Showing posts with label PersonaPaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PersonaPaper. Show all posts

09 February 2025

Asian Studies : Searching for Chinese Treasures

Planning a trip to China? Hoping to find hidden treasure from the ancient world? Students who compare civilizations in world history are aware that like the pharaohs of Egypt , the Chinese emperors and leaders buried treasures with them for their after life. 


It was reported in 2009 that Chinese archaeologists uncovered an 1800-year-old tomb in Xigaoxue , which they believed to be the genuine tomb of a Chinese general Cao Cao . Hundreds of relics were recovered, but some experts were not convinced the bones belonged to the military leader and wanted DNA tests done. Evidently, they had the bones of the general's son which had been discovered in 1951. 


The treasures of the Tombs of Southern Song Dynasty emperors were found but they had already been robbed. Perhaps there might still be some hidden tombs that the grave robbers could not locate or access. 

Curious seekers wanting to find treasures of ancient China often search for undiscovered tombs, but based on some interesting information uncovered doing research to write another article, it appears that searching for ships lost at sea or shipwrecks, might be just as profitable.

Content published on Read.Cash.

Like to dabble in Asian studies? 

19 May 2020

Entertainment: Movie Review: "The Preacher's Wife" (1996)

In the mood for a movie that is charming, silly, and sweet?  Well, this film is perfect!  The Preacher's Wife ” is a movie that starred the late Whitney Houston (1963 - 2012) and Denzel Washington.  It's a delightful remake of the 1947 classic which starred Cary Grant and Loretta Young, "The Bishop's Wife".

Yeah! I know. No angel Dudley mentioned in the Bible.

Come to think of it? No angel mentioned anywhere except for this movie!

Ms. Houston's character is married to a preacher. Hence the film's title. Her marital relationship could use some "outside" or even "heavenly" intervention if it is to be saved.

The Preacher's Wife

The movie was OK. Not worth an academy award nomination. But the soundtrack makes it worth watching. Especially this particular song: Step by Step.  

“Step by step. … bit by bit … stone by stone … brick by brick … Don't give up! …”

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Original Content Source:  Persona Paper

01 May 2020

Budget and Survival Skills versus In Sickness and In Health

The alternate title for this post is:
“Am I being callous, insensitive, lacking empathy, unsympathetic, cruel and unkind?”

Perusing my eMail Inbox and quickly glanced at a question in one of the messages that made me chuckle. It was about what your knee-jerk reaction is when faced with financial problems.

  • When experiencing financial difficulties does your instinct immediately prod you to cut back?
Well? I guess so! But more than likely my “cutbacks” happen because there's no money! Not sure my “instinct” was necessary. ((O.o))

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On a serious note, the question provoked my memory recall. A while back, was watching a popular talk show once and it was rather disturbing. It's disturbing that people who do things that don't make sense are always “ill”. This woman supposedly had an “illness”. She would buy stuff she didn't really need!

  • If you're filthy rich and you have large barns to store all of your worldly possessions, then it doesn't matter. You would be called a “shopaholic”.
  • If you bought a load of crap and had the decency to give it away because you realized you weren't really using it, you'd be called “charitable”.
But when loads of crap are piled up in your house to the point that the place is a junk heap and you and your partner can barely see the bed you both lie down to sleep on and you're making your mate physically ill … then you're sick!

A team was sent in to clean the place up and the team actually got sick from breathing in toxic stuff – dust, spores, mites, who knows what! - from piles of clothing, etc. that had been lying around the home for years. Items bought from the store that still had the price tags on them!!!
Listening to the interviewer questioning this woman as to why she was buying things she didn't need and her response was … (not an exact quote): “Because the blouses were on sale and there were different colors available, so I bought one in each color.” 
The interviewer turns to question the husband and it seems he gave her credit cards for her spending purposes. You know? Grocery shopping, health and beauty needs, wardrobe necessities, things for practical living, and maybe an occasional gift or guilty pleasure luxury product.

Started thinking to myself. Don't know who the sick person is. The wife or the husband? Seems to me the CURE was taking away the credit cards. YOU CAN'T BUY NOTHING IF YOU AIN'T GOT NO MONEY!!!

It really perturbs me, that people do dumb stuff and get to write it off as an “illness”. OR … am I being insensitive to this poor woman who is clearly not poor because she can afford to buy things she has no need for, has no place to put them, and never even blinked at the thought about making a donation to a charity!!

(Just a rant. Thank you for letting me shout it out.)

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P.S. After shouting it out, friends in my social network told me that I was being a little bit callous and insensitive and that it was NOT OK.  If so, then I apologize.

May is Mental Health Month and That's OK!

23 January 2020

Cake Bake: Stewart versus Esteves - Throw Down!

