Showing posts with label embedded content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embedded content. Show all posts

09 February 2025

Asian Studies : Searching for Chinese Treasures

Planning a trip to China? Hoping to find hidden treasure from the ancient world? Students who compare civilizations in world history are aware that like the pharaohs of Egypt , the Chinese emperors and leaders buried treasures with them for their after life. 


It was reported in 2009 that Chinese archaeologists uncovered an 1800-year-old tomb in Xigaoxue , which they believed to be the genuine tomb of a Chinese general Cao Cao . Hundreds of relics were recovered, but some experts were not convinced the bones belonged to the military leader and wanted DNA tests done. Evidently, they had the bones of the general's son which had been discovered in 1951. 


The treasures of the Tombs of Southern Song Dynasty emperors were found but they had already been robbed. Perhaps there might still be some hidden tombs that the grave robbers could not locate or access. 

Curious seekers wanting to find treasures of ancient China often search for undiscovered tombs, but based on some interesting information uncovered doing research to write another article, it appears that searching for ships lost at sea or shipwrecks, might be just as profitable.

Content published on Read.Cash.

Like to dabble in Asian studies? 

01 January 2025

Are You Qualified to Make Good Soup?

Want to read a food quote? 

“Only the pure in heart can
make a good soup.” 

Guess who said that? 
- No it wasn't Jesus Christ. 
- No it wasn't Jacques Pepin. 

Beethoven! Yeah, the famous classical music composer, Ludwig van Beethoven said that! 

So not only was he a genius when it came to composing music, he was also smart when it came to knowing about comfort food. 

January is National Soup Month and in other months of the year, we celebrate days for various types of soups and chowders. Why wait until the winter months when you can start enjoying warm comforting soups during any season of the year?  After all, if you live in places like Florida, Texas, or Hawaii, you might never see Jack Frost.
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Food trivia: Do you know President George Washington’s favorite soup? (Answer.) 

EES shares recipes, cooking tips
and all things foodie!


17 November 2024

Hollywood Legends : Iconic Female Celebrities: Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962) (Guest Post)

Today, Marilyn Monroe would be 90 years old, but the diva passed away in 1962. Many people know her celebrity persona, and she still is viewed as an icon of beauty and femininity. But let’s take a look at her off-screen personality. Here are seven (7) biographical facts. 


This marvelous timeline of photographs ~ "A picture of Marilyn for every year she was alive, 1926-1962." ~ source

1. Marilyn Monroe was born June 1, 1926, Los Angeles, California.

2. Ms. Monroe feared that viewers would think of her as about a "frivolous fool", so she studied and rehearsed earnestly at various acting studios.

3. Despite the fact that Marilyn Monroe is considered a sex symbol, she confessed in her diaries: "I was always very physically clamped. I have always been sure that something is wrong with me."

Image credit:   "A teenage Norma Jeane, later known as Marilyn Monroe. Circa 1940."  Found on Pinterest

4. Marilyn Monroe loved to read. More than 400 books were in her personal library. She did not finish high school and felt the need to continue her education on her own, not only to quench her thirst for knowledge but in order to be on par with others who were blessed to complete a formal education program.

5. Before becoming a famous actress, she worked at an aircraft factory, during the World War II. Her job was crucial, She was checked the serviceability of parachutes. One of the photographers, who was looking for "fresh faces" noticed her there. The rest, as they say, is history.

6. Marilyn Monroe ate very little and could spend an entire day drinking only orange juice. Yet she has never been skinny, according to today's “perfect size” standards (say size 5 by comparison to today's slim petite almost emaciated models who wear a size 2).

7. In order to become the wife of her third husband, Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism. She was fond of Arthur Miller and trust him a lot. It was his betrayal that completely undermined her faith in people.

Over half a century later, Marilyn Monroe is still revered as a Hollywood legend, an ideal American beauty / diva. Her popularity has not dwindled. It is a pity that her life ended up so early or to quote another diva, Sir Elton John, she was like a “candle in the wind”.

About the author:  This guest post was supplied by Melisa Marzett is an amazing writer, who is currently writing for Get inspired with her posts!
* Other guest posts by Melisa:

Related articles

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Fun link:
Iconic Beauty Looks From the Year You Were Born
If you were born in 1957, the ideal beauty / model for that year was Marilyn Monroe. Check for the year you were born. 

