Showing posts with label entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entertainment. Show all posts

19 May 2020

Entertainment: Movie Review: "The Preacher's Wife" (1996)

In the mood for a movie that is charming, silly, and sweet?  Well, this film is perfect!  The Preacher's Wife ” is a movie that starred the late Whitney Houston (1963 - 2012) and Denzel Washington.  It's a delightful remake of the 1947 classic which starred Cary Grant and Loretta Young, "The Bishop's Wife".

Yeah! I know. No angel Dudley mentioned in the Bible.

Come to think of it? No angel mentioned anywhere except for this movie!

Ms. Houston's character is married to a preacher. Hence the film's title. Her marital relationship could use some "outside" or even "heavenly" intervention if it is to be saved.

The Preacher's Wife

The movie was OK. Not worth an academy award nomination. But the soundtrack makes it worth watching. Especially this particular song: Step by Step.  

“Step by step. … bit by bit … stone by stone … brick by brick … Don't give up! …”

* * *
Original Content Source:  Persona Paper

08 April 2020

Entertainment: Movie Review : The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

For sci-fi fans and fans of Jake Gyllenhaal. I remember listening to a review by one of the critics that made me laugh. Paraphrasing his words, basically, he said:

  • “This is a typical storyline. Something devastating or catastrophic is going to happen on earth. And of course, the one who knows what it is, what to do, and tries to warn others is the very person that nobody listens to!!

This is a lighthearted movie review of a 2004 sci-fi film. Even though it’s 15 years old (as of 2019), it’s still relevant today. Plus! Fans of Jake Gyllenhaal, who want to know what he looked like as a teenager, will love this movie!

What the Official Movie Critics Said

Several official critics had a lot to say about “The Day After Tomorrow”. I remember a review by one of the official critics that made me laugh. Paraphrasing his words, he said:
  • “This is a typical storyline. Something devastating or catastrophic is going to happen on earth. Of course, there is one person who knows what it is, what to do, and tries to warn others is the very person that nobody listens to!!

What This Unofficial Movie Reviewer Says

If you believe in climate change, you’ll understand the storyline. What’s going to happen is there is going to be a drastic change in the weather and there will be freezing cold temperatures. Cold enough that people will die. If you believe in cryogenics, people won’t die. They’ll be instantly frozen. They can be thawed out later.

The Day After Tomorrow – Official® Trailer

Watched this movie and don’t want to spoil it for those who may not have seen it. (Although you might guess The End through the “hints” woven in between the lines of this discussion.)

Most Memorable Movie Scene

For me, there was only one memorable scene in the movie; a scene worth remembering because I love libraries.
In this scene, there is a group of people in a room in a library. It’s getting really cold! They have to do something to stay warm and since they’re in a library, they start burning books, grabbing any book within their reach and throwing it in the fireplace. They get ready to grab this one book and the man holding on it to refuses to let it go!
He goes: “You’re not burning this book!” He spills out his various reasons why “The Book” must not be destroyed.
Some debate and try to reason with him. Others are about to physically struggle to take the book away from him. Someone yells out that they have found an alternative set of books. No doubt every American would love to burn them! This is not one book. It is a set and has volumes upon volumes upon volumes. The group consensus is: “Yeah! Let’s burn those!!”
To me, that scene was totally hilarious fiction. The scene was also realistic. You could almost visualize that scenario actually happening in real life. If you’re an American taxpayer, you know you’ve thought of burning the U.S. Tax Code.

My Unofficial Movie Rating?  3.5 out of 5 stars and I’m being generous.

* * *
Links of Interest:
We need better laws to protect the rights of future frozen cryonicists: Cryogenics is facing legal trouble with body preservation — Quartz

Content first published at

06 March 2020

Top Ten TV Cartoon Characters from the 1950s and 1960s | ReelRundown

Have to share this awesome throwback. Saturday morning cartoons are such a wonderful memory.

05 March 2020

Entertainment: Classic Movies: The Manchurian Candidate

I heart vintage classic movies.  Don't you?

- The Manchurian Candidate (1962 original) which starred Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey, along with Angela Lansbury, is now a vintage classic.

- The 2004 movie remake starring Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep had the blessings of Tina Sinatra, daughter of the late Frank Sinatra.