American TV personality Martha Stewart is the most famous housekeeper / homemaker in the world. I would describe her as a “Phenomenal Businesswoman par Excellence”. Watched one of her shows one time and she was actually teaching her audience how to clean a dirty greasy frying pan! This woman took the mundane chores of housekeeping and homemaking on a Star Trek journey and boldly went places no woman had ever gone before. To the bank!!!
  • Martha Stewart's net worth at one time was reported at $300 million, per (Figured that must be an old report. So fished some more.)
  • A 2011 article published by, reported that reported her net worth at $638 million. (That's probably understated too, as of 2015.)

Anyway, getting to my real point - If you're not into baking from scratch like Martha Stewart, are you aware of the wonderful things that can be done with a cake mix? Isabelle Esteves shares her tips on how to enhance a basic cake mix.*

* NOTE: Ms. Esteves unpublished her content.  The replacement link is to another food blog.

Ms. Stewart teaches you how to make all sorts of wonderful culinary delights on from scratch on her Martha Bakes TV series. But why do that when the family and friends chowing down on my upside-down cake won't even notice the difference? Stewart versus Esteves? I'm in the Esteves corner. 

Content also published at Persona Paper, Feb 2015.
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If not click here.

07 January 2020

Kings of France Named Louis Per BBC Comedy (?)

Do you enjoy European history and British comedy TV shows? My spouse introduced me to BBC programs back in the 70s.  Fawlty Towers was one of my favorites. 
Unfortunately, there is one show that I vaguely recall but can't remember the name or the names of any of the people in it, so it's hard for me to search for it. Perhaps if I tell what I can remember, somebody out there in cyberspace will help me fill in the blank.
So in this episode, there was a guy who impersonating the king of France. “A” king of France. The king's name was Louis. That part was clear. The confusion was over the monarch's number. So the guy who was supposed to be king – every time somebody left the room after speaking with him and another person would come in to talk to him, he would forget which number “Louis” he was. One time, he's Louis the 14th. Next time he's the 16th. The 10th? The 12th? He didn't know!

Image Credit »

It was hilarious! But didn't quite fully appreciate the humor, not being familiar with the history of France. Did a little research to figure out just how many kings of France were named Louis. There were eighteen (18). Eighteen kings of France ruled from the 7th century to the 18th century. Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor of France after Louis 16th got his head chopped off. Louis XVII died in prison. Louis XVIII ruled as a constitutional monarch. (If there's a student of French history who knows different, feel free to correct me.)

Can anybody name of the BBC TV show?
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Content first appeared Feb 16, 2015 at

Brief of History of France / myLot

Passing this along. Collect things about Paris and am moderately interested in the history of France. Anyone here from France or have a passion for European...

13 February 2018

Happy Tree Tuesday!

It's Tree Tuesday. YAY!! Something they do on Google Plus. Don't know if you have a profile or page on G+, however, if you do, let me know. Maybe we can hook up. Let's not get off track. Trees are the reason earth is the best and ONLY planet for humans to inhabit. You can follow the space explorers on their trek adventures to try to see if Mars and Venus (or wherever) can be colonized. That's your decision. But my efforts will be lent to any campaign that supports saving the trees! 


My contributions to Tree Tuesday (click here) are not consistent or regular, but they have been substantial enough so that whoever it was that invented this G+ posting practice or tradition can know that this initiative has my backing two thousand percent!! Let the global public recognize that i heart trees

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Content first published at PersonaPaper, Feb 17, 2015.

Love tree
© Photographer: Hakan Ertan | Agency:


20 November 2017

My Picks for Best Harrison Ford Movies

Most people remember Harrison Ford for his roles in Star Wars, or as Indiana Jones, or as the mature CIA intelligence analyst Jack Ryan. Yes, he is loved for his portrayals as all of these memorable and admirable characters. But if anybody ever asked me … which nobody ever did … so the information is being volunteered … these are the 3 best Harrison Ford movies ever made! Don't even argue with me about this. I will defend my choices to the bitter end!

What can I say? Have always been a sucker for a good love story and these were all good love stories! The first two movies - Witness and Frantic - the plot is intense! The third movie? You say to yourself: Love overcomes everything!

Witness Frantic Regarding Henry



Regarding Henry

* * *  Content also published at Persona Paper

Ideas for White Elephant Gifts and Christmas Stocking Stuffers
Gifts Under $10 and Gifts Under $5

02 November 2017

What is the Standard for Poverty?

“ The poor ye have always with you.” { John 12: 8 }

Not only are the poor always with us but they are all over the world. From what I can tell - by comparison - there's “poor” and there's PO!

P-O … have to break off the word, because some people can't afford the last two letters.