11 January 2024

"Plot Twist" ~ Courtesy of Cheshire Public Library

Found this in my Facebook memories from three years ago. So worth remembering and re-sharing.  Oh the treasure we find in a public library.  There are treasures to be found even online. 😍

Image Credit: Cheshire Public Library's photo.

Also, January 4 is National Trivia Day 2017 in the USA. Got any trivia you would like to share? I shared this fascinating fact FOUR years ago on Facebook. 

"The original 1949 ENIAC computer occupied a full city block."

ENIAC - CHM Revolution

ENIACIn 1942, physicist John Mauchly proposed an all-electronic calculating machine. The U.S. Army, meanwhile, needed to calculate complex wartime ballistics tables. Proposal met patron.The result was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer), built between 1943 and 1945-the first large-scale computer to run at electronic speed without being slowed by any mechanical parts.
In case you don't have any trivia to share, here's a couple of links. Enjoy!

54 Fantastic Facts for National Trivia Day

Editor-in-Chief, Digital for mental_floss. Nerdy dad to three little girls. Wearing blue glasses all of a sudden. ©2016 Mental Floss, Inc. All rights reserved. Mental Floss® is a registered trademark owned by Felix Dennis. is a trademark owned by Felix Dennis.

Political Trivia

A collection of trivia questions about the world of politics.

13 May 2023

The Science of Genetics and Its Endless Possibilities

The science of DNA is fascinating.  It is an intricate road map in the study of humankind. Organizing my thoughts and studies on this topic thus far.  

Modern Day Arabs and Their Father Abraham  
May 18, 2014 - These days some even pay for expensive DNA tests to see if they can determine their ancestry. Others comb through paper documents, …

Scota: Mother of the Scottish People | Ancient History ...

May 21, 2014 - At her own blog this post was tagged “DNA analysis”. Do you know who discovered that DNA could be categorized into 7 basic groups?

Searching for Chinese Treasures

Apr 2, 2016 - Hundreds of relics were recovered, but some experts were not convinced the bones belonged to the military leader and wanted DNA tests done ...

22 February 2023

Texas Real Estate: Corsicana, Texas

Corsicana is an oil town in Texas.

It survived both the Great Depression and the World Wars, as the oil business was the foundation of the town's economy. Corsicana is home to Collin Street Bakery and Wolf Brand Chili.

Moving forward, from 1956 to today, Corsicana has experienced steady growth. In 1985, Corsicana was designated as an official Texas Main Street City. The Texas Main Street Program is part of the Texas Historical Commission's Community Heritage Development Division.

Current Mayor Chuck McClanahan, born and raised in Corsicana, is quoted as saying: "It's a New Day in Corsicana." He believes Corsicana offers the best of both worlds “ city-ease and country-style.

[Never been to Corsicana myself. But I know some good folks from there! ]

2014 Photo The Old Jail, now (in 2014) a private residence in Corsicana, Texas Location: Corsicana, Texas

Corsicana Daily Sun:
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For Your Information:  If You Like Fruit Cake, Collin Street Bakery Makes the Best!

NOTE: This content was previously published at; however my writer's profile was deleted. To view the archived copy of the article, click here.

02 March 2022

Review : K-Drama TV Series : Dong Yi (2010)

HA! That stands for hooked again!! My new addiction is watching Korean historical drama TV series. There are way too many of them for me to keep up. They are so exciting and interesting, even though the basic plot in most of the series is pretty much the same.

What's the basic plot, you ask?

Eh! Some palace intrigue on the inside, rivalry among the nobles and scholars on the outside, honorable slaves, and commoners who prove time again that being poor and uneducated does not equal stupid! ... and of course, the love triangle.  No Korean drama is complete without the love triangle. 

For each series, the script writers take this plot, create different and intricate twists and turns, and develop characters that make the viewers immediately choose sides and start rooting for them! I like this lady or this man! But that person has got to go! When the ruthless evil characters finally go down, you're pumping your fist in the air and going Yeah! A flood of relief washes over you and then you have to remind yourself that it's just a TV show. :)

Image credit: Official poster found at

While seeking and finding more and more historical series to satisfy my K-drama addiction, found “Dong Yi” (2010). This television program is directed by Lee Byung Hoon, who also directed "Jewel in the Palace" (2003).