The movies were film adaptations based on a novel, a 1959 Cold War thriller written by Richard Condon.

Both films are worth watching. But only of them is the best!

Published a detailed movie review at
* Movie Review: The Manchurian Candidate

* * *

Similar Posts Here at My Blog Stop!:

Classic Movies and History

Superhero Movies: Gladiator (2000)

Classic Movies: The Wreck of the Mary Deare (1959)

20 February 2020

Entertainment: Music: Throwback: Randy Crawford ~ Everything Must Change

"Everything Must Change" is a timeless classic. - In life, everybody sings this song, if they live.

"Everything Must Change" is one of those songs that if an artist dares to mess this up when performing it, there will be no forgiveness for sins. Nope!! The song police will be called by me and I will demand that they are arrested! STOPPED!!!

* Randy Crawford – who could never sing any song in a way that would displease anybody – sang this song and stamped it in my memory. Nobody has a voice like this woman.

* My husband found a rendition by the late but still awesomely great Nina Simone.

* Found a duet performance with the inimitably soulful Chaka Khan and unquestionably soulful Simply Red.

They can all relax. Will not have to call the song police for any of them.

  • IN MEMORY OF:  Nina Simone (1933 – 2003)

Entertainment: Music: Throwback: I Don't Wanna Fight ~ Tina Turner

I admire Tina Turner. She was a strong soul sista. There came a time in her life when she was a “turning point”. She is a role model for women who are in abusive relationships. She shows them what they need to do. Especially if children are involved. I liked this song because I can feel Tina's heart and soul in it when she sings it. Her heart was bleeding and she knew the best way was to just move on. She picked up the pieces and walked off!!

Image credit:
Tina Turner Wallpaper by eltonandtinafan, on Flickr

In my opinion, “All the Best – The Hits” and “Simply the Best” are her “best”! 

She is retired now and for your information, she performed her last concert in Austin, Texas, my current hometown.  I did not attend but according to those who did, she was Tina Turner all the way to the end!!  :)

Gifts for Music Lovers : Aretha Franklin Sings The Great Diva Classics

Gifts for Music Lovers: Duke Ellington Album: Far East Suite

Entertainment: Music: Throwback: It Came From the '90s: Janet Jackson (Reblog)

This is a great blog with a great blog post.  The link that the blog publisher meant to share was to a music video for one of my favorite Janet Jackson songs.  Unfortunately, the video in the post is no longer available.  But the post along with its content is available and it's a really good read.  Check it out!  (I found the YT video and put it in this post.)

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Photo credit: By Rich Esteban - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Entertainment: Music: Throwback: Vanessa L. Williams : The Right Stuff (1988)

Hello! Thanks for visiting. We're doing a little bit of "housekeeping". Several posts published via this blog and tagged "entertainment" are being moved to their new blog home. Apologize for the inconvenience.  

15 February 2020

Little Known Black History Fact: Lee Wesley Gibson and Ben Isaacs

Mr. Gibson or “George” passed away at the age of 107 and is noted in the records as the oldest surviving member of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.

Ben Isaacs dies at 107; oldest Pullman porter

  • Obituary published August 18, 2012 in LA Times: Excerpt:  “Records kept by the A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum in Chicago had recognized 102-year-old Lee Wesley Gibson of Los Angeles as being the oldest living Pullman porter until Isaacs — born five years earlier than Gibson — came forward in 2010.”

Originally posted on Majic 102.1:
At 101 years old, Lee Wesley Gibson of Keatchie, Louisiana is the oldest surviving member of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Gibson served as a pullman porter for 38 years. Back in the day, the job of pullman porter was considered a middle-class position, something Gibson, who was raised by a poor single mom, took pride in.

It doesn't matter.  The fact is that both men are in the records and both deserve to be remembered because we all need to be REMINDED that they were unique individual men who each had a name.  THEIR OWN NAME!  A name that some guy couldn't be bothered with learning.  What was that guy's name?  I know he had a name.  Sadly, people don't remember his name fondly.

03 February 2020

Movie Review : 'Mahogany' Taught the True Value of Being a Success

"Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with."

That's my takeaway quote from the 1975 film "Mahogany".

Agree or disagree?

There was once a time when Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams were an "item"; for movie couples, that is. They had great onscreen chemistry but never a real-life romance.