Growing up in my home in Liberty City / Miami, Florida, we were considered “financially disadvantaged”. When I was a child we lived in the “projects” - short for federal housing projects, which is an initiative of the U.S. Government to house people with low income who could not afford to buy their own home or pay rent at the current market rates for a nice neighborhood. You could say we were “poor” but bet there are people in other countries who would beg to differ.

America has poor people. Other countries have PO PEOPLE!!!

  • For those who live outside of the United States of America – does your government provide some sort of housing for the poor?
  • How are the less fortunate treated where you live?

Xmas tree from

(Original Source)

29 February 2016

Global Warming or Global Returning?

Happy last day of February!!  Yes.  It is still Monday.

The winter months here in Austin, Texas, have not been winter-like at all.  Started the new year this way.  Some days it was like 70+ degrees in January! 
My kids have grown accustomed to my standard excuse that I use to point the finger of blame at … everything! 
If something happens, no matter what … I say:
  • “IDK! I blame global warming. Whatever!

So here is my Krazee with a capital "K" thought for today. (FYI.  This content was previously shared at PersonaPaper, Jan 25, 2016).

Have to write it down now because it might be forgotten by tomorrow. Have these momentary bursts on inspiration and … sometimes they don't stick. Brain neurons don't spark like they used to and I forget! 
Most of you know I believe/read the Bible a lot and as a result, my rationale and reasoning or explanations may come across to others as somewhat “peculiar”. Like this particular thought. 
THOUGHT: Suppose global warming is actually global returning?

Ah hah! Think about it. 

When the earth was first created, Adam and Eve used to walk around in their birthday suits. Naked! The reason they were given clothes didn't have anything to do with a change in the weather. Also, Noah preaching about a coming flood was disregarded by the masses because it had never rained before! Water had never come down from the sky! It would take faith to believe such a thing could happen. 
So if, in the beginning, man and woman were able to walk around au naturel , that must mean that the weather was terrific! All the time! Everywhere on planet earth !!

So today it like 72 degrees in Austin, Texas and it really should be a little chilly. After all, it's January!

  • Maybe global warming is not disastrous.
  • Maybe it's a good thing.
  • Maybe … ? Our weather is just going back to the way it was in the beginning.
  • Maybe … global warming is actually global returning. (O.o)
JAOOMPT! Just another one of my peculiar thoughts.

Monday Graphic #20
Good Day , Monday | Forward this Image

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

18 January 2016

My Twitter Weekend Wrap-Up is a tool that helps you publish your own online newspaper. How cool is that? You can create and publish your very own "Daily Planet" with news items of interest to you that might be of interest to other readers also.

So far I've generated four different papers - covering topics like freelance writing, Pinterest, home business or work at home articles, tips, etc. logoUsing the publishing tool, each week (set to the date to every Sunday), a newspaper is published which summarizes my Twitter activity - not all, just some highlights.

This week's publication for Sunday, April 26, these are the headlines:

  • 10 Businesses You Can Run from Anywhere on Earth (And Start Today)
  • Confessions of a Cookbook Collector
  • Naples: The Birthplace of the Modern Pizza
  • Citrine Earrings
  • The Best Thai in Middle Tennessee


You an also look at some of the previously published editions by clicking on the Archives. They aren't all Sunday editions. Tried different days and then finally settled on Sunday mornings. You can subscribe to receive weekly updates via eMail, if you like.

FOLLOW ON TWITTER:  By the way, if you have a Twitter account and want me to follow your tweets, feel free to leave your handle or Twitter name in the comments.

08 May 2015

Save The Bahamas!

Have a personal interest in The Bahamas and have always adored Sean Connery. So when I discover any information that includes them both in the same sentence, have to know more!! Old news? Yes! This article is dated July 2014.

Sean Connery joins Bahamas campaign to stop billionaire developing mansion -

BTW, I love the British newspaper The Guardian . Very glad that it's online and just noticed this publication won the Pulitzer Prize for 2014 for distinguished journalism. Bravo! [ as Clint Eastwood would say :) ] Also, just started following their Google+ business page . The page only has about 5 million followers. They could use another one. :)

But getting back to the article. It's some brew ha ha about an environmental matter and there were allegations about "special treatment" being given by government officials, and Mr. Connery wanted to lend his support, etc., etc.  

Forget the article. Read the comments! 

Image Credit »,_The_Bahamas 

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Content first appeared at, May 6, 2015
Can you write about Animals, Anime, Art, Entertainment, Food, Religion, Opinions (Random or Personal), Politics, Technology, Travel, etc.  Want to EARN extra income writing quick thought bursts (like "Save The Bahamas" exemplified above).  Publish a minimum of 500+ characters. That's about 4 Tweets or a Facebook status update.)  PersonaPaper is a social network and online writing community. No fee to sign up and join.