Reviews indicate that Hoon's 2003 series was extremely successful, so it went on my watch list. But because the 2010 series includes in its cast an admirable child actress, Kim Yoo Jung, who also starred in “Tamra the Island” (2009) and “The Moon Embracing the Sun” (2012) ~ her cute little face drew me in. The series is based on the life of a real historical person: Royal Noble Consort Suk of the Haeju Choi clan.

{Side Note – According to recent reports in South Korean entertainment news publications, Ms. Jung's latest project, “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” aired its first episode during the 4th week of this month, August 2016. It is being well received.  Series at}

Back on point. The child character played by little Ms. Jung, is a “commoner”, i.e. not born into a noble family, who grows up into a beautiful and intelligent, caring and compassionate young woman, played by Han Hyo Joo. The character's name is … what else? Dong Yi!

She went from the child who had everything taken away from her to the woman who had the world laid at her feet. According to all the fortune tellers, “her light” was going to shine brightly in the land of Joseon.

Nothing annoys me more than reviews with spoilers, so extra precaution is taken to constrain myself and not to reveal too much. Here are my impressions so far.

Good start! Series starts off with a very peaceful idyllic scene of a man fishing and enjoying a quiet leisure moment. The silence is immediately shattered when the man is brutally murdered. But before he breathes his last breath, guess who finds him? A young child named Dong Yi!

Good fortune? I'll say! This lady was born under the Lisa Bonet lucky star. She got two hot guys wrapped around her finger! If you know who Lisa Bonet is and you watch this show, then you'll understand my meaning. :)

60 episodes and I've only reached the halfway mark. What's the hook the writers used to keep you interested all the way to the very end? A butterfly! Don't know about everybody else, but I love butterflies! 

28 January 2022

IF you had 50 trillion dollars to start your own country ...

Responded to an Interesting Question Posed on Quora.

Quora is considered as an intelligence community, where minds from around the world gather together to ask questions and get answers. Some of the questions asked are very specific and some are hypothetical presented as a “What If” scenario. This is my response to a “What If” question that was asked.

If you had 50 trillion dollars to start your own country, how would you start doing it?

My Answer:
$50 trillion is NOT enough to start my own country. My country would be the whole world. I need money enough to bribe everybody to live peacefully in a world without borders. ❤☺

(This response was also shared via  This is a social site where you can make friends and earn money sharing your opinions, observations, etc.  Same thing you do on Facebook or other social media only they pay you "a penny for your thoughts".  Joined the site two years ago.  It's loads of fun!  #EarnExtraIncome)

If you had 50 trillion dollars to start your own country, how would you start doing it? - Quora

Read Treathyl Fox's answer to If you had 50 trillion dollars to start your own country, how would you start doing it? on Quora

28 December 2020

The History of Astrology and the Gifts of the Magi

Some people celebrate the Adoration of the Magi every year on January 6.  Read an interesting article about the history of astrology and how it was applied in the beginning. (Reference: Good Heavens! Oldest-Known Astrologer's Board Discovered | Live Science

Per Wikipedia "Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects."
  • I believe the initial use of the real science of astrology (as opposed to pseudoscience), "in the beginning", i.e. used to predict the weather for agriculture purposes, natural disasters, etc., is the correct use or application of astrology. 

The article goes on to state that people began to say they could apply astrology in human affairs for success

  • I believe that "beginning" (of when people started saying how astrology could be applied) could possibly be the beginning of when scam and con artists began to leave their indelible marks on the history of mankind, i.e. deceivers started telling people they could predict their future success by the stars and that deception has continued to this day (psychic readings, hotlines, etc.). 

  • I believe there is only one exception where, not the stars, but a single star, was applied to human affairs for salvation and its appearance lent itself to the prediction of the rise (success) and fall (failure) of many.

*The star that led the wise men to Jesus.* 

Image credit: Star Of Bethlehem by FullMoonMaster on DeviantArt

The visit of the Magi may be a part of the so-called Christmas tradition but more importantly … it's a true story.  

It's an integral part of the most beautiful story ever told.  