They had a romantic relationship in the film Mahogany (1975).  A movie that is memorable for its really nice theme song and great fashion; especially that Bob Mackie rainbow dress Ms. Ross wore in one of the scenes. When it comes to fashion, beauty, and style though, in real life, Ms. Ross was and still is one of the best-dressed women in the entertainment business; onscreen and off. Click through to view a fabulous gown she's wearing in the video for this September 2014 article:

Diana Ross : Still a 'Supreme' Performer

Diana Rossby peterpicture /  /  / ©2018 peterpicture

Nothing much to say about this motion picture that you can't look up on Wikipedia. That quote about success struck a chord with me though.  That's it!  That's my movie review.

Mahogany (1975)


* * *

20 January 2020

Entertainment History: Gene Kelly was a Heart Throb

Have always loved Gene Kelly (1912 - 1996). The dancer with muscles like Popeye the Sailor.  According to the Urban Dictionary (which I'm now finding myself referring to as often as Merriam Webster), this is the Top Definition of a "heartthrob":

A person of superior physical quality who inspires amorous emotions of the opposite sex.
Yep! That would be Gene Kelly! Loved this guy!!

Gene Kelly

Enviously watching him dance effortlessly with all his leading ladies and Jerry Mouse, and adoring him dancing all by himself in the rain.   

He created such wonderful childhood memories for me.   

Have to save this tweet, share this video, and also sharing a link to a site for loyal fans, aptly named Gene Kelly Fans.

Image credits:  Gene Kelly promo pic for "Singing in the Rain" - Found on Pinterest, pinned by MovieGuide, to Leading Men of the Silver Screen board; original source: A Trip Down Memory Lane (

07 January 2020

Kings of France Named Louis Per BBC Comedy (?)

Do you enjoy European history and British comedy TV shows? My spouse introduced me to BBC programs back in the 70s.  Fawlty Towers was one of my favorites. 
Unfortunately, there is one show that I vaguely recall but can't remember the name or the names of any of the people in it, so it's hard for me to search for it. Perhaps if I tell what I can remember, somebody out there in cyberspace will help me fill in the blank.
So in this episode, there was a guy who impersonating the king of France. “A” king of France. The king's name was Louis. That part was clear. The confusion was over the monarch's number. So the guy who was supposed to be king – every time somebody left the room after speaking with him and another person would come in to talk to him, he would forget which number “Louis” he was. One time, he's Louis the 14th. Next time he's the 16th. The 10th? The 12th? He didn't know!

Image Credit »

It was hilarious! But didn't quite fully appreciate the humor, not being familiar with the history of France. Did a little research to figure out just how many kings of France were named Louis. There were eighteen (18). Eighteen kings of France ruled from the 7th century to the 18th century. Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor of France after Louis 16th got his head chopped off. Louis XVII died in prison. Louis XVIII ruled as a constitutional monarch. (If there's a student of French history who knows different, feel free to correct me.)

Can anybody name of the BBC TV show?
* * * 

Content first appeared Feb 16, 2015 at

Brief of History of France / myLot

Passing this along. Collect things about Paris and am moderately interested in the history of France. Anyone here from France or have a passion for European...

02 January 2020

Jazz, America's Original Art Form ~ Cool Tweets for Where to Find Great Jazz!

"Jazz does not belong to one race or culture, but is a gift that America has given the world."
- Ahmad Alaadeen


* * * Do you know of any other sites where great jazz can be found?  Leave a comment.

03 November 2019

Gift for Music Lovers: Aretha Franklin is Still Queen

Aretha Louise Franklin 

(Mar 25, 1942 – Aug 16, 2018) 

“The Queen Of Soul”

"When it comes to listening to the undisputed Queen of Soul, no persuasion is needed. ... Her vocal performances never disappoint."

Con't reading ...

Gifts for Music Lovers : Aretha Franklin Sings The Great Diva Classics

Inner Life of Music

© Photographer: Agsandrew | Agency:

Aretha Franklin birthplace at 406 Lucy Avenue ... 
Aretha Franklin birthplace at 406 Lucy Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee. (Snow flurries in the pictures.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

21 October 2019

Witchcraft and Witch Hunting : Past and Present

There was a dark period in the history of mankind when witch-hunting was the order of the day. It began with official approval from Pope Innocent VII in 1484 and continued until around the 17th century when it reached its climax in England, Scotland, and America.  That was the past.

