkeley Daily Planet. 26 June 2008. Web. 25 Sept. 2011.

Blog Publisher's Note:  This is my original content which first appeared at Suite101 (later, Jan 2013.  The site is no longer online and my articles becames unpublished.  Various excerpts of this article can be found elsewhere around the web.It was a long and diligent search but I finally located a backup copy of my complete articles.  I have republished it here at this blog because the content is still relevant TODAY.  Trees are important to sustain life on planet earth!! That fact will never change.