Christmas Tradition: The Gifts of the Magi

Christmas Tradition: The Gifts of the Magi

Every year during the month of December, many people direct their minds to the story about the birth of Jesus, revered by faithful Christians as the Savior of the world. Although the nativity scene always shows the three wise men (also called the three kings) adoring a newborn baby and bearing gifts, the biblical account indicates that their visitation did not occur on the night that Mary gave birth.

21 February 2019

02 December 2018

Women of the Bible : Rahab by Eikonik | Found on DeviantArt

Several years ago I wrote a blog post about the harlot/heroine Rahab.  Her story is told in the Bible book of Joshua.  When I published the post I searched diligently for an image depicting her encounter with the Jewish spies sent to spy out the land of Canaan.  (Josh 2: 1-7)  Found an image in the Wikimedia database.  A few years later, after publishing the post, I found an image on DeviantArt by an artist who shares wonderful depictions of events which occurred in ancient Israel - of people and of places.  

The artwork below (following the link and related image to my 2014 blog post) depicts the part of the biblical account where she hid the Jewish spies on her rooftop.  This is a perfect complement to my post previously published here at My Blog Stop! about the woman in the Bible known as Rahab the harlot. 

Women of the Bible: Rahab - The Noble Harlot

Image credit: See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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Image credit:

Rahabby eikonik

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When is a Minority Group a Problem?

Sweden: Jews are not a "problem", as long as there's only a few of them ..." (Source) Odd quote to start off an article with. ( My opinion. ) But if you don't believe or don't read the Bible, then perhaps the statement is logical. (???)

Memorable Battles in Jewish History

SHILOH (not Jerusalem) was at one time the focal point of Israel's worship, where both the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant resided. The Jews took the Ark from Shiloh to Kiriath-Jearim to the battlefield because they thought it would being them victory. They were wrong!

Ethiopian or Philistine? Am I a Dog?

Published this post February 2015 and although the stats show it had a reasonable amount of views and even a few Plus Ones, the question has still not been answered. The question was prompted because of some dialogue in a Denzel Washington movie.

16 July 2018

Artists I Fancy: Kim Kyoung Hwan

Incredibly amazing doesn't even begin to describe this gifted individual.  Magnificent is even an understatement.  See for yourself!

Spotlight on South Korean artist Kim Kyoung Hwan, freelance concept artist and illustrator, digital illustrator, fantasy art, etc.

More by this fantastic artist Kyoung Hwan Kim dba Tahra Art at ArtStation. Love the cat!!  Also view her gallery on DeviantArt.


Tahra art2 cover by tahra on DeviantArt

07 October 2017

The White House’s Pete Souza Has Shot Nearly 2M Photos of Obama, Here are 55 of His Favorites «TwistedSifter (Reblog)

Capturing America's history in photographs.  Especially the "presidential moments".  Whether you liked President Obama or not, he's on his way out and another elected official will be stepping up to fill his shoes. That being said, I love a talented photographer and these photos are priceless. The ones I really like are all the pics of him with kids. My second set of faves are those with his wife. The White House photographer Pete Souza did a good job of preserving historical and precious moments.  :)

Similar Link of Interest:

"John F. Kennedy’s Personal Photographer Looks Back on the Kennedy Years." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 07 Oct. 2016.

09 August 2017

Happy Tree Tuesday ~ Save the Trees ~ Save the Planet

Happy Tree Tuesday to all my tree loving friends out there.   (FYI.  "Tree Tuesday" is every day in my book.  ❤☺)  It's been a while since I shared.  Below are items already posted on Google Plus.  Using the "embed feature" to recycle the content here.  Hope you like the selection.

"The oak tree is epitome of strength, it symbolizes endurance, power, and royal attributes by its sheer size."

What can we learn from trees?

Ever heard of the Judas tree?

There's the pomegranate tree and then ... there's the other pomegranate tree.

Think China will take the lead and save the planet?

Love red? Love bonsai? This is a win-win!

21 June 2017

From Africa to Alabama? That's Quite a Trip! | DYNAMIC AFRICA (Reblog)

English: Great Seal of The State of Alabama
English: Great Seal of The State of Alabama
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Totally cool and interesting. Worth a reblog or share. 250 million years ago? You don't say!!

#EarthDay: Geoscientists have identified a chunk of Africa stuck onto the southeastern United States.