This is the present.  It’s the 21st century. We’re all much more civilized and intelligent than those people were back then. Aren’t we? (O.o)  Nobody is going to whip us up into frenzied mania and have us pointing a finger of accusation at someone, torturing a confession out of them, and still putting them to death for being a witch!

The past is in the past. Fortunately, my only exposure to witches and witchcraft was and is wearing a costume on Halloween or watching the Wizard of Oz. These days, most people like me limit themselves to adding collectibles like the reproductions pictured below of Glinda, the Good Witch of the North to their wish list; or sitting at home and watching The Wizard of Oz on DVD or Amazon Instant Video. Can you believe it has been 75 years? The movie was released in 1939. Listening to Judy Garland sing “Over the Rainbow” never gets old. Might be a good idea to plan an afternoon or evening watching the original movie classic; the Walt Disney prequel, Oz The Great and Powerful; and The Wiz, starring Diana Ross and the late Michael Jackson.

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies!
A Triple Feature! Starts at Noon. 

BYOP! (Bring Your Own Popcorn!)

The Wizard of Oz:75th Anniversary Edition

Oz The Great and Powerful(Mila Kunis; Rachel Weisz)

The Wiz:30th Anniversary

Amazon Best Sellers in Witch & Wizard Mysteries

* * *

The Snowman-Costa Rica Link

Ever see the movie “The Falcon and the Snowman” (1985)*? It provides a very convincing argument for buying real estate in Costa Rica.

*(View the official movie trailer.)

The Falcon and the Snowman starred Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn.   I think the movie should be incorporated into an orientation training class for all civil servants who work in the law enforcement agencies – CIA, NSA, ICE, FBI, etc.   The movie was intense. Riveting! A favorite word used by official movie critics. The best part of the movie for me is David Bowie and Pat Metheny on the soundtrack.   But I digress.

dvdThe movie is about a young guy (Christopher Boyce, played by Timothy Hutton) who works for the government and learns that “things” are not what they appear to be and feels betrayed by his country. He gets angry about it – as any red-blooded patriot would – and decides to sells secrets to “The Enemy”. He recruits his childhood friend (Daulton Lee, played by Sean Penn) who is a dope head! Long story short. In the end they both go to prison. In between, Mr. Lee gets caught and accused of murder. Of course, he didn’t commit the murder but that didn’t stop the law enforcement authorities who captured him from grilling him, thoroughly interrogating him, and torturing him to get the truth out of him.

After all is said and done – they say “He did!,” – he say ”He didn’t! He’s just a tourist, a businessman.” – there’s a scene where he’s about to be released and a man walks in and says something to the effect: “We’re going to give you 2 choices.” Before the man could tell what the choices were, Mr. Lee (Sean Penn) looks up at the guy, weary, scared, demoralized and says in questioning tone of voice: “Costa Rica?”


I thought to myself: ‘Now ain’t that sumthin! They done beat the crap about this boy and he is totally weakened and confused, but he still had the clarity of mind to try to negotiate to get sent to Costa Rica!!’ :)


Costa Rica Map (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Costa RicaThis is not a movie review.

Those were introductory remarks to bring the reader to the real topic to be discussed in this post:



Costa Rica means “Rich Coast”.
  • Capital:   San Jose
  • Primary Language: Spanish
  • Location:  Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Nicaragua and Panama.
Located in the heart of Central America, thousands of tourists decide on Costa Rica as their top travel choice. Why wouldn’t they? Exquisite tropical beaches, entertaining and stimulating culture, adventurous – a land of volcanoes, rain forests, waterfalls, and rivers – and wonder-filled! – natural parks and amazing diving! It’s ideal for a vacation. In fact, the prestigious British newspaper, Daily Mail, recommended Costa Rica as the “perfect destination” for nature and adventure enthusiasts. Ref:  DAILY MAIL article, January 19, 2011.

So for people considering Living, Visiting, or Retiring in Costa Rica, click here to obtain a Free Costa Rica Fact Sheet -OR- click here to find out more about Costa Rica -OR- click here to see what others – possibly “tourists” – have written about it:  Costa Rica – Central America –