A long mysterious zone of unusual magnetism that stretches from Alabama through Georgia and offshore to the North Carolina coast appears to be the suture between ancient rocks that formed when parts of Africa and North America were pressed together 250 million years ago. ...

Read on. #EarthDay: Geoscientists have identified a chunk... | DYNAMIC AFRICA

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Enhanced by Zemanta

16 May 2017

Update to My First Blog Post at My Blog Stop!

Three years ago during the first week of the month of April 2014, I was just starting up this blog. 

Don't laugh at me, laugh with me. 🤣

If you view my post ~ MyFirst Blog Post at My Blog Stop! Welcome! ~ you will see that out of all of my attempts at publishing blogs, only one blog is still standing as of 2017. Yep yep. All of my Tumblr microblogs took a tumble and went by the wayside. 😞

If at first you don't succeed … cry cry cry … and then try try tryagain!!

Created a brand new Tumblr account and started up two microblogs: FoxNet2017 and FoodWays2017. Sharing two sample posts below.

Created a foodie blog using Blogspot to complement/supplement my affiliate marketing website:

Kept my membership with the Blogjob (BJ) community and continued to share advice for newbie bloggers via My Pain, Your Gain.

Since the BJ community allows more than one blog, created a second blog for affiliate marketing purposes and called it My Shopping Channel.

Still maintaining my Google Plus business page (or brand account), "Home Business Works"; and Google granted me a custom URL for the page (in place of the numerical ID). 

That's the update!

Turn Your Computer Into a Money Machine in 2017: How to make money from home and grow your income fast, with no prior experience! Set up within a week!

23 February 2017

Top Ten Popular Posts at My BlogJob Site - One Year Anniversary!

Thanks to the nifty tool called "Facebook memories", found this reminder about BlogJob, a blogging community that I joined in 2015.  FB memory links to the original blog post.

Updates to this post:  
  • The quote and link to the review that was supplied in that post (dated 2014) is outdated.  In May 2016, the site owners stopped their Points Program which was the primary monetary incentive for signing up.  The owners have continued to make the platform available free for the users.  Some chose to keep their blogs published at the site.  Some left.  I stayed. 
  •  Also, my BlogJob blog name and tagline changed to:
Blog Title: My Pain, Your Gain
Tagline:  Advice for newbies and others who want to work at home. Learn from my mistakes.

  1. BlogJob has a very good Alexa ranking;
  2. Too much work is required to republish my content; 
  3. There is a revenue-share plan (if you have a Google Ad Sense account: 75/25 - owner's favor); and 
  4. You can use affiliate referral links (no sharing; you keep 100% of commissions earned). 

In fact, because affiliate products are allowed, in November 2016, after encouragement from a fellow blogger, I started a new blog called My Shopping Channel.  

However, as to whether new members are being accepted?  That decision is in the hands of the site owners.  I do not direct aspiring bloggers to the site.  But I also don't discourage people from visiting and finding out on their own.  What I can say is that not many bloggers have been signing up, since the Points Program was discontinued.

In my previous post, a year ago, I provided links to my most popular posts at the time.  Below are links to personally selected posts that you may find informative, entertaining or both.  Hope you visit and please leave comments to let me know you were there.  Thanks so much!

The Book is For All People

The Book is For All People

Believers and non-believers have argued and debated about the facts presented in the Book aka the Bible, for thousands of years. Is it true or is it false? No consensus has ever been reached. But both groups agree that the scriptures are fascinating reading.

How To Decorate Your Blog Sidebar?

How To Decorate Your Blog Sidebar?

There are various templates available for bloggers which can be customized to reflect your "personality". Some templates offer a slide presentation at the top of the blog. Those are great! Never used one. Have tried. But have trouble figuring out which blog posts to showcase.

Writers Who Battled with Depression

Writers Who Battled with Depression

A couple of years ago read an article titled "Depression: 10 Great Authors Who Battled with This Mental Illness"** . It was a very informative read. ...

Nimrod and the 'Gate of God'

Nimrod and the 'Gate of God'

If you come from a Judaeo-Christian background, then you might be familiar with the story of Babel because you were probably taught about it as a child. If you are unfamiliar with the biblical account, it tells of the time when everyone on earth all spoke the same language but God confused the